Bugbear's "Next Car Game" need your vote - Steam Greenlight.

Does this feel like the old Flatout games to play or is it trying to be totally different?

It looks like Flatout in screenshots but are they trying for something different?
Does this feel like the old Flatout games to play or is it trying to be totally different?

It looks like Flatout in screenshots but are they trying for something different?

NCG is leaning to the more sim side of Flatout 1. If looking for more arcadey Flatout 2, you won't find it yet.

You can race NCG with all assists turn off ( that what I prefer with my wheel ) or you can use some assists if needed.

Wheel players are loving the handling of NCG. :) Pads players been having a tough time with the last 2 builds. New build #4 has made KB to touchy.
NCG is leaning to the more sim side of Flatout 1. If looking for more arcadey Flatout 2, you won't find it yet.

You can race NCG with all assists turn off ( that what I prefer with my wheel ) or you can use some assists if needed.

Wheel players are loving the handling of NCG. :) Pads players been having a tough time with the last 2 builds. New build #4 has made KB to touchy.

I bought it yesterday, a steal at £13 on offer so thought I'd jump in before it goes full price. I loved the first Flatout, not so much the others, and this definitely feels more like the first game I'd agree.

The performance is a bit all over the shop though. SLI doesn't work (forcing AFR 2 in control panel as suggested makes it worse) and in game vsync limits it to 30fps so I find forcing it to run on one Ti the best along with Direct3d overrider running. I know it's only an alpha release but I would hope for better performance on my rig.

One thing I hope they add is a more automated dynamic camera view option in the replays. I know you can control a lot of it yourself, but multiple automatic switching shots and tracking pans like you get in need for speed shift would be great for this game.
Just picked this up on steam it so much fun :D multiplayer will be so much fun :D

Maybe multiplayer ready to test come summer time. Bugbear has done some testing of online in studio. Bugbear has said there will be at least 12 players online, and a big maybe they might get more. I will be happy with 12.

We also been asking if there will be bots online. No comment from Bugbear yet. I would like to see 8 bots be available for derbys. I started a thread about this:

20 car derbys online, 12 players, 8 bots?? is possible?
Is there a demo of this anywhere? Been watching some videos today and it looks really fun, would love to give it a go.

No demo for pre-alpha Next Car Game with the racing and derbying. Might have to wait until a month before release date to see Bugbear release a demo.

But there is the v1.0 Sneak Peek demo you can download for free to checkout Bugbear new soft body damage physics:


Here another Bugbear ( Flatout fame ) Sneak Peek Playground video.


Recorded a video today of the new Sandpit track - Reverse Sandpit track
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Had a few plays and AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME.

This is the game I have wanted for YEARS.

Simulation handling and damage, to a degree yet with that tongue in cheek, arcade fun which ultimately means, those with the better skill, win but everyone playing, has fun.

Few games have came near to that over the years.

Add in bots for multiplayer, LAN and split screen and this will be one of my top games, ever, even with current cars and tracks.
Pick this up at the weekend and its FUN, really is a great laugh and if it lives up to its history then it will be a great blast for fun online.
Anything new in this yet? I played a few races on the dirt track and the derby when it first came ouy. Any new tracks for it or new features I should boot it up to check out?
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