Breaking Bad Season 5 - Part I

Having been watching The Sopranos recently, there's a big similarity between Walt and Tony Soprano. Both have done truly horrible things and are massively flawed characters, but both have a real cult status, and are even loved by some fans. I think when you've invested that much time into a fascinatingly deep character, like these shows have, then you almost can't help but warm to them, in some bizarre way.

Here's a question that's just occurred to me though: Has Walt murdered an "innocent" person (someone not directly part of the drug trade)?

Of the deaths/near deaths he's been involved in, I don't think he has, but I might be wrong.

Jane* - essentially caused it, didn't save her, but at the same time didn't knowingly set out to kill her.
Gale - Gets Jesse to do it.
Brock - Poisons deliberately, but Lily of the Valley isn't as fatal a poison as ricin, so it would seem he didn't intend to kill.
Kid on the bike - Todd does it. Walt does look genuinely disgusted at the start of last weeks episode.
Krazy 8/Gus - Drug dealer and kingpin. Not innocents.

Is there anyone I'm missing?

So I'm wondering if this might be the final threshold he crosses, and I actually wonder if he'll be able to. Despite all his posturing, he's still, at times, a very cowardly person. I'm morbidly curious to see whether he has the balls to look an innocent person in the eye and kill them. Could he have killed Gale, in Jesse's situation?

*Interestingly enough, original drafts of the script had Walt directly killing Jane by injecting more heroin into her and forcing an overdose. They dropped that for the 'accidental' death approach though.
I disagree. There certainly are parallels between Walt and Tony Soprano but we always seen a side of Tony that made him vulnerable and human. His character never went all the way to the point of being a total monster. He was a monster, yes, but he was a very human one.

Walt on the other hand is just unlikable in the extreme now. If what Gilligan is saying about this series is true, anyone who doesn't feel complete contempt for him now they certainly will before this season ends.

Quite an interesting chat with Vince Gilligan here about the dinner scene.
Possible CCTV camera?

That was a great episode.

The arrogance of Walt at the start, the speech Mike made to him about screwing it all up and then Walt killing Mike.

I so want Walt to get bitch slapped by Hank but Jesse has to get away with it somehow.

Maybe, just maybe, Walt will have some redemption at the end and cover for Jesse and leave Jesse nice and comfortable. He owes him that.
Looks like it's smooth sailing for a second then boom ***** up again! This will definatly turn Jessie.
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Any significance of the pictures Hank was looking at during the DEA meeting? I slowed it down and couldn't see anything of note, so who knows.

I think it was just to show how caught up in the case Hank is, and will most likely find something sooner than later.
I still don't really know what to make of that last scene. Walt's refusing to allow Jesse to quit, he's got the boy killer helping him cook, and he's killed Mike in rage. He's a ticking time bomb and I don't like it.
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