Bugbear's "Next Car Game" need your vote - Steam Greenlight.

The only Flatout game I played was "Head on" on PSP. I played it to death for a while. Great fun. :)

Looking forward to this coming to fruition.
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NCG is now live on Steam to pre-order. http://store.steampowered.com/app/228380/

Update 2013-01-15

Janne Suur-Näkki >>>
To get the Steam Early Access going in style, we've already updated the build. It's only been a week or so after resuming work since the holidays so there's not *that* much that's been done yet, but we feel it's still definitely something that we want to get out of the door and into your hands.

Here are the most important changes:

- Implemented iterative engine component damage + related HUD visuals.
- Fixed damage direction deduction so that damage is allocated correctly.
- Fixed position counter so that the player cannot be further back than the last.
- Changed the position counter to always show the number of cars that started.
- Removed player kill areas from environments.
- Reduced arm-co friction and wooden fence mass.
- Implemented environment geometry fixes and polishing.
- Implemented lighting tweaks, and added lens flares.
- Implemented constant vertical FOV to support widescreen resolutions.
- Fixed user interface bugs and added general polish.
- Fixed a couple of minor audio issues.
- Improved general build stability.

In case the updating process doesn't start automatically, please log out of Steam and back in.
Here another example of Bugbear listening to those that have pre-order and are testing out the pre-alpha: :)

Horrible new damage indicator...

Tapio Vierros said:
Your comments are heard and the "FPS-style" indicator is currently disabled in our dev version. It was an attempt at better communicating the direction of hits, but now we're back to the drawing board. Thanks for the valuable feedback. This is one of the perks of Early Access: we get to run things by you and take a step back if things don't quite work out, so that everyone gets a better game.

CrashsTestsFr said:
Like the others members said, it could fit a FPS game, because when you're hit, your character direction isn't affected, there's nothing to tell you you've been hit.
Here in a racing game, every little contact has an effect on the car, we can immediately "feel" that contact, we don't need an indicator.
It's nice that you have disabled it =)

Just to let those that are thinking about pre-ordering Next Car Game and get the early access at Steam and have not taken the plunge, time is running out to get NCG at this price:

$25 ($30)plain NCG version

$35 ($45)Digital Deluxe Edition - That come with some extra and give Bugbear some extra support.


18 hours left before Bugbear raises the prices for NCG at Steam. Not sure if prices get raise at Bugbear site too?



Just the game, thanks!
$25 ($30)


I want the whole experience, including an exclusive ride!
$35 ($45)


I want all the good stuff as well, plus to get my name in the game!
$50 ($60)


I want to roll with the Bugbear guys and have all the extra goodies as well!
$70 ($80)


Limit of 20 !

I know how to design a cool clunker and want to join in as a guest artist!

Buy Now!

Finished game on PC

Digital download once available. Estimate: Early Spring 2014


Estimate: Late 2013

Playable Sneak Peek

Once we hit 10’000 pre-orders we’ll release a playable sneak peek.

Exclusive pre-order wallpapers

Available: NOW!

Exclusive "Backer" Racing Car

Only available during the pre-order campaign!

Next Car Game Soundtrack

Only available during the pre-order campaign!

Name in the game

Your name will be featured in-game in “classified ads”!

Exclusive "Team Bugbear" Car Paintjob

Only available during the pre-order campaign!

"Team Bugbear Vehicle Artist” community badge

You will have a special badge on the forum.

Design a car paintjob

Design a car paintjob with us. Submit a sketch or idea and we will create it in-game.


Under “Special Guest Vehicle Artist”
So are they going to release it as "Next Car Game" or they changing it?

Word is Bugbear will change the name somewhere down the road.


Here some new news about Next Car Game:

Next Car Game made over $1 million after one week in Early Access

Here the news release:

Next Car Game made over $1 million dollars in one week!

We're very proud to announce that the official Early Access launch of our titular demolition racing game, aptly titled Next Car Game, has been a huge success. The game was officially launched on Steam mid-January, and it instantly took the Steam Top Sellers chart by storm. In total, the game made over $1,000,000 during one week in sales through our own pre-order site and Steam.

This is an amazing success for a racing game, especially considering our tough road to the success. Along the way we pitched the game to numerous publishers in the hopes that the game would eventually get released. Unfortunately we receive the same response all over again – there were no market for a game like ours. Come on, who would want to race and crash with such old beaters? Well, we would! Because of that we didn't give up, but instead chose to seek crowd-funding on Kickstarter. However, we experienced another setback when our Kickstarter campaign didn't reach the goal we were aiming for.

However, we still believed in the game, and we decided to release a playable technology sneak peek. We were literally awe-struck by the great response the sneak peek received. The pre-order sales skyrocketed, and we reached and actually topped our original Kickstarter funding goal in just week! And most importantly: the success showed us that the players believed in the game.

The players will also be the ones to benefit the most from the success of the game. Thanks to our awesome fans, we finally have a chance to make the game we always intended and shape it into a definite demolition racing experience the players have been yearning for years. We already have some really great new stuff in the works, and if you have any ideas on what you'd like to see in the game, don't hesitate to visit our community forum and let us know!

Next Car Game is currently available on Steam and at nextcargame.com.

Visit nextcargame.com to download a free technology sneak peek!


Next Car Game's vehicular destruction in 11 GIFs
It look like Bugbear is now going to post a weekly report. Here the first one:

Weekly Report 7.2.2014


First of all, we’re sorry that we’ve been more or less flying under the radar since our first update in January. The response to our Early Access launch on Steam was tremendous, and to be honest we’ve had our hands full with answering all the feedback and figuring out a roadmap for the remainder of the development according to your feedback.

However, that’s not to say we’ve been just kicking our heels. The second update is incoming next week, and it will contain some great new content as well as significant gameplay improvements. The highlights include a completely new cinematic camera mode for taking great screenshots, highly customizable races with both lap and opponent count settings, rotating steering wheels, a plenty of new upgrade parts such as different types of differentials, another chase camera higher and further back, more precise gameplay damage, as well as a hefty amount of small but important improvements and tweaks. More about the details next week!

One thing that we know many of you are anxiously waiting for are new cars, and we’re happy to let you know that the update will see an addition of a typical 80s style American sedan. It has more weight to it than either of the cars that are now included while it’s perhaps not as maneuverable. We’re pretty confident that it will offer a great new race and derby experience. Naturally the car comes with a set of upgrade parts.

And that’s not all. A figure 8 style track is probably something that many players will consider as *the* derby track, so we thought we’d put one in! That’s right, the next update will contain a modified version of the derby arena with a figure 8 track built inside it. The space is pretty confined so speeds never get that high, but imagine the chaos and destruction with all 24 cars going after each other in such a small space!

Some teaser screenshots of the new car on the figure 8 track:



The discussion on our community forum at community.bugbeargames.com has been as lively as ever, with lengthy discussions going on regarding all aspects of the game. We’re also pleased to introduce two community moderators, Usmovers_02 and Majatek, that will be helping us run the forum. Both are long-time Next Car Game enthusiasts with a broad knowledge about the game. Be sure to say hello to them and join the discussion!

See you next week!
Got this yesterday and it's great fun, nice diversion from the serious race sims I play.

I can run 12 car races/destruction derby no problem but if I choose 24 AI the game locks up or runs at 1 fps with 0% gpu usage. Any idea what might be the cause? First time I tried the game I did a 24 car race on gravel just fine but since then it won't run.
Got this yesterday and it's great fun, nice diversion from the serious race sims I play.

I can run 12 car races/destruction derby no problem but if I choose 24 AI the game locks up or runs at 1 fps with 0% gpu usage. Any idea what might be the cause? First time I tried the game I did a 24 car race on gravel just fine but since then it won't run.

What your computer specs and Window version?

Give this thread a read and see if there anything that might help you:

Known solutions thread for fixes to problems running NCG and Sneak Peek.
sorry i can't give an opinion on FF (no wheel) but i would say it's well worth purchasing now..hugely enjoyable at present and the potential end product make it a worthy purchase imho
The new figure of eight track is a riot! Graphics have been improved abit too. I like the handling also, a nice balance between challenging and arcade plus the crash physics are superb.
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