Boy removed from school in transgender rights row

Kids love attention. When they are the centre of attention they will prolong whatever they are doing, to remain the centre of attention. I can't help but feel that a "single digit years old kid" who is getting lots of attention, doesn't know what is really going on but is loving the attention they are getting and will happily go on doing whatever their parents want, to keep the attention on them.

Your post had the same word repeated so much that i read it in Trumps voice. That said i understand where you are coming from
There already is. It's the biggest killer of men between 30-50 in the UK afaik. You just don't hear about it as much as the pretend problems like this one.
I'm really going to need a citation for the issue of male suicide being at all significantly to do with gender issues.

Although perhaps that's your point.
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One would hope nothing more than psychological evaluation at such a young age and certainly not messing with their hormones at the parents insistence.

Your hope is exactly what happens. Hormones aren’t available on the NHS until 16.
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There already is. 48% of trans teens attempt suicide at least once.

The hysteria in the right-wing press about trans teens accessing medical services is really harmful to these children.

Hysteria? I've not seen much in the way of hysteria. I've seen people advocating that we shouldn't be exposing our children to this stuff from such an early age.

I've also seen studies that suggest happiness doesn't improve in the majority of individuals once they have access to medical services.

Sooner we accept this as a mental illness and treat it as such the better the quality of life for everyone involved.
I'm really going to need a citation for the issue of male suicide being at all significantly to do with gender issues.

Although perhaps that's your point.

Ah you edited your post from just asking for a citation. Guessing you found out he was right :P

He was just commenting on 'there will be an epedemic of male suicides in years to come. Pointing out it is already the biggest killer for U.K. males under 50 (might be 45).
Thats going back some years, IIRC anonymous ddosed the company until they fired the woman.

It was a few years ago, yes. Point is vonhelmet is basing an argument on "No smoke without fire". Not only is that logically not true but I provided a case of someone being fired because someone got offended when overhearing a very mild joke. And it happened because you have a lot of people on a hair trigger waiting to "punish" anyone they identify as the enemy. That's a problem. Increasingly, under the guise of tolerance, we are seeing the opposite. No give whatsoever and cries for blood at the slightest transgression.
Ah you edited your post from just asking for a citation. Guessing you found out he was right :p

He was just commenting on 'there will be an epedemic of male suicides in years to come. Pointing out it is already the biggest killer for U.K. males under 50 (might be 45).
I'd misread suicides as studies and got totally the wrong end of the stick!
Hysteria? I've not seen much in the way of hysteria. I've seen people advocating that we shouldn't be exposing our children to this stuff from such an early age.

Yesterday The Church of England issued advice on letting kids pick anything that want from dress-up boxes without being judged or bullied.

It made the front page of the Daily Mail and the Daily Mail weren’t happy.

Sooner we accept this as a mental illness and treat it as such the better the quality of life for everyone involved.

Accepting this as a mental illness would be ignoring the scientific evidence. Sex and gender are a lot weirder than “common sense” would suggest.
Yesterday The Church of England issued advice on letting kids pick anything that want from dress-up boxes without being judged or bullied.

It made the front page of the Daily Mail and the Daily Mail weren’t happy.
One line about kids dressing up in a 52 page report about bullying and the usual suspects go mental. Go figure.
Accepting this as a mental illness would be ignoring the scientific evidence. Sex and gender are a lot weirder than “common sense” would suggest.

We already have a term don't we? Intersex?

I disagree with 'sex' being weirder than common sense would suggest. Male/ Female/ intersex. Last one being an unfortunate mutation (~1.5% of population).

If it were up to me I would abolish gender altogether. What is the need for it? Labels for the sake of labels. You are born 1 of arguably 3 sexes. Dress how you want, sleep with who you want, do what you want.

Think you are in the wrong body? Well your mind is disagreeing with reality. Much like people who suffer from anorexia. Which is a mental illness.
We already have a term don't we? Intersex?

I disagree with 'sex' being weirder than common sense would suggest. Male/ Female/ intersex. Last one being an unfortunate mutation (~1.5% of population).

If it were up to me I would abolish gender altogether. What is the need for it? Labels for the sake of labels. You are born 1 of arguably 3 sexes. Dress how you want, sleep with who you want, do what you want.

Think you are in the wrong body? Well your mind is disagreeing with reality. Much like people who suffer from anorexia. Which is a mental illness.

This, from start to finish, is very well put and eminently logical.
The idea that you should feel any particular way or be considered this way depending on how you act is silly. Remove the idea for particular roles and you take away the need for these gender labels and definitions for a lot of cases. There may be still people who feel uncomfortable with who they are but removing the idea of people being defined by some of these social constructs of roles or gender would at least remove the despair people have when they fail to categorize themselves.

If someone said I was born xxx but i dont feel like xxx, it is because they have a viewpoint that they differ from something that society has made up. They try to seek comfort by labeling themselves yyy, because they feel they have some similarities with the role society has made for them. They still feel dissatisfied and switch to xyx, a label for another group. The more they will label themselves and fail to feel satisfied, the more they will despair. Some people go through physical changes so they can better fit the idea of the group they think they should be only to feel worse after when they realize they only changed themselves in a physical sense. Maybe rather than having roles or labels, we can just be okay with the idea that we are individuals and you cannot so easily just sort people into words and constructed roles. With the idea that we are just individuals who are different, what need do we have for all these labels?
I don’t get the need for everyone to stick their oar in when it comes to how transgender children are treated. I’m happy to trust medical professionals and scientists if they say that gender dysphoria isn’t simply a mental illness. They might not have all the answers yet - and there might be a few quacks working in the private sector - but they’ve got a better handle on what gets results than we do.
I don’t get the need for everyone to stick their oar in when it comes to how transgender children are treated. I’m happy to trust medical professionals and scientists if they say that gender dysphoria isn’t simply a mental illness. They might not have all the answers yet - and there might be a few quacks working in the private sector - but they’ve got a better handle on what gets results than we do.
People like to be angry about things, particularly unfamiliar things that they don't understand.
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