BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

The link above is a little out of date - there is no longer a "bandwidth" heading.
Here are the stats from my HH5:


Can anyone tell me which is the important line - Date Rate or Maximum Data Rate?
It's infinity 2 and my old speed test was showing spends of 17mb/74mb.
anyones infinity really laggy this morning? speed tests seem ok, its browsing that's bad, pings of 80ms to bbc as well.

Small thread from last night - just below this one.
Last night I was pinging the BBC at around 70ms which is way to high, with 6-8% packet loss which is totally unacceptable. I'll have to wait until I get back home tonight before I can re-test and call if necessary.
So as of yesterday (not had a chance to test today) I noticed a considerable drop in connection speed.
When my Infinity 2 line first went live it stabilised at around 17mb/74mb
This was obviously more than acceptable. Even as recent as 3 weeks ago I had a similar speed test.

I recently replaced my old router/modem with a HH5. During that process there were a few reboots of devices. Ever since I've felt things aren't downloading as fast etc.
A speed test yesterday at midnight (so no congestion) showed a result of 8mb/46mb which is considerably lower and to be honest - not a lot better than I'd hope from an Infinity 1 (up to 40mb connection).

I will obviously perform the test again tonight and then get in contact with BT. Is there any way I can get them to effectively "reset" my connection. So it acts as if it is a brand new connection and starts its training period once more?
I'm convinced nothing has changed and so 17mb/74mb should be where I'm at.
What should I be asking the BT engineer to do once I speak to them?

There's issues when ordering the HH5 online that it sets your profile to Infinity 1 40/10.

It did it for me and I had to have BT reset the profile, although my upload is now at 13mb whereas before I had the HH5 I was getting a full 80/20 sync.

BT are honestly useless, the first guy I tried explaining it to didn't have a clue and kept saying you are on the 80/20 package sir. Training must be non-existent.
Then that explains exactly what has happened to me then.
So I'll be calling BT once I'm home this evening. I'm likely to hit the same problem you are?
How did you eventually get them to solve the issue? Speak to numerous people until it was resolved?
I ended up doing it through the bt forums and contacting one of the mods from the English support team as the Indian call centre is nothing but useless the few times I've tried them.
Just taken delivery of the HH5.

Was wondering - my memories of the HH is that horrible white plastic crap that they used to send out that couldn't send a wireless signal more than a few feet and wiped 30% off my sync speed.

Is the new Homehub actually worth using, over say, my Airport Extreme Gen5 with a separate VDSL modem? Or would it be even better to plump for something like an Asus DSL-N66U? I'm not really upto speed on what's decent with routers these days.

It would need to have 2.4/5 wireless, good signal range in high interference areas (2.4 channels around here are very busy), and above all, be stable and not need restarting once a day because it's fallen over. It would also be nice to be able to see my line stats without having to pull everything apart, like I have to at the moment.

Thanks all.
Well I've spoken to a couple of people on the BT forums. Apparently my profile is still set for Infinity 2. The upload profile of 20.00mbps confirms this.
So it looks like the system took my disconnect as a signal to re-negotiate the speed down.
The stats from the HH5 at the moment are:

Data Rate
20000 / 49000

Maximum Data Rate
27388 / 86042

So short of them sending an Openreach engineer out to me to reset things (which is hassle what with me working) it apparently should sort itself within the next 2 weeks. Apparently (only have their word for it) that it will attempt to re-negotiate at a high rate within that time frame.

So ordering the HH5 hasn't had the effect of resetting my profile to Infinity 1, but I'll have to operate at around those speeds for a couple of weeks.
Moved into new build house and was hoping the cab was all set for fibre but sadly not :(

Exchange is, just we can't get it in our place.

So going to have order ADSL with current speed estimates of a whole 2 meg, yay :(
BT Infinity finally made available in my area! Must be one of the first to order in my area. Checked last night and "Not in your area yet" checked earlier today and it's now available. Estimated d/l of 50-68 Mbps quite a large gap...

Engineer booked for 7th Feb I think might have to re-arrange to 10th Feb though...

Will let everyone know how it goes!
I've managed to cable up my new house so I don't rely on wireless, but I think my Plusnet Fibre router is only 100mb? Its the Technicolour one, I got it about 6 months ago.

What's a good replacement GB Ethernet and Wifi N router for Plusnet fibre? Does it require certain models for fibre and to be signed in, like ADSL, or will any old router do the job?
I've managed to cable up my new house so I don't rely on wireless, but I think my Plusnet Fibre router is only 100mb? Its the Technicolour one, I got it about 6 months ago.

What's a good replacement GB Ethernet and Wifi N router for Plusnet fibre? Does it require certain models for fibre and to be signed in, like ADSL, or will any old router do the job?

Unless your on more than 76Mbp infinity 2 it wont change the speed of your internet one bit as you've said your wired up. If your planning to just increase the network to gigabit for speeding up transfers between computers etc then its worth it.

You are probably right about their router, I would doubt it has gigabit ports on it.
Yeah its about the home network, not the internet. My TV, PS3, HTPC etc are cabled up with a GB switch, and my server and gaming machine upstairs are on a GB switch, but joining the 2 is my router which is only 100mb. Stuff streams from upstairs to downstairs fine, but it just annoys me knowing the bottleneck is there.
I've managed to cable up my new house so I don't rely on wireless, but I think my Plusnet Fibre router is only 100mb? Its the Technicolour one, I got it about 6 months ago.

What's a good replacement GB Ethernet and Wifi N router for Plusnet fibre? Does it require certain models for fibre and to be signed in, like ADSL, or will any old router do the job?

Yes the PN is only 100mb, I replaced it with the Asus RT-N56U very pleased with it.
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