Bourbon, Rye and American Whiskey

Tried a new one today, Old Williamsburg Bourbon.

Screw cap and never heard of it so had my doubts, but its actually a decent bottle, very smooth.

Not quite as good as Makers Mark/Woodford/Bulleit which are also generally cheaper, but not bad.

I have another one I have not tried before either up next.
Next one, Henry McKenna Bourbon.

Very similar to Old Williamsburg actually, not quite as good but barely anything in it. Tastes very similar to Wild Turkey this one. Not bad.

Pleased I've tried both of these, both were good bottles, I wouldn't rush out to get them again though given they were both low £30 bottles, better out there for the money, but good none the less.
I just been through a bottle of Eagle Rare, it's from the Buffalo Trace distillery, and usually about £35 so you think it would be good.

Couple of years since I had it wasn't sure then, this time round I'm like nah, never again.
I've only tried Longbranch which is really good.

Rare Breed is pretty expensive a bit outside what I'd feel comfortable spending on a bottle even if on offer, I've never paid more than about £35 on a bottle, and that's a rare occasion.

Can you cancel the subscribe and save straight after, or would that look suspicious?
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I just been through a bottle of Eagle Rare, it's from the Buffalo Trace distillery, and usually about £35 so you think it would be good.

Couple of years since I had it wasn't sure then, this time round I'm like nah, never again.

It is one that gets raved about, I foudn it pretty average tbh, I grabbed a few bottles when it was £19 tho
Think I still prefer standard JimBeam to it al all honesty
Yea iny opinion Jim Beam is pretty nasty, worse than Jack Daniels straight.

But if you can drink it fair play, taste is subjective of course.
My Woodford Reserve is on its last legs. :( Any offers about?

Yes mate loads at the moment on Amazon.

Knob Creek £25
Bulleit £20
Jack Daniels Legacy (green packaging) £21.99

All the above are really good and good deals.

Edit: Just ordered a bottle of the Jack Daniels and Bulleit myself. I have a bottle of Knob Creek on the go at the moment.
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Not keen on Knob Creek myself, I have a nearly empty bottle of Wild Turkey Longbranch which is nice, but wouldn't pay the normal price for it. I got it on the offer mentioned in here a week or so ago.
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