**British Armed Forces Discussion Thread**

utter poop

Im not trying to brag, but as far as I know it is correct. The train gets in at 8:15 and im at work by 8:27-8:30 every morning. Likewise I leave work at 17:00 and always manage to catch the 17:15 train. I was using this site;


to work out the distance. I placed the markers exactly where I cross the road etc and it comes out at 1.58miles. If anyone knows another site to work out the distance then please say so. I consider it walking, but I do walk very fast and have a long stride so is probably closer to a light running pace.
Im not trying to brag, but as far as I know it is correct. The train gets in at 8:15 and im at work by 8:27-8:30 every morning. Likewise I leave work at 17:00 and always manage to catch the 17:15 train. I was using this site;


to work out the distance. I placed the markers exactly where I cross the road etc and it comes out at 1.58miles. If anyone knows another site to work out the distance then please say so. I consider it walking, but I do walk very fast and have a long stride so is probably closer to a light running pace.

i suggest you take up an olympic sport and represent great britain

Speed walkers generally walk at a pace of 3.5 to 5.5 miles per hour

Your speed as long as you arent lying ;) is roughly 6 miles per hour

I smell BS :o
M.K, you simply are not walking that fast. Just no way. There's something wrong with your measurements, I have absolutely no doubt.

:Edit: Ah I see, I didn't read all the posts :p
arrse is a rubish forum imo, ask a simple question and you get 90% useless replies saying how stupid the question was, or giving fake answers. Also has a rubish search engine, which makes finding if the question has been asked before difficult, and if it has been asked before and you make a thread anyway, not knowing its been answered, you get insulted.

If the people who use arrse are the sort of people which make up the majority of the army, then we have quite a pathetic army.
arrse is a rubish forum imo, ask a simple question and you get 90% useless replies saying how stupid the question was, or giving fake answers. Also has a rubish search engine, which makes finding if the question has been asked before difficult, and if it has been asked before and you make a thread anyway, not knowing its been answered, you get insulted.

If the people who use arrse are the sort of people which make up the majority of the army, then we have quite a pathetic army.

Thats because most of the questions ARE stupid

You have people posting up going im starting basic training on such and such a date what will i be doing etc

Then current squaddies and ex squaddies take the pee because it is a stupid question, you should find that stuff out BEFORE you join the army :rolleyes:

You also get people every other day going i want to join SAS how do i go about it, no wonder squaddies take the pee :D

oh and the search function is fine
arrse is a rubish forum imo, ask a simple question and you get 90% useless replies saying how stupid the question was, or giving fake answers. Also has a rubish search engine, which makes finding if the question has been asked before difficult, and if it has been asked before and you make a thread anyway, not knowing its been answered, you get insulted.

If the people who use arrse are the sort of people which make up the majority of the army, then we have quite a pathetic army.

Use official sites then for answers, arrse site is a bit of fun and if you cant take insults you wouldnt last 5 mins in the army anyway!
Arrse is fine, and if you ask some questions that require a proper answer, you're likely to get it, if you post in the right forum. If you ask a bone question however, that could have been found by searching(which works fine in my experience) then you'll get a bone answer.

And plus, if you can't stand the **** being taken out of you then you're unlikely to fit in the army. You should have read some of the stick I got about tattoo's, I took it like a man, had a bit of banter with the regulars, and they ended up saying I was ok. If you just respond with crap, you're likely to be insulted.
I tried to search the arrse forums once regarding flat feet, since it searches for individual terms, and also you cant set it to search just the topic, it came up with hundreds of threads, mostly about boots and such, i couldnt find anything about flat feet. So i posted a question about it and got insulted, and some good answers. Insults i dont mind, i can just ignore them, but it is bit of an annoyance to have to try and find people who have legit replies to your question when the rest of the replies are stupid.

If i could have set the search to only search for the term "flat feet", and not the individual words on their own, or to only search topic titles, i wouldnt have had a problem with the search. Also, as for the search being fine, i just tried in a few seconds ago and i get a google forbidden "Your client does not have permission to get URL" error.

If people are tired of all the "how do i become SAS" threads, dont click on them. Its as if people on the ARRSE forums are CS kiddys or something, with nothing better to do then go on an internet forum and insult other people. I dont care if people insult me, but it is annoying to go through pages of insults to get to an answer.
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If you cant take a bit of flak on a forum then i wouldnt bother joining the army

Like i said, all it does is waste my time by making me have to read through to find a proper post. Other then wasting my time, it doesnt matter to me. The only decent areas of arrse imo are the arms/service section, although i have only looked at the sigs area, there seems to be a lot less idiots then the joining up or The QM's and MT (logistics) sections.
for best current affairs watch the news and go to your local afco and get the forces newspapers, i was given a copy of the navynews to geek up on before my interview as they wanted me to get through with flying colours due to my aptitude test scores being as high as they were.
I've bought the RAF news a few times now and there are quite a lot of spelling mistakes/grammar errors/typos.

Then again, there's also mistakes on the official information sheet for Navy pay.
Im currently at sandhurst if anyone has any questions relating to officer recruiting i may be able to help.

Hugogo, hope you don't mind me asking, but when you did your RCB/AOSB briefings was a lot of emphasis based upon physical fitness?

The Army website has a fair amount of info, and all the recruits on the videos seem to say they wished they had started doing PT earlier.

Any tips/ideas for stuff that you can actually practice for beforehand to improve your enjoyment of the briefings?
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