Bring back OCC ..... discipline these young upstarts!

Folks, the OCC military junta, starting with our imperious leader, Field Marshal Beserker, the El Presidente.

This man runs the country. Simple as. All bow.


Next is the Deputy El Presidente. He is Major General fatiain. He also has responsibility of feeding the populace with lager, pies and kebabs. His penchant for expensive cognac and cheap tarts is highly secret.


We have the illustrious Foreign Minister next. Brigadier General Zip. He has the portfolio for causing aggro abroad. The feared intelligence service Covert Human Action Voice, or CHAV, is under his command.


Next, you have my good self, Colonel Von Smallhausen, as Minister for the Interior and Propaganda. It is my responsibility that the populace have no freedom of thought, speech or anything really. They cannot take a Forrest Gump without my express permission. My Secret Police Action Massive, or SPAM, ensure my will and that of the Government is enforced. I have call girls brought to ministerial quarters on the hour, however this is not true.


Next, we have Defence Minister, Colonel lordedmond. This man is responsible for the defence of the realm and also for procurement of charvers' for cannon fodder and cheap MiGs from the Russians. He is a veteran of the legendary White Swan pub battle in 1998, taking a pool cue to the head in the melee. A true hero.


A further list of OCC ministers shall be published later.
Next, we have the Ministers for Education and the Minister For Transport.

Lt Colonel Phog has ben likened physically to wanted cigarette smuggler and copier of DVD's Osama Bin Laden and Colonel Aliboy has been likened to Bert off Sesame Street, however there are no foundations to these rumours whatsoever.


The youth of this country benefit directly from Phog's policies of shopping anyone who criticises anything at all to do with our revered government, where they are taken to the beach, stripped, rubbed with a cheesegrater and doused in salt. Do not criticise our revered military government. You have been warned.

Col Aliboy runs our envied transport system, where convicted criminals pull rickshaws for 5 shillings and a bowl of dripping a week. If they refuse this, they are placed in one of Col Von Smallhausen's work programmes where they are kicked in.
Did I miss something? I went to bed early with a good book.

Only woke up 7 times for a pee in the night, another quiet one then. Shame I had to go 8 times :(
Good work ol' chaps, the YUK has been washed off and havnt got a leg to stand on anymore :)
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