Bought an S2000!

18 Oct 2002
Lake District
Tyres wear fine though too, which is admittedly on the inside edge but that's quite normal for the stock geo anyway.

Only time I would consider getting it done is uneven tyre wear or unpredictable handling.
18 Oct 2002
That's a strange attitude to have IMO. Why wouldn't you want to know you are getting what you paid for when buying into a well handling sports car?
18 Oct 2002
Lake District
Because it handles a world apart from anything I've driven? It doesn't feel unstable, only when tread gets low on damp roads which is nothing out of the ordinary.

More likely to come a cropper with it skipping over the bumpy broken up roads, which is why I don't drive it hard.
16 Jul 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands
I can't help but think that car is a waste over there.

I doubt you need any geometry as you don't go fast enough to justify it. I only noticed the difference on the limit

Forbid anyone to actually buy a car they like on Jersey because it's a waste, compared to driving legally at 70 in straight lines. Pssst, unless you're a complete nugget on public roads, taking cars on a track is where it's at.
6 Feb 2006
Seller is still aiwaiting the V5 from the DVLA after taking his private reg off. The wait is killing me. Two RE050A's ordered for the rear. Going to get an oil change done once I've picked it up, anyone any experience with this oil?

Seems a pretty good price for everything.

Get an FIPK on it asap by the way. Then hear that VTEC howl.

Already decided on the FIPK, will pick one up at some point, it sounds awesome. Got a holiday and and a borked boiler to pay for first though :mad:
13 Jan 2004
The reason you (collective) cannot see any reason for a geometry/an S2000 in Jersey is because you have:

1 - Never driven my car prior to the geo being done
2 - Driven on the roads I drive on
3 - Driven my car after the geo has been done

How could you ever see a difference? Tip - You cannot.

Prior to geometry it was crashy, unsettled and unpredictable. After the geo it was far more planted. I do not care what people think, only what I observe and experience myself.

S2000 is just as wasted in the UK as it is anywhere else in the world. It's a convertible 2 seater roadster that has handling aspects and a highly revving engine. It's arguably less wasted in Jersey than others cars because it has more redeeming factors outside of e-peen performance metrics like how many Gs it pulls in a corner or it's 0-62 time. (Tip 2 - It's different and is a convertible. You could happily drive and enjoy one without ever using VTEC if it so suited you and it would not be a 'waste')

Motors - Whines that someone has never done a geometry and is worth it for tyre longevity alone.
Motors - Thinks a geometry is useless below a certain speed limit, period.
Motors - Thinks any car capable of going more than the speed limit or has handling limits beyond what the speed limit allows for is a waste of time.
Motors - Drive cars that have performance beyond the regional speed limits and handling beyond what the speed limit allows for.

Do you need to be a Best Motoring touge driver on your daily commute to warrant a geometry or any handling changes at all?

Why is this debate even being brought up in this section.

"Vehicle X is TOTALLY wasted in country Y" is a General Discussion Subject and beyond rational Motors discussion. Most of us in here drive cars that are 'wasted' (If being able to drive it on the edge is your measurement) and who of us are driving anywhere near to the ragged edges of the limit on a regular basis to make Vehicle X 'worth it' unless we are driving like bell ends on public roads?

Has Motors forgotten people buy cars they like the look of, enjoy driving and above all else, want despite any other considerations coming from the sensible box? Or should well all sell up and buy the best MPG, cheapest, best handling within Speed Limit Y/Road Layout Z car that is available at the time and ignore anything else?
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19 Oct 2002
Shakespeare’s County
Whats 'a geometry' bearing in mind no two places will set it the same as each other....

Which means you're at the mercy of the specialist.

Considering we dont live in India or China then seized close to Honda setting might be better for you than a setup car by Mr pull fingers out the air for your tyres and dampers etc? Which i think will always be the point when it comes to geometry setup discussion rather than saying 1 is absolutley right and one not. Obviously the combination of different cars condition, driver preferances and setups will give differing results and hence opinions on effectiveness.


The speed limit is Jersey is 35mph, so I guess this is your admission you ignore it :p
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21 Oct 2002
Im not really sure why you are being like that.

I have had 'geometry' infact Honda did it for me when they built the car too. When I got it done (mainly due to the replacement of worn bushes) I had more optimised settings - this did not cause a night and day difference. Infact I drove a completely standard one last night and it wasn't much different on the road - this is where my point about only really noticing on the limit. It can alter the feeback, self correction (castor) and stability on the limit - especially if set up to 4 wheel slide like an S2000 can. The way people think its makes a massive difference is by dialling out the snap oversteer reponse which is a trait of the OE rear toe angles. Going for less static toe helps in this regard, combined with the heavier steering of more castor, is what makes people think it has transformed the car. The rest of it is just making sure the wheels point the right way.
This isn't even touching the subject of camber or high levels of roll induced camber which you need large lateral forces to get the benefit of (again higher speeds than 35mph).

The issues geometry fixed (crashiness etc) will be due to worn bushes or bushes seized whilst binding the suspension. I will state now that the changes you seen here were due to the replacement of suspension parts rather than the specific alignment values.

Oh a in terms of e-peen or image, geometry wont help. The only thing that helps here is lowering you car to improve e-peen of photos posted. I think we all agree this only leads to compromised suspension angles and increased bump steer.

My comment was based on my experiences of an S2000 which has had many different iterations of tyres, damper settings and 'geometry'. its nothing do to with 'OCUK motors'. I want to try and avoid people thinking a 'geo' setup is crucial when in my experience it's not the revelation it is made out to be on the internet.

I see the same with **** tyre purchase justification syndrome and also people who fit poly bushed and ignore the negative effects of them.
21 Oct 2002
S2000 is just as wasted in the UK as it is anywhere else in the world. It's a convertible 2 seater roadster that has handling aspects and a highly revving engine. It's arguably less wasted in Jersey than others cars because it has more redeeming factors outside of e-peen performance metrics like how many Gs it pulls in a corner or it's 0-62 time. (Tip 2 - It's different and is a convertible. You could happily drive and enjoy one without ever using VTEC if it so suited you and it would not be a 'waste')

I've read this several times now, I still can't really see what you are trying to say. I think you havent driven many other cars and you think the S2000 is the ultimate car - I see this a lot in your posts about them.

I didnt buy it cause its a convertible or different, i bought it for the way it drives.
18 Oct 2002
North Wales
I see the same with **** tyre purchase justification syndrome and also people who fit poly bushed and ignore the negative effects of them.

Simon, just wondering what the negative effects of poly bushes are? (Other than ride quality). Mine has poly bushes when the old ones were replaced, just curious for your thoughts on them and if it should effect my tyre choice next time around (or anything else for that matter).
16 Jul 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands
Yes cause all roads in England are straight

Smart ***** :p
Passive aggressive if anything, you know what I'm talking about.

By the way, the speed limit is 40, not 35 and before you go "oh woooooow 5 mph more!" every single time I was in the UK it was 50mph on roads that weren't straight, also if you still don't realise it, I insinuated that driving any faster without a trackday = on a motorway = 70 = boring straight lines.

I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, the UK is a preeeeeetyyy big place and speed limits may vary(be faster) but last I knew/saw most places with tight bends don't exactly have amazingly faster limits than here.
You also act like it's a competition, or like it means anything, unless you're a complete moron who drives wreckless on a public road, what is your point on owning any car on the roads?

I have a mustang, on Jersey, I've taken it to a few car events (where I can speed) over here, Sin_Chase has taken his S2K on trackdays in the UK, after all we both like cars and want something we like and want to take our cars to other places where you can speed as much as you can handle it, legally.
What it sounds like from our perspective is that, that's not a good enough reason to own or mod a, how would you put it, a more than normal car on Jersey?

I think you havent driven many other cars and you think the S2000 is the ultimate car - I see this a lot in your posts about them.

You mistake him being detailed and enthusiastic about a certain car for thinking he thinks it's the best.
What an absurd thing to think.
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