No, I'm on guard
Gaurds great, don't think we even do it anymore!!
I get to be at Cosford rather than the olympics! :/
No, I'm on guard
Passed selection with a B, passed the TST - Waiting on a job now, looking like an October start
A celebratory few beers now I think, my legs are destroyed.
Congratulations ToejaMz0r, that's definitely a call for some beers!
Got a call from the AFCO and my interview was rescheduled to next week, a blessing in disguise I think as I feel I can be more prepared for the interview. That's a question, what was covered in your interviews? I'm applying for an Airman position in the RAF if that's of any help.
Congratulations ToejaMz0r, that's definitely a call for some beers!
Got a call from the AFCO and my interview was rescheduled to next week, a blessing in disguise I think as I feel I can be more prepared for the interview. That's a question, what was covered in your interviews? I'm applying for an Airman position in the RAF if that's of any help.
Passed selection with a B, passed the TST - Waiting on a job now, looking like an October start
A celebratory few beers now I think, my legs are destroyed.
Well done fella.
Which trade?
ICT Tech
Big respect to all members of our armed forces
Those that have been in the forces a while like myself - what do you think of buying houses to rent out or to just live in at a weekend? After doing a number of tours and another coming up, i've found I have a big enough deposit to buy a house. I can't decide if it's worth buying one JUST to rent out or buying one so I actually have somewhere to go on a weekend other than staying on camp or back to my parents house. What have others in my situation done?
If I do buy I will make sure it is within walking distance of a train station so that if I decide to leave the forces in a few years It opens up more job opportunities being able to get a train into Leeds city center.
I start on the 22nd Oct.
Any current/ex military shed some light on C3S for me... things not apparent from the textbook stuff they give you? What will I likely be doing after training on a normal day to day basis?