Aye, it can be disappointing to see Nvidia scalping and others scalping on top. I wouldn't expect any response from the Nvidia crowd though as they typically don't care how bad the industry gets, they'll just gobble it up regardless. Hopefully things improve in a year or two. I'm more in the laptop space so waiting on the next gen mobile cards, hope Nvidia hasn't scalped those one too. Not sure what the hell will happen in that space though, if the processors are all running super hot then they will need to tone them down a bit ideally. I'm looking at the games I want to play (warhammer chaos gate daemonhunter, gears tactics, baldurs gate 3 etc.) and they seem like they would largely not need the stupidly high priced cards (especially if Nvidia make them as atrociously rip off as the 4080 cards with their gimped specs) but I'm definitely looking towards 4070m style or AMD equivalent. I imagine it's tough times for businesses with all the currency fluctuations, increased costs etc. but as long as the consumers keep being daft enough to take even the chopped down parts for high prices and not look at the competition then we'll not see much change sadly.