Brexit thread - what happens next

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Well that comment someone pulled from the guardian earlier in the thread could easily explain why it seems that way. Cameron probably sat down in his chair after his speech and just said "checkmate".

Disturbing really.

They did make it personal. What the BoVe team thought the response was going to be? Hey, chaps! Thanks for giving me a good shafting, back to work now. :)
I think that Juncker and his hatred of Britain and Cameron helped the leave campaign. How does a man who used to be the PM over just 500,000 people who's country has a minus net contribution have so much power?

Read up on it. Plenty of articles go into a lot of detail on just how he got where he is. It's the EU's version of democracy. It's quite scary.
I hate to admit it but if that really was the case then it's quite brilliant. Just a shame it screws the public over as well.

And to think that we used to just call him Dave, and he used to hug us. :) Good times. I can only imagine what's going on behind closed doors, as they are at least nominally long-term friends, with linked social and staff circles. Lots of swearing I imagine. Some tears.
It's an unmitigated disaster, a truly British shambles. Which is why I'm deeply tired of reading "deal with it, we won". No-one won, and therein lies the problem.

It certainly is looking like a disaster. I also feel really uneasy about the narrow margin, I'm all for democracy but the result was far too close to make a decision that would affect so many peoples lives who didn't vote to leave.

The fact that they are delaying invoking article 50 also makes me think that they are now saying 'Oh ****' what do we do now!
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The fact that they are delaying invoking article 50 also makes me think that they are now saying 'Oh ****' what do we do now!

You'll have to excuse me as I am in no way qualified on these sort of matters but maybe delaying article 50 will give us more bargaining power. It appears the euro markets are getting hammered slightly worse than our own. Combine the longer we delay the more we allow for other euro sceptics to gather support for their own referendums.

Could give us the advantage when it comes to negotiating.

"Ok ok we'll submit it tommorow to quell the backlash if you give us more of what we want"
I voted leave and I have to agree with you. There have been no celebrations since winning the referendum, in actual fact eveybody seems quite sombre and there appears to be a feeling of impending doom. I just wish the government had stayed neutral and presented the true facts of being in the EU and leaving the EU including how trade agreements worked and the difficulties in agreeing new trade deals.

I think that Juncker and his hatred of Britain and Cameron helped the leave campaign. How does a man who used to be the PM over just 500,000 people who's country has a minus net contribution have so much power?

I also think boris and gove are being very quiet, it's as though they don't know what to do now.

We need strong leadership right now not in three months time.

Cameron needs to start speaking up Monday and re assure everyone we'll be ok.

No Wonder Boris/Gove wanted him not to resign but glad he did they'll have to deal with this cluster**** and there future in politics won't be tenable. That's what they deserve for backstabbing him and far worse for the damage they've done to our country.

The only silver lining is once we leave we can say **** you to that scam artist Juncker, need to get one of the Ukip lot to kill him.
It certainly is looking like a disaster. I also feel really uneasy about the narrow margin, I'm all for democracy but the result was far too close to make a decision that would affect so peoples lives who didn't vote to leave.

The fact that they are delaying invoking article 50 also makes me think that they are now saying 'Oh ****' what do we do now!

Or a Greek tragedy... I always said openly that I thought campaigning for Brexit without a plan or the oft mentioned 'special deal' was Pyrrhic at best. Cummings seemed to have had these romantic notions of informal chats in the corridors of power, but that's not how diplomacy works these days... or trade. Sigh.
Not such a great play for the workers there, though. Some were probably lead to believe that the UK outside the EU would put up anti-dumping tariffs against Chinese steel too. This is also far from certain.
You'll have to excuse me as I am in no way qualified on these sort of matters but maybe delaying article 50 will give us more bargaining power. It appears the euro markets are getting hammered slightly worse than our own. Combine the longer we delay the more we allow for other euro sceptics to gather support for their own referendums.

Could give us the advantage when it comes to negotiating.

Maybe. Juncker and his cronies are demanding that we invoke article 50 to make it less painful for the EU, this is 24 hours after they have said that they want to make it painful for us to leave to discourage others from doing the same, hardly sounds like a democracy does it? More like a cult.

So maybe delaying will help us but it will also **** them off even more.
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Well that comment someone pulled from the guardian earlier in the thread could easily explain why it seems that way. Cameron probably sat down in his chair after his speech and just said "checkmate".

Disturbing really.

There is a huge amount of blame on Cameron for this ever happening.

The stupid referendum promise and the failure to properly engage the public are his crimes.

But by bailing without actually pulling the plug an opportunity exists to reconsider the result without ignoring it.

Call a GE.

The referendum has happened and if people didn't they can be real sure about the stakes now. The politicians also can see how split people are over this.

There will be one major issue and that will be going through with it or not and the party that gets elected has to go through with whatever banner they flew and it will be democratic.
Maybe. Juncker and his cronie are demanding that we invoke article 50 to make it less painful for the EU, this is 24 hours after they have said that they want to make it painful for us to leave to discourage others from doing the same, hardly sounds like a democracy does it? More like a cult.

So maybe delaying will help us but it will also **** them off even more.

funny thing is merkal coming out saying it doesnt have to be painful.

also the bbc;s off again with more banking job losses, this time HSBC could move 2k workers to paris, but the HSBC when asked by the bbc had no comment. wonder how long it will be before the bbc end up in court over posting dodgy rumours.
The only silver lining is once we leave we can say **** you to that scam artist Juncker, need to get one of the Ukip lot to kill him.
We aren't leaving until they hand in artical 50 and I'm begining to wonder if anyone actually has the balls to do it.
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