**British Armed Forces Discussion Thread**

I could care less about marriage..

So what you're saying is that you do care a little bit? You could care less, as in, you do care enough to be able to care less.

:edit: Oh good god, I'm being *that guy* again aren't I. Just ignore me :o
Hah actually I sent a text like that to my gf, about her asking me if I'd told work and what did they say and originally I said "I could care less" but then as you pointed out, before I sent it I changed it to "I couldnt care less".. are you watching me? Its cool if you are..
haha prison :D

Its cool Zefan I'm interested ;)

You may well be but the question is... is your wife to be ;)?


In all seriousness though that sort of thing does go on on the married patch all the time so I hear... :p
Its your funeral mate, carry on :D

Yeah I heard that, my mum said (aww mummy) that theres always a couple of different groups, she told my gf to stay away from the ****s that like to bed hop haha. Mums partner was in the army for almost 10 years so she knows..
You can apply for a MQ before you are married but cant live there until you are married, applications take about 2 months, so apply 2 months before the wedding (at least) and it'll be ready for you once you are married.

Cheap accommodation is not a good reason to get married!
Good lad.

See you in the radio school.

What do you do at Cosford? See you there buddy!

I've been in that trade for over 5 and a half years now. Blimey time goes quick :eek:

I think I remember you mentioning that you are in the RAF a few years ago, I wish I had joined after A Levels instead of going to uni. Is there any advice you could give me about what people find the hardest part of training?

Interview has been pushed back to next Tuesday, the bright side is I have a few more days to prepare.
I think I remember you mentioning that you are in the RAF a few years ago, I wish I had joined after A Levels instead of going to uni. Is there any advice you could give me about what people find the hardest part of training?

Do you mean basic training at Halton or phase 2 at Cosford?
The hardest thing at Halton, I found, was the way they **** with your head. So really the entire course :p

If I had to put it down to a single moment, it would be CBRN week. The group I was put in to go for the "initial gassing" was interesting... somehow a mix of characters that together made the tension quite large and we all really just wanted to get it over and done with. Sat outside waiting to go in to the "respirator testing facility" (gas chamber) for about 2 and a half hours on cold, wet muddy woodland floor was bad, but then being told "Right it's too late to fit you in today, it'll have to be tomorrow" was just awful. Also I had a major panic later in the week after I failed my first of two attempts at the test for the "initial action" drill. This is where you hold your breath, close your eyes, turn around, helmet off and between your legs, mask out of pouch and on your face, with no twists in the rubber harness that keeps it on your head, blowing out and shouting GAS GAS GAS within 9 seconds. It's not actually that hard, but knowing that you've messed it up once already and you only have ONE chance to get it right again is pretty ****ing horrible in my experience. I practiced it over and over and over and over and over that night, made the backs of my ears bleed from pulling the mask off. I remember feeling actually sick about it, after totally nailing it about 20 times in a row, then epicly failing and not being able to do it again. It's things like this that make you think "So... no matter how well I CAN do it a hundred times in a row, if I make this same sort of mistake tomorrow randomly when I happen to be doing the test, I'm ****ed! ARRGGGH!" Seeing other people that were previously better than me at the drill taking the test before me and failing their second attempt (meaning they were reflighted) made things even worse, the whole "oh my god, look at their faces :| that's going to be me :o" kicked in majorly.

It might sound a bit daft that I got all panicky over that, but that's what the place does to you. Just general annoyance and total lack of time to complete tasks constantly. I've heard it's changed a bit now and the kit prep stuff isn't so bad, but I expect they've replaced it with some bull****.

As for Cosford, it depends what you've already got experience with. Some people had lots of experience with hands on stuff and soldering so flew through that part of the course, and had major trouble with the Cisco networking stuff. Others had lots of experience with computers/networks and so flew through that part of it, but struggled with the soldering stuff. I didn't find any of the course particularly tough if I'm honest - but then again I got the highest average score so that makes sense! /shameless trumpet blowing.
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Thanks for taking the time to reply Zefan. I've heard about the gas chamber stuff, I didn't know that you had to do that within 9 seconds though. It sounds like a very difference experience to every day life but I am looking forward to it and the challenge.

I think for Cosford some reading on networks and electricals would do me well by the sounds of it, and congrats on your trumpet :p ;)
Respirator testing facility people ;)!!!!! We are not nazis!

I love the hype that goes with having to experience the CS gas, it was the same for me 5 years ago and will be the same for the recruits in 5 years. It isn't even as bad as people make out. You just sneeze/cough/spit everywhere and stings your eyeballs but it only lasts a few minutes and eases off!

The only advice I can give for Halton is make sure you are fit, I wasn't fit enough and it was REALLY hard and I was always tired, I never failed anything (unlike Zefan but he's a rubbish Airman) but it was harder than it should have been.

Ahhhh I'm sure JPA has something against wanting to pay me correctly :(! Luckily I just raided my piggy bank and got £50 :D

$loth, joining after uni is a huge benefit once you've passed out of training and got into the 'real' RAF. We get a lot of young lads say 18-20 and some older around 24+ and you can instantly tell they are more mature and experienced so tend to do well.
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I love the hype that goes with having to experience the CS gas, it was the same for me 5 years ago and will be the same for the recruits in 5 years. It isn't even as bad as people make out. You just sneeze/cough/spit everywhere and stings your eyeballs but it only lasts a few minutes and eases off!

For some it's much easier, others not, I was probably the worse reacting in there. "What's your full name?" Chris xxx xxx *breathe in Fghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*
Everyone else was quite clearly talking whilst holding their breathe, but I just got it over with, hit me quite hard and couldn't even find my own way out of the hut.

Whilst on the other hand we had a dude who's worst reaction was coughing now and again like he was trying to clear his throat casually.
But as you said it's pretty quick and over with in a few minutes.
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