Boy removed from school in transgender rights row

How is that a "fact" why are gender and sex not the same thing?

By definition. Sex is physiological. Gender is anything in any way associated with sex. Two different ideas, two different words. It makes more sense that way.

For example:

Pink in the UK used to be gendered strongly masculine then was changed to being gendered extremely feminine and is now gendered very feminine with some attempts being made to gender it less feminine.

Pink doesn't have a sex.

The problem is that people often mash the two together, saying things like "pink is a girl's colour". Even many people who say they're not the same thing still often talk about them as being the same thing and that's becoming much more true due to the current politicalisation of sex and gender. So, for example, most people refered to as transgender are actually transsexual and that's a very different thing. This pressure to confuse the two stems from and ties in with feminism and other fashionable irrational prejudices, by associating as much as possible with the biological group identities that believers in such ideologies believe in so devoutly and by shoring up the belief in simple discrete groups (as required for belief in biological group identities).
I can't help thinking that thanks to parents pushing their sharp elbows into the NHS, there are going to be a lot of messed up teenagers in 10 years time.

Treating infants, wtf!?
Think people need to break it down a little. When young people (article has a graph for as young as 3) but lets say between 3-13 atleast, what experience does a boy/girl have to determine they are born in the wrong body?

I mean are parents concluding that their little Timmy must be born in the wrong body because he likes pink/ dolls/ dance/ insert social construct etc? Or does Timmy himself believe he is born in the wrong body because he enjoys things that society might associate with girly?

Not so long ago it would have been 'Ah my Timmy might be camp'


Why can't a boy or a girl like boy or girl things and just be a boy or girl?

What pre-teen has enough experience in sexuality/ gender roles to make an accurate conclusion?

It is madness and a mental illness. These people need help and they should receive it. Flowering it up and telling them they can be anything they want just makes things worst longer down the road.

Pretty sure there was a study that showed happiness did not improve in the majority of transgenders (now tran sexual) post op. Which should highlight that it there is something wrong there mentally.

I am not against transgenders and transexuals. If they want to do what they want to do let them. But give them the help/ support they need whilst simultaneously not bowing to the demands of an extreme minority.
The most effective and fairest solution would be to treat gender as what it really is - some trends and therefore not applicable to any individual.

That would remove all the pressure and remove the pointless and harmful merging of sex and gender. It served a purpose in the past, but it serves no purpose in modern society except as a tool some people can use to get power they shouldn't have and cause harm they shouldn't be able to cause.

If we remove the idea that gender is the same as sex and something that everyone must conform to, the whole idea of "transgender" becomes meaningless nonsense because there's no changing to do. If everyone is free to be whatever mashup of whatever degree of masculine and feminine things suits them, there's no need for anyone to change. If everyone knows that sex and gender are different things, there's no pressure for a person to change their sex to conform to ideas about gender. That would leave only those people who have a mismatch with their own sex not fitting in and they can get better treatment if they're not being confused with people who don't entirely conform to fashions regarding gender.
I self identify as a girl who can turn into a fighter jet.
Here at OcUK, we are committed to embrace diversity and respect people and machines of all types, genders and constructions.

Would you be more comfortable using the ladies' bathroom or the mid-air refuelling jet?

Scratch that. Here at OcUK we are just committed.
Your post made it seem like these doctors are making people have procedures and treatment that they dont need, just to make money.

No one needs a sex change. There's a massive difference between being brainwashed by society into wanting things, and actually needing something. I highly doubt most males who want to be a woman, need to be a woman.
Think people need to break it down a little. When young people (article has a graph for as young as 3) but lets say between 3-13 atleast, what experience does a boy/girl have to determine they are born in the wrong body?

I mean are parents concluding that their little Timmy must be born in the wrong body because he likes pink/ dolls/ dance/ insert social construct etc? Or does Timmy himself believe he is born in the wrong body because he enjoys things that society might associate with girly?

Not so long ago it would have been 'Ah my Timmy might be camp'


Why can't a boy or a girl like boy or girl things and just be a boy or girl?

What pre-teen has enough experience in sexuality/ gender roles to make an accurate conclusion?

It is madness and a mental illness. These people need help and they should receive it. Flowering it up and telling them they can be anything they want just makes things worst longer down the road.

Pretty sure there was a study that showed happiness did not improve in the majority of transgenders (now tran sexual) post op. Which should highlight that it there is something wrong there mentally.

I am not against transgenders and transexuals. If they want to do what they want to do let them. But give them the help/ support they need whilst simultaneously not bowing to the demands of an extreme minority.

You wouldn’t have said that 10 years ago. Due to no lynch mob from social media.
How long before it's cool to be a schizophrenic and people all start listening to that other person inside or blaming them for anything wrong they do?

'we can't bring Dave up on charges for theft, it was his alter ego and we can't punish Dave for a Jim did!'

Why are we not helping people with psychological disorders rather than making it the norm?

It's all getting a little out of hand really.
You wouldn’t have said that 10 years ago. Due to no lynch mob from social media.

You're right, I wouldn't have explicitly said that. It is a shame that it's come to the point where you have to clarify in no uncertain terms before a social media mob descend on you for having a different view to them.
How long before it's cool to be a schizophrenic and people all start listening to that other person inside or blaming them for anything wrong they do?

'we can't bring Dave up on charges for theft, it was his alter ego and we can't punish Dave for a Jim did!'

Why are we not helping people with psychological disorders rather than making it the norm?

It's all getting a little out of hand really.
Oh goody, let's talk about more things we don't understand.

Schizophrenia is not dissociative identity disorder.
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It has become more common for parents to google something and get suckered into one trend or another, with refusing their children's vaccinations and such. When their child is confused i suppose it gives the parents a semblance of control and power over their child's distress or discomfort by calling them xxx and yyy and referring them to treatments that they don't need. The US has had reports of children taking hormones and going through operations which doctors advised against prior to maturing both in a physical sense and mental sense.

Now our system may not have the freedom to let parents go as wild as the US, the current parent trend seems to be an insistence on putting a label on everyone and everything for the sake of acknowledgement and acceptance. While i understand the reasoning behind it, that acknowledging someone as different may make them seem more comfortable, less marginalized and labeling them assigns them to a group of people so that they know they are not alone - It all seems somewhat a bit backward in that while we should acknowledge some people different, confused and uncomfortable, i don't think it is particularly healthy to point at people and say 'you are part of one group and that persons another', as many do not feel comfortable in the first place and so seek for another role that may make them feel right. The truth is that the roles are just social constructs and naming more social constructs in the hope that people just feel better with the right label won't ever work as well as doing away with the idea that there are set labels. Some or most people are uncomfortable with themselves at some point in their life for one reason or another and blaming it on a label just postpones their discomfort and either works or often ends in disappointment when they continue to not feel right with themselves.
Kids love attention. When they are the centre of attention they will prolong whatever they are doing, to remain the centre of attention. I can't help but feel that a "single digit years old kid" who is getting lots of attention, doesn't know what is really going on but is loving the attention they are getting and will happily go on doing whatever their parents want, to keep the attention on them.
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