Brexit thread - what happens next

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23 Oct 2002
13 May 2003
We wouldn't have to accept everything, none of the EFTA members have to accept all legislation if they do not want to. And certainly none that affects the country on a political basis. Most legislation is based upon the quality and standards of trade goods etc.

The EFTA members are far freer than the UK in terms of self governance.

You can't keeping saying stuff like that, it makes it sound like there's a rational position between submitting to full EU integration in all it's glory and the death cult of WTO mid Atlantic isolation. I mean if people thought you could regain sovereignty, place a limit on EU integration, gain wider freedoms with respect to international trade and keep the parts of the EU you wanted by submitting to costs you're already used to bearing and only giving up powers that have been Pyrrhic every time you've tried to use them you might cause a riot on social media amongst all the clicktavists.
19 Feb 2007
George knows he won't be there which is why he will likely be rinsing his hands of it right about now. It looks like a massive I told you so excercise waiting to happen, where the country will go to hell in a handbasket and Cameron and Osborne will be saying "we told you so" from the back benches, by then people will suddenly realise that they weren't actually doing a bad job compared to the right wing nutters that will be heading the Tory government come the end of the year.

It is very disgusting if you have been racially abused, anyone caught doing so should be locked up for a min of 3 months, no questions asked.

I am only just catching up with the thread, but i do hope that anyone on here that has gone through any abuse have actually phoned the police, i don't know what to say to you if you have not phoned them.

For the highlighted bit above, there is some real scare mongering going on and severe exaggeration, the country will not be going to hell in a hand basket.

The UK, Britain, England, Scotland, Wales and both the Irish countries have been around in one form or another since the 10th century.

This country has been through a hell of a lot worse and will do so in the future, yes this is a big decision, but there is one simple way we can all help to pull the country together and move forward.

A decision has been made and has to be carried through in whatever form and one that benefits us all.

All the decent people in this country etc need to pull together from both sides. We will be fine.
7 Feb 2015
South West
18 Oct 2002
I just watched PMQs for far too long at work, you can tell they are all intelligent people, and they are politically forced to pay lip service to the democratic vote and say it is sacred, when they all know that really the public are a bunch of ******* morons and this is economic suicide.

It needs someone heroic to make an incredible speech about how MPs represent the electorate but actually are intelligent people themselves, how the future of the Union of the UK being at risk outweights a 4% majority on this. Then put themselves up for new Tory leader on the platform of defying the referendum, if you then get a few brave MPs start to back it it could take off.

The consequences for that individual would be fatal. In a loss of life sense.
29 Dec 2014
rofl what, wales want independence according to the BBC, statement from Plaid Cymru..

I've lost track of everything that's going on.. think it's time to get down to the Winchester.. (I bet it's full..)
29 Jul 2010
Leanne Wood wants independence. The Welsh people have never supported it (as far as I can recall).

News report says it's never gained more than 10% support in polls.

Though without the EU subsidies now on the cards, attitudes may be different, but that would have to be some swing!
29 Jan 2008
That would almost be worth all of this.

He won't go quietly.

of course he won't... wait and see what happens tomorrow in the European Parliament... he's bound to speak and is unlikely to hold back - he will be gloating like crazy and rubbing their faces in it.

Thankfully he likely won't have any part in our negotiations and will be pushed to the side as he's almost certainly going to **** them all off tomorrow.

i could easily be something like this.. along with a big fat 'I told you so'

and maybe this:

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26 Jun 2016
The EEA Agreement does not cover the following EU policies:

Common Agriculture and Fisheries Policies;
Customs Union;
Common Trade Policy;
Common Foreign and Security Policy;
Justice and Home Affairs;
Monetary Union (EMU).

The countries are also freer to determine their tax policies for business, which we are limited within the EU due to EU laws.

The fishing policy will bring head ache for Holland France and Spain. Also the tax going to Luxembourg will now have to be paid to the UK.
1 Mar 2010
News report says it's never gained more than 10% support in polls.

Though without the EU subsidies now on the cards, attitudes may be different, but that would have to be some swing!

Yes, the Party of Wales isn't really much of muchness in UK politics; but then again, the SNP were in the same spot too, behind Labour for decades, and look where they are now.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
A decision has been made and has to be carried through in whatever form and one that benefits us all.

All the decent people in this country etc need to pull together from both sides. We will be fine.

Those are potentially mutually exclusive for a lot of people though. There are millions of people that don't want to carry through the decision, because it's not a decision. We've collectively chosen to share (or not, as the case may be) our opinions on the EU membership. That's not a decision.

I want to agree with your last statement, but it needs to be with the caveat that we see all of the plans and we take the best one - even if that is to remain an EU member state (and I'm not saying that it is, just that I want to see what else is available, which may not be a position we are ever in).
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