Bring back OCC ..... discipline these young upstarts!

Right my lads!

Creature you can indeed be minister of lazyness

Pebbles my darling, you are more than welcome to pic any position you want ;) You can be Minister in charge of recruitment, you must fight for our cause!

You must fight on the beaches, we will fight on the landing crafts, we will never surrender, we will NEVER
See here is the thing. I have a lot of old lecturers, all of which i respect, Simply because they deserve it. I hate chavs, and I am all up for having an intelligent and grown up conversation. I am 21 as of last monday, so im not old at all. Some people might be thinking, give it a few years and I'll be playing bowls and sitting in the sun with my socks roled over my trouser legs.... (that wont happen!) So does this mean that im part of the O.C.C?

I was brought into the start of my 22nd year on a bed with a drip in my hand at Exeter A&E, unconscious from consuming 25 shots if Single malt at the Hogs Head, after having been rushed there in an ambulance. So there is still a big part of me that is young, and shall stay there as well.

So, OCC or YUC?

Woody :D
Brynn said:
They would have you raising the height of your trousers by a good foot

Oooo, see now that is never a good thing.... It is simply wrong.

Any defence OCC?

Im off to bed, I'll check back in the morning to see if there is any deffence/points brought forward by either side :D

Night all
woodsy2k said:
Oooo, see now that is never a good thing.... It is simply wrong.

Any defence OCC?

Im off to bed, I'll check back in the morning to see if there is any deffence/points brought forward by either side :D

Night all

Join us, and you can be my minister in charge of dishing out ASBO's
40 in 6 weeks so surely I qualify , I can be as grumpy as the next bloke and having just sold my Subaru today for a BMW proves I am getting old :D
You know I don't normally resort to corporal punishment. But if you young whippersnappers can't keep it down at this late hour I may have to get the cane out!
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