@dfarrell the engineer will bring it so don't stress (they also carry spare home hubs in the van !), when he comes to install ask him to show you his thing so you can tell the length of the line and how much it can take.
If you read back few pages, i'm not expecting an engineer. 'Apparently' all the work can be done at the exchange.
And as I said a few pages back all new Infinity installs need an engineer to visit.
No visit = no Infinity.
I have a friend who is on B.T Infinity and he says thet they haven,t throttled his p2p at all as yet and its been 4 weeks ! i think they only reduce the speed if your netwoek is busy or in a highly congested area with loads on the cabinet my brother woked for B.T and told me that is the policy of the B.T network its monitored at a HQ and throttled as and when needed
I have a friend who is on B.T Infinity and he says thet they haven,t throttled his p2p at all as yet and its been 4 weeks ! i think they only reduce the speed if your netwoek is busy or in a highly congested area with loads on the cabinet my brother woked for B.T and told me that is the policy of the B.T network its monitored at a HQ and throttled as and when needed
I'm aware of this. I rang bt and they said it wasn't needed. Going to ring them again today and see what the verdict is about not getting the modem.
Is this the same friend that gave you incorrect information about the 80/20 upgrade and price increase?
Unfortunately BT's system and their script reading monkeys can't differentiate between "An engineer is not required" and "An engineer is not available on that date".
As a result lots of people have been told an engineer isn't required only to see their activation date come and go.
Seriously dude, I don't know "who" you are talking to but EVERY FTTC or FTTP needs a engineer visit, I know this for a FACT as the faceplate needs to be changed and the Line tested at the Cabinet and your master socket.
If you do not have a engineer booked then you will not be getting any Fibre product.
^ nice ^ what were your estimated speeds from BT?
Is there any way to find out the schedule for Cabinet upgrades?
70mb/16mb. My pings have remained low too, I got a call back from them just now asking if everything is working now and that since the 10 day stabilzation period is past the interleaved mode will stay off as it's stable.
So all in all I eventually got my problems fixed and very happy now
Hey thanks for the info BTW if things do not improve i will try hard reset of the OR modem.
But you rang BT yes? Did you complain and are you sure they did not do a dlm reset or change something on your line as they do not normally call you to check if your BB is working ok? Any info on what you did could be very useful to others thanks