Was this just bull to get a sale or is this correct? would actually consider staying at the above price.
Yes it's correct.
Was this just bull to get a sale or is this correct? would actually consider staying at the above price.
Ok thanks, well despite losing 10mb compared to my Virgin connection that I swapped it for it's better than Virgi by a mile.Unlikely.
Why would you want to ?How do I disable this BT FON thing. I am trying to opt out but it won't accept the email address that BT emailed me in the opt out page :/
edit. never mind, sorted.
Don`t you lose the ability to use the fon network when out and about?
But have you actually opted out, or just stopped using their router?
I'd assume that if you want to use the HH, but without allowing access to BT Wi-Fi, you will lose your own access to the service.
This or if you do opt out you WILL lose internet access when out and aboutOpt in with the HH attached. When you swap router nothing tells them you no longer share you connection so you can still use bt everywhere else.
I'd agree that the move to a single box is a retrograde step. People have always moaned about having two boxes, but it does make using third party routers very simple.
OR modems can be picked up cheaply on auction sites. Have you checked if the HH5 has a modem only mode?
On my Homehub 5 the router is connected to the master socket via the DSL port, why is it not the WAN port used?
ahh ok thanks for clearing that up. Connection has now dropped to 48mb from a first day high of 60mb, what could be causing that? Not a lot of people use Infinity in this area.