Does this feel like the old Flatout games to play or is it trying to be totally different?
It looks like Flatout in screenshots but are they trying for something different?
NCG is leaning to the more sim side of Flatout 1. If looking for more arcadey Flatout 2, you won't find it yet.
You can race NCG with all assists turn off ( that what I prefer with my wheel ) or you can use some assists if needed.
Wheel players are loving the handling of NCG.Pads players been having a tough time with the last 2 builds. New build #4 has made KB to touchy.
Just picked this up on steam it so much funmultiplayer will be so much fun
Is there a demo of this anywhere? Been watching some videos today and it looks really fun, would love to give it a go.
Damm I missed the steam deal.
Is there a demo of this anywhere? Been watching some videos today and it looks really fun, would love to give it a go.