Bugbear's "Next Car Game" need your vote - Steam Greenlight.

New sneak peek V2.0 is out. Has a new toy to play with, an object canon that can fire spheres and rockets and can pick objects from the playground and fire them too.

This is my idea for a new derby mode for Bugbear "Next Car Game". I suggest using the sneak peek canyon in a derby. :)

I'm thinking online we could use the spheres or the rockets to wreck the other player's cars. This mode could be last man standing or do a deathmatch with respawns. Deathmatch would have a time limit, say 4 mins, who ever gets the most kills, win the match. I'm not a fan of respawns in a derby, but in a deathmatch mode I be OK with it. Cars would need to ghost for a few seconds after respawn so players could not camp respawn spots for easy kills.

I also think canon derby mode would work good for Team derbys. :)

Not sure if this mode would work offline with the AI. So I suggest in an offline canon derby, you use a free camera mode and are give a time limit to wreck all 23 AI with the canon.

One problem I see with this mode that would need some tweaking, is how fast you can fire spheres or rockets. I don't think it be good for this mode it you can rapid fire the spheres/rockets. Should only be able to fire 1 object per second. and if that too fast, make it 1 object fire every 2 seconds.

Bugbear could use existing derby pits, no need for new derby pits, unless Bugbear put this mode into the sneak peek playground.

So what you guys think?

New derby mode with the sneak peek canon? video

I started new thread over at Bugbear forum: New derby mode with the sneak peek canon?

Stress test, how many balls can your computer juggle ( 58 FPS )? ;)

i5 2500 and a nvidia 660 ( 10 FPS )
Want another way to test out the soft body car damage in the v2.0 Sneak Peek playground demo? If so, checkout my video I uploaded to youtube today. ( suggest set video quality to 720p )

This video is of custom "junk" yard track I did using the object cannon. I did disable the recording of sound because of Fraps black screening the sneak peek when I first started recording trying go through Junk yard. I did add some comments to video using youtube.

The making of v2 0 Sneak Peek custom Junk Yard track.



For the details, visit my track thread over at Bugbear forum:
Easy to make your own "custom" track in Sneak Peek demo v2.0.


St. Jimmy did a figure 8 track: :)

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OK this weekend I tried my hand at derby pit making. Here repost of my posts I did over at Bugbear forum:

Easy to make your own "custom" track or derby pit in Sneak Peek demo v2.0.

Purple44 said:
Tried my hand at making a derby pit with the v2.0 Sneak Peek using object cannon.

First try I use the big red part of the car crusher to outline the derby pit. I started the playground and let the AI come in a little closer, then hit Esc and disable the AI cars. then I circle the cars. This derby pit felt to big.


Second try I let the AI cars come closer, then disable them, then use my car to push AI into a tighter circle. This time I tried using the car crusher long roller to outline derby pit, but rollers sometimes rolled into the cars. I tried 3 times to make derby pit with rollers, after screwing up the third time, I went with a shorter car crusher roller.

Problem with this derby pit, AI cars were getting stuck in the holes some the rollers made. And most the AI ending up resetting outside derby pit eventually. :(


Third try I did not push the AI cars as far in as In did on second derby pit. This time I use the end of a spinner for object cannon. This object gave me better control in dropping them. But had to put a lot more objects to encircle the pit. AI cars not getting stuck as much with the spinner object, but AI still resetting out side of derby arena. Lot of work to do a short live derby and "repair all" option only repairs your car, not the AI.

Maybe have some video uploaded later today.


Sneak peek not design to do derbys, but had to give it a try and see if it was possible to have a good derby with the AI in close quarters. :P

Purple44 said:

Purple44 said:
I decide to do one more derby pit. This time I just push about a 1/3 the AI cars towards middle of derby pit. The other 2/3 AI cars I left alone. These cars should reset inside of derby pit this time.



Here video of new derby pit:

v2.0 Sneak Peek derby pit, part 2.

For a close up of car damage, you can jump ahead to 21:55.


If Sneak Peek playground is release with final release version of NCG :), I hope Bugbear will also include a Sneak Peek derby pit with all 24 cars inside it, with the physics of the playground demo. And include the object cannon with rockets.
Pre ordered a few weeks back because I could not say no to another Flatout game. It's beyond fun in my eyes, the physics system combined with the wide array of objects and toys to cause destruction just makes me squee.
Just had a shot of the early access

Amazing looking game so far

This needs some serious backing
If you have not heard yet, Bugbear has sent out emails Saturday to those that have pre-order the Next Car Game, with a link to Steam key for NCG pre-alpha. The pre-alpha has the muscle car from Sneak Peek demo and also the small Euro car. There 1 derby pit, 1 dirt track and 1 tarmac track. Can select 12 car or 24 car race or derby.

You can remap your wheel, pad or KB now. Also you can go with all assists ON or better yet turn all assists OFF. All assists off, with a wheel on the dirt is fun drifting the car around the corners. :)

Here a post from a Bugbear Dev:


Janne Suur-Näkki said:
Thanks guys, we're really happy to hear you're having such a great experience. To be honest, we didn't have too much time for testing to get the release out in time for the holidays, so we were a bit anxious about the quality of the build. Like I think I already stated elsewhere, there are quite a few issues that need to be fixed, but luckily they should not be too detrimental to the experience at this point.

We're also really happy that the first build is finally out because it means that we have pretty much nailed all the boring (to any of our coders reading this, sorry!) stuff and can finally concentrate on building the game around the base we now have. That means more tracks with more content, more cars, proper upgrading, better driving dynamics, and so on, and of course a lot of fine-tuning to everything that we already have.

Of course you guys will be first ones to enjoy all the improvements first-hand with our future Early Access releases.


Checkout this thread for some videos and pics:

Early Access Videos/Photos

Can't wait for this to be out. I am not so much into the destruction derby stuff, more of a flatout fan so the demo did not do much for me. Hope the career mode is very similar to flatout.
Been playing the pre alpha, it is very good and obviously still in the early stages but it still misses something. I can't put my finger on what but it dosent have the same oomph to me as destruction derby. Maybe it's the sound effects, I don't get the feeling I'm crashing big lumps of metal into each other. The cars feel quite 'soft' like they are made of sponge or paper. Don't get me wrong, the damage and physics effects are awesome but I don't get the experience this genre of game should deliver.
Pre ordered mine a few weeks back, no emails or anything. What do I do?

Only email I can find is the forum sign up..

Search for emails from SendOwl. That has the link to the pre alpha etc. what level of pre order did you make? If it's the basic pre order then you may not get the pre alpha access, check their website/forum.
Can't find any from Sendowl, which is odd as I have the sneak peak v2. I pre ordered the Weekend Smasher which according to the site, should include the early access right?

Going to double check my emails incase it was on another one.

Aha, was on my alternate email. Seeing as I signed up with my main I assumed it was on that one, phew!
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