BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

Because they can raise their prices. And it depends on your deal and the wording. If your deal is 'half price' or '£x off' then if they put the price up the price you pay increases. If your deal is a set '£10 per month' then even if they increase the price the price you pay won't change.

That is the thing though, I thought the "Affinity 1 + calls" promo was a set price of £10 per month during the promotional 12 month period, that we are only in the third month of since signing up. When we signed up, this would revert to £24 per month.

We paid 12 months landline rental up front for the savings (~£3 per month at the time), so any landline rental increases that happen before next July shouldn't affect us until our 12 months is up.

It is not a lot of money, we are only talking 65p per month, but on the face of it I currently feel it is a sneaky increase. Maybe I missed the big asterisk stating that the £10pcm promotional price is subject to any price increases for any Affinity customers.
All of the current prices have a triangle after them, the triangle at the bottom says said:
We may change any prices and terms during your contract. If this affects you, we'll tell you about important changes in advance, and you'll be able to end your contract without any fees.

So, the Unlimited BT infinity packages, they have no traffic management/throttling, and they're actually unlimited, yeah? Just want to make sure before I pick one since I download quite a lot :p.

Edit: I should probably add, when it comes to mobile contracts (and I'd guess it's the same/similar for landline/broadband prices) companies can increase their prices by a certain amount each year, I think it's only when they exceed that limit that you can cancel without paying off the rest of the contract.

Edit 2: Just noticed that it says that speeds are lower during peak times? Are BT having congestion problems like Virgin were/do? Or is it a rare thing to actually happen and they just have to have it on the advert?
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So, the Unlimited BT infinity packages, they have no traffic management/throttling, and they're actually unlimited, yeah? Just want to make sure before I pick one since I download quite a lot :p.

I've had Infinity 2 since May and I work from home so get through a lot of data. In August I downloaded 203Gb and uploaded 501Gb. September I downloaded 175Gb and uploaded 347Gb. So far in October I've downloaded 60Gb and uploaded 102Gb.

I'm yet to get any indication from BT that there's any limits and I've seen no signs of traffic management.
Came home from work yesterday to find my Internet off, spoke to Plusnet (wait time on phone was 25 mins) and we tried various things but they could not see any authentication attempts at their end from my side. Tried a different router and direct PPPoe off two PCs but still no luck. Need to ring them back today and get a fault reported.

Well annoyed..
Looks like an Openreach engineer is coming out Tuesday morning - I bet it's because of one his colleague made a mess in the cab on Friday morning and knocked me off damnit.

Luckily I get 4GB tethering with Three and get around 10mb 3G around here so general browsing and chatting to the lads on TeamSpeak is keeping me sane!
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Anyone who signed up for BT Infinity lately as a new customer, don't forget to check if you're eligible for a giftcard. It would've been advertised at the time of ordering but you need to apply for it, they don't send it automatically:

Just got mine today after applying for it last week. That plus the £131 TCB cashback I got a few weeks ago means they're paying me to use their internet for a year. :)

Nice, could be another £50 off which I wasn't expecting. Thanks.
Apparently, the DSLAM card went in our cab on Friday morning, it was swapped out within a few hours but something else went wrong, it's now Tuesday evening and still no connection for a large chunk of my village. Plusnet don't seem to be doing anything to help with escalation, so I've emailed Roddy @ Openreach and he's replied back straight away and has assigned someone to get it sorted. Last time I had this is my previous village and emailed him, two engineers turned up an hour later - I'm hoping for similar results, I hate been on-call without internet, makes things so much harder lol
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Engineer has been despatched and en-route w00p w00p

Update - Turned out to be a faulty line card in the DSLAM, it was replaced at 00:30pm last night and all services resumed. Emailed Openreach back to say all was back up an got a response 5 mins later to confirm the engineer had just spoke to him direct and confirmed all ok.
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Folks, I've been periodically checking the availability of Infinity for my home for a considerable amount of months now, the checker has marked my phone number/postcode as 'Exploring Solutions'. We live right on the edge of the North East of our town in a housing estate which was built around 2004. Is it just the case of having to wait and see or is there anything I can do to speed things up? It would seem that for some reason the street at the bottom of our road can get Infinity and indeed, some houses a certain distance up the hill towards our house can get it but then it suddenly becomes unavailable and 'ES' shows on the map when you reach a certain address.
so my infinity 2 activated yesterday.

max speed my line should be getting is 80, min of 60+

currently getting 40...

speaking to bt, they have me on the wholesale speedtest and the results are:

42.11Mbps up 10.69Mbps down.

but the 'max achievable speed' on there is 43.5

so they are sending an engineer out...

anyone else have this issue?
You could have a poor line, have a line that is far from the cabinet, be in a busy cabinet affected by crosstalk etc. My line started out at 65mbit but has since dropped to just below 50 due to the uptake of subscribers.
the thing i dont understand is that the cab is next to the house and wholesale checker says:

FTTC Range A (Clean) 80 73.4 20 20
FTTC Range B (Impacted) 80 69.6 20 19

speaking to BT now, the guy on the chat is saying:
"The speed exchange is sending is +71MB to you. But you are only getting 42.25 MB. So might be problem somewhere which engineer will check physically."

so I dont know.
I'm glad mine measures 76/18 as on ADSL+ the longer copper line limited my speed to 9/1 so quite a step up. in the 5 months or so I've had it I've only have one disconnect that lasted for about half a day.

Apparently my neighbour opposite was the first to get connected to our street cabinet at the beginning of the year and since then there hasn't been big uptake so hopefully it'll stay this way for a while.
Post the connection stats.

sure thing :)



Ah fair enough, which kit are you using? HH5?

yeah. I have an Asus DSL-AC68U on the way to me but am holding off using it until the line speed is up to scratch.
If it's an OR FTTC engineer, he will have his own modem and will look at the speed coming into your house, at least that's what the one who visited me did.
I guessed as much. I didnt want to put a third party router on with them telling me that if the fault was mine then they would charge me £130.
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