Bugbear's "Next Car Game" need your vote - Steam Greenlight.

Anything new in this yet? I played a few races on the dirt track and the derby when it first came ouy. Any new tracks for it or new features I should boot it up to check out?

New Sandpit track and 2 new derby pits with the new Build #4 release last week. New replay features to play with. :)

Reverse Sandpit track - video

If want some on track carnage, give the new figure 8 track a go:

Oh the carnage of a wicked T-bone hit!! - video

Just got this game off steam, Its so good, i can't wait for a full campaign to be put into it. Be awesome playing this online. Need more racing games to have destruction like this.
Question Purple44... Do you work for the development team for the game?

No I do not work for Bugbear, I live a long ways away from Finland ( Eastern Washington, US ). But I played the Flatout 1 demo back in the summer of 2005 and even since have been hook on racing Flatout 1 and 2 online.

Also I been involved in the modding of Flatout 1 and 2 over at Flatout Joint for many years. I've done my share of custom tracks and derby pits for FO1 and FO2 and hope to do the same with NCG. :D

FOv3 mod online with Bugbear Arena derby pit. - video

Purplepack beta for Flatout 2. Part 1
- video

Spent 4 months making this junkyard track:


King of the Roof:
1.3gig update today

Update 2014-04-25

25 April -
A new update containing a number of hot fixes and other improvements is now available!


  • Added support for one additional DirectInput device.
  • Input bindings are reset for all users to avoid weird issues.
  • Reset and reverse camera can be now mapped to different inputs.
  • Handling no longer gets locked to right with certain gamepads.
  • Replay no longer exhibits black screen in some cases.
  • Steering wheel input is now disabled in photo mode.
  • Force feedback is now disabled in replay mode.
  • Improvements to the sandpit track.
  • Fixed an issue with car controls.
New post from Bugbear Dev:

Got Multiplayer?

Janne Suur-Näkki >>>
We're developing the multiplayer component as we speak, but since there are still quite a lot of loose ends I'm afraid we can't give a definite release window just yet. It's more or less the case of 'when it's done', i.e. when we're happy with the features and feel that it's robust enough for you folks to test. But sure enough, it's coming.

Like Purple remembered, we were indeed doing some multiplayer testing last year, but that was with our previous technology that we decided to scrap altogether as it turned out to be too unreliable and write a new, shiny one just to prevent the connectivity issues mentioned in this thread. Like said, multiplayer is one of the most important features of the game, if not the most important, and we really want to get it right.

Would this new code mean more than 12 players online??

Here another pic from the The all-awesome screenshot thread:


Link to full size image - http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/577894330782451703/F661D204D74D4726ADB971124D5ADC72C0980D05/

Another thread worth checking out is NCG Video Thread
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