Bugbear's "Next Car Game" need your vote - Steam Greenlight.

Has anyone tried this on steam home streaming yet? It looks fantastic but more of a sofa and TV game than sit at my desk kind of thing. I'll be getting it at some point regardless but it would be great if it was already ok at streaming with an Xbox controller, like RaceRoom, which streams brilliantly. I've got a feeling it wont stream well with so many cars and all the destruction going on but maybe somebody has tried.
A repost fom Bugbear's Weekly Report (Mar 08) thread:


A community screenshot by SensenM4nn.

Another busy week down! The development of the title is rolling on at a steady pace on many fronts. A majority of our coding team has been concentrating on developing our engine, while the level and art teams have been creating – you guessed it – new cars and tracks. We’re going to give you a teaser of those when we have a bit more to show, but this time we’re going to talk a bit about the forthcoming replay feature as well as a few common issues our community has encountered with the game.

Like said, the first iteration of our replay feature is now almost completed. Jani has been working on it for some weeks now, and he’s managed to pack in some pretty neat features. The way it works is that it will record the whole event, and afterwards you can simply let the replay roll and watch the whole barrage of twisted metal again in different camera perspectives or even in your custom one by using the free camera functionality. It will also feature time controls (slowing down and speeding up for those cool slow-motion shots), camera lock to target car (follow), target switching, pause and resume, as well as depth-of-field and field-of-view settings. In short, all the tools you might need to create your perfect cinematic video!

We also have some great news to those using multiple controllers to play the game, for example separate wheels and pedals. Currently the game only supports single controller at a time, and while that is of course not a problem if you use a wheel and pedals from the same set by plugging the pedals directly to the wheel, it makes it impossible plug both the wheel and the pedals directly to the system via an USB connection. Thanks to Tapio all that will change with the next update, after which the game will support multiple simultaneous controllers. The next update will contain quite a few other controller support improvements as well; complete details when the update is out.


A community screenshot by Conte Zero.

Speaking of controllers, quite a few of you have voiced your concern that the handling is currently too sluggish with a gamepad, taking away much of the fun. We’re glad to let you know that we agree with you, and we’ve been working this week to improve the situation. The reason why we introduced slower steering rate in the first place was to make the cars easier to control without any driving assists by preventing the player from making too drastic countersteering measures to combat fishtailing, but now in retrospect it does seem like we jumped the gun and made a too hasty decision on how to improve the situation. We’re of course still working on the handling (probably will be all the way until the end!), but we’re confident that we’ll be back on track with the next update, and we’re already really looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Oh, and before I forget: we’ve also received quite a lot of feedback that the AI controlled cars have too little mass in player vs. AI collisions, making it possible for the player to plow through scores of AI opponents without too much difficulty. We’ve heard you, and there’s an improvement coming for that too in the next build.

That covers the most important news, but we still have a little treat for the end. A talented YouTube user jaimswallace has produced an amazing cinematic trailer for Next Car Game, and what’s even more amazing is that he did it without the forthcoming replay feature! If you haven’t already done so, check out jaimswallace’s video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=188j9uV4LvU and don’t forget to subscribe for more explosive action!

Thanks to everyone for thoughtful feedback, we really appreciate it.

Janne Suur-Näkki, game designer


Be sure to checkout jaimswallace great video. :)
What do you effectively get for the £19.99 version Alpha version ? I'm hovering over purchase but would like a few more details like how many tracks are there currently ? can you setup the A.I ? What options do you get ? Sp and MP ? thanks in advance.

Big fan of the Flatout series and Destruction Derby type games and this looks pretty spectacular.
From memory there is a tarmac track, a dirt track, figure 8 and desctruction derby bowl. The tarmac and dirt track can be reversed. 3 cars currently I believe but been a while since I fired it up.

Setup the AI? You can choose how many cars (upto 23 + you).

Currently just single player but multiplayer is going to be insane when available.

Game is great fun in its current state and will just get better once more content is added. Game is incredibly polished in its current state but just lacks some content
Cheers ^^ bought it from the developers site which worked out £15 :D installed and about to boot up !

**edit **

Love it !! it's just insane fun. Cars feel weighty and the handling is fine using Xbox controller.

Really like the camera mode were you can stop the action at any point, move the cam around to any position and add some blur/depth effects.

**edit 2**

Haha that extra Sneak peak 2.0 theme park is bonkers mental !! Everyone who has ever enjoyed a Flatout game needs this in their life !! awesome !!

Last edited:
Yep it is rather good as it is at the moment! Think I might have to have a quick blast :D

You just know multiplayer is going be nuts on this!
What I'd love to see is an updated Sneak Peak 2.0 version of the current game with the cars, and fingers crossed a map editor. Think of the potential!
A new weekly report got posted today. Report got delayed last week because Bugbear Dev Ben was out with bronchitis.

Dev Update (Apr 4)

Here some pics from post:

The smaller derby stadium (check out our new driver!)

New 3D spectator pic.

Because a lot of the Bugbear Devs were sick last week or 2, Build #4 been delayed until next week.

Janne Suur-Näkki said:
Sorry to keep your folks waiting, we know that you're all anxious to get your hands on the new build. We were really hopeful that we'd get to roll out the update this week but since we still have quite a few loose ends I'm afraid we won' t be able to get it out until sometime next week. The update will not be 'major' in the sense that there would be a lot of new content, instead it will mostly contain improvements and bug fixes on what we already have (that said, improved handling is in!), with the more significant changes being rolled out at a later date. I know quite a few of you are looking forward to improved damage system, more complete car upgrading and proper scoring among other exciting features, but they take quite a bit of time to implement right and for the most part they cannot be implemented in small steps at a time in order to make sure that the build remains functional and playable. Needless to say, we are working on the above mentioned features among other stuff, and they will be implemented in the public build as soon as we're satisfied that everything's working like we want.
Massive update full of goodness today, weighing in at around 2gig with new tracks and other features :D

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Next Car Game

It's time for a SANDPIT SHAKEDOWN! The latest update of NEXT CAR GAME is here, and it will see you transported right back to where it all started from: a good, old-fashioned sandpit! That's right folks, the update contains a new sandpit race track very much like the ones you've all learned to love from our previous games. The classic sandpit environment with its sweeping corners, hefty hillocks and treacherous sand banks is admittedly one of the greatest fan-favorites, and the latest incarnation, albeit still very much work-in-progress, is guaranteed to make a perfect setting for some serious, no-holds-barred racing.

The update also contains a new replay mode that makes it possible to watch the whole glorious race again from every imaginable perspective. Naturally we've also included all the usual goodies such as depth-of-field, slow motion and fast forward, target locking, selectable field-of-view, and so on. The user interface will see a complete rework later down the road, but even now there's no reason to make the best crashtastic video ever and share it with the whole world!

Other than that the update features two new derby stadiums as well as a number of improvements, many of which were done based on community feedback. One of the most significant additions is the support for more than one simultaneous controller, so now you can finally drive like a boss with separate wheels and pedals. Also, the suspension and tire physics have been enhanced, and as a result the handling feels more natural than ever. We've also increased the responsiveness of the gamepad controls, as requested by many.

Needless to say, the update also contains an ample amount of other improvements and fixes. Please see below for the most significant changes:


  • New sandpit race track featuring both normal and reverse layouts, work-in-progress.
  • New mudpit derby stadium, work-in-progress.
  • New small derby stadium, work-in-progress.

Environment Art:

  • Smoothed out track-sides and improved gravel race track readability.
  • New work-in-progress spectator models - some previous ones remain.
  • New concrete barriers, used in various derby stadiums.


  • Two new weathers: stormy evening and misty evening.
  • Weather can be now specified in the event setup.

Vehicles and Handling:

  • New driver model, as of now simply static.
  • Improved suspension and tire physics.
  • More responsive handling with a game pad.
  • Improved player vs. AI collision physics.


  • Improved deformation physics so that visual car damage is more accurate.
  • Improved gameplay damage to prevent cars from getting too torn up and still going.
  • Fixed a case where cars would get damaged and eventually destroyed from rubbing against a static barrier.


  • New replay mode with slow motion and fast forward time controls (-16.0x ... 4.0x), a number of different cameras, target locking & switching, depth-of-field and field-of-view settings.

User Interface:

  • Race timer now correctly displays hundredths as well instead of random numbers.
  • Game is no longer unpaused when exiting Steam overlay if the game was paused.


  • Implemented multicontroller support (e.g. wheel and pedals in separate USB ports).
  • Sensitivity & deadzone adjustments now take effect without a restart.
  • Added saturation, sensitivity and dead zone settings for XInput controllers.
  • Game now defaults to DirectInput for wheels, hopefully making some wheels behave better.
  • The game now detects more than one XInput controllers that are connected simultaneously.
  • Force feedback is disabled for Microsoft Sidewinder FF wheel in an attempt to work around buggy driver causing lag.


  • Increased AI engine volume.
  • General improvements.

IMPORTANT: If you're experiencing controller issues such as being unable to correctly assign controls, please remove the user data generated by the previous build by navigating to [STEAM INSTALLATION FOLDER]/userdata/[USER ID]/228380/local and removing the folder labeled 'next car game pre-alpha'.

As always, have fun and don't forget to give feedback!

Prefer the steering on this now, much more responsive on a pad compared to before where the car felt like it just wafted about!

Find the damage hit and miss both before and after latest patch. Had what looks like quite severe damage but panels don't show a dent
Bugbear release new Build #4 yesterday and posted a new update:

Update #3 2014-04-17


Was surprise to learn this about the new sandpit track: :o

Ben >>>
Adenru >>>
Going uphil in sandpit I couldn't but noticed I raced there yesterday... In FlatOut 1. The beginning also reminds me of prototype.
Track feels exactly like FlatOut should be.

A lot of people really liked the prototype track and since it wasn't in Flatout we were free to use it. So it actually is the prototype track but enhanced for our newer engine. We'll be improving on it still and it's only a work in progress at this point.

Bugbear goes "retro flat-out" - prototype track


Here some pics I took with the replay feature: :)




Here a pic of what a more advance GUI will look like for NCG replay feature ( the pic is long so I posted a link instead ):


If you have not pre-ordered Next Car Game yet and news about Build #4 has got you interested, Bugbear got an Easter Holiday Steam sale going on right now ( 33% off ):


Or you still can pre-order NCG at Bugbear site and give them some extra support:

Bought this for £19.99 yesterday and today it's £13.99! Typical!

Really enjoying it so far though, and even on my machine it can handle 24 cars, max everything @ 1920x1080 pretty well (lowest it goes is about 22fps). Damage model is very cool and being able to have all the mess on the track is very impressive. Only put an hour or so into it at the moment though.
found a funny bug on Mudpit,

at the entrance, there are so frames either side of a gate (tarpaulin type material) i revered all the way from the other entrance and drove right through the frame!

tried to get back its really hard to do getting back i must been perfect to get through it in the first place but was funny being outside the arena and behind the crowd lol
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