Breaking Bad Season 5 - Part I

Bringing in Todd to do Jesse's work is gonna be his downfall, I think, as others have said. But it's the result of his ego, isn't it? If he wasn't so arrogant he could have walked away like Jesse and Mike did.

I'm still hoping it'll end with the cancer killing Walt, tbh. Seems like a fitting end.

Well from the first episode of the season we already know

that he lives for another year

and since it's only been a year since he was first diagnosed we know that

he doesn't die until at least season 10 :p
Well from the first episode of the season we already know

that he lives for another year

and since it's only been a year since he was first diagnosed we know that

he doesn't die until at least season 10 :p

Well, since we know this series is going to end at least a year into the future so who knows what'll happen? He may already have been on his way out when he buys the machine gun we see at the start of season five. We just dunno yet.
There have been a lot of hints that I feel give a strong steer as to where this is going

- The purchase of the machine gun a year into the future. Surely an indication of a 'last stand'

- The fact he has hair at that point. Possible suggestion he is on the run and has is trying to change his appears (bit tenuous but there must be a reason for regrowing his hair. Walt had hair but the Heisenburg character is bald)

- The ricin cigarette and the recommencement of Skyler smoking. Cannot believe these two aren't linked

- The scene in EP 2/3 when they are watching Scarface and Walt states that 'everybody dies in this story'

- The hints about how Hank and Marie would raise baby Holly themselves

In short the realistic possibilities for Walt checking out are:

1. Cancer: Unlikely given he is alive in a year and at what is presumably the series finale

2. Skyler: Very possible but I believe unlikely for the reason given in the spoiler

3. Hank: Again, possible, but I dont see it. My guess is that Hank is only going to figure things out right at the end. He's too fond of Walt to kill him unless he absolutely has to anyway

4. Rival dealers: Very possible since I can only imagine that is who Walt is going to confront at following the 'flash forward' in the premiere. It would seem a bit of a copout but who knows, everybody else might be dead by that point.

5. Jesse: My preferred option and also my best guess. There are so so many reasons for Jesse to kill Walt and he has come so close before. If Saul tells Jesse that Walt poisoned Brock that is surely going to push him over the edge. It would be a very fitting end for Jesse to be the trigger man to end Heisenburg's reign of terror.
Jesse killing Walt makes no sense to me. Look how hard it hits Jesse anytime he does something that impacts someone else, why spend so long making him the moral core of the show, only to undo it all at the end? Unless by the end the point is Walt even managed to corrupt Jesse, can't see it though tbh.

Jesse wanting to kill Walt at some point, perhaps even trying, sure I could see that. Actually going through with it, very unlikely imo.
He came very very close to killing him in season 4. It was only Walt convincing Jesse he wasn't guilty that saved him, rather than Jesse backing out. I do agree that Jesse is not fond of killing but I can see him doing it if Heisenburg is putting others in danger.
Jesse or Todd.... (if anyone)

i don't think hank will find out until its all over, maybe the last scene is hank "son of a bitch it was walter"
Jesse and Walt have definitely, as said, become opposites of what they were from the beginning. I've cringed so many times at Jesse's self-destructive decisions that have jeopardised things and now we're getting the same from Walt, whereas Jesse has matured, cleaned up and become more of a thinker.

One thing I've been anticipating since S2 is how Jesse will react to finding out that Walt was there when Jane choked, and did nothing. This has to come out, surely?

One thing I've been anticipating since S2 is how Jesse will react to finding out that Walt was there when Jane choked, and did nothing. This has to come out, surely?

I'm actually not sure it will. Not every thread in the show can get a payoff, there are far too many. Only Walt knows about Jane and surely he would never tell Jesse? He would have to have completely lost it to do that.
Yeah I don't see that ever being brought up again. The resolution to that plot won't be Jesse finding out, the resolution was us having more insight into what kind of person Walt was willing to become. This is Breaking Bad though, so anything is possible.
its either going to be a all out blazing scarface ending like suggested

one of the main characters like skyler or jesse

cant see it being cancer as that wouldn't really work . also its been suggested he does something really bad that cant be forgiven . which is probably going to be the reason for his death.

I'm actually not sure it will. Not every thread in the show can get a payoff, there are far too many. Only Walt knows about Jane and surely he would never tell Jesse? He would have to have completely lost it to do that.

But at least a couple of times Walt has shown carelessness in revealing things, usually when drunk or drugged up for treatment. He also absent-mindedly called Walt Jr. Jesse once.

To be honest by this point I'm not expecting it, but if it happens... things will blow up. :D
I think Hank will figure it out and Walt will kill him. I'm not sure it will end badly for Walter. I think the ending could be him becoming what he says to jesse he never will. The Gus type character with no emotion in control of evberything.

I know he's nearly there just now, but it can still go a lot further. He's said the business is the only thing he has left which isn't true at the moment literally, but I think by the end it will be true in all senses.
I thought when he called Jr (Flyn lol) Jesse was one of the most touching and significant moment in the entire show.

But yes you're right he could blurt it out.

Walt see's Jesse as a son and I am sure Jesse see's Walt as a father figure. Remember, Jesse's relationship with his parents isn't great, Walt has been a father figure to Jesse. They must have a strong bond by now.
Unrelated to the discussion, but this screengrab made me giggle:

Yeah - I did feel sorry for Mike in his "do I abandon my grand-daughter to save myself?" moment.

Still, he must have known that seeing him be arrested would probably be even more traumatic for her.
Despite being a killer Mike was a very moral man. It would have been easier for him to do what originally Lydia wanted but he believed in loyalty to his colleagues. Mike was how Walt used to be, how Walt should have remained (if this was real life and not a drama), a moral man doing immoral things.

One of the great TV characters, up there with Walt White, Tony Soprano and Homer Simpson.
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