I'm going to call them up myself to see if the discount I have with the tv will carry on if I re-contract with them.
Can't say I think it will.
Sign up with the new ISP and get a start date then tell BT you want to end with them for a week later.
If you sign up with a new ISP and ask to move your services, you won't need to speak to your current provider.
Talk Talk were absolutely fine when I was with them. I only moved on principle - a mid-contract price raise and then an online operator making me an offer to stay and then 2hrs later a supervisor telling me that was a mistake and I couldn't have that deal.Talk Talk are looking the best option for a switch for me at the moment,I know a few people in here don't like them too much though.
#Talk Talk were absolutely fine when I was with them. I only moved on principle - a mid-contract price raise and then an online operator making me an offer to stay and then 2hrs later a supervisor telling me that was a mistake and I couldn't have that deal.
With Vodafone at the moment and despite many people not liking them, they too are proving to be fine.
Talk Talk are looking the best option for a switch for me at the moment,I know a few people in here don't like them too much though.
Sigh - BT phasing out the ability to stay logged into their webmail with 20 minute timeoutguess I'm gonna have to script it to keep logging me back in - I don't need the security considerations and its a PITA when you are actually doing stuff.
Can't you just setup a client to pull every ten minutes or something?