passed 3 bt engineers working on 3 separate cabinets today, soooooon. tempted to nip down to my cabinet with a coffee for him see if he can fix it up faster lol.
That's mean your area haven't got any Fibre Cabinet yet or any plan date yet. Please note fibre multicast is nothing to do with FTTC.
Am I right in assuming that it won't be any time before the 31st of March then? Or will the website update on the 31st or after with an actual date?
Am I right in assuming that it won't be any time before the 31st of March then? Or will the website update on the 31st or after with an actual date?
So does that mean that it basically won't happen? The other 2 FTTC aren't even there, I have:
WBC Fixed Rate
Fixed Rate
Other Offerings
Fibre Multicast
put your address in this checker provider&VERSION=35&MS=E&CAP=no&AEA=Y
and it will tell you what your cabinet number are and go out and find your cabinet number and see if fibre cabinet is built there or not
Maybe you're on a E/O Line directly into the exchange? No cabinet to upgrade. My village is all E/O line, fttc is at the exchange but they tell me it's not economically viable to install cabinets and reroute the lines, so probably probably never get it.
Is there a number for BT that I could ring?
Beware of horrible Home Hub 5 rebooting itself every nights! Will affect DLM.
On the subject of the DLM, how often/frequently do you need to reboot/turn off modem for it to kick it and cap the connection?
Does the DLM work the other way too, in regards to stable connections? Will it rise the IP Profile over time as well or does that need manually altering?
Mine seems stuck at approx 52-53 mb download and hasn't shifted for quite a while.
How would I check that? The cabinet is just down the street but to my knowledge the line comes off a wooden post outside into my house.
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