Bugger My Cat is Dying

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Ok well the wife just phoned, first treatment of steroids successfully administered, and an entire chicken breast gobbled down. Fingers crossed he has a happy few final months :).
Sorry to hear that platypus. At least you can say a proper goodbye in the few months he has.

Regarding the steroids, our cat has been on them for ages and the best way we've found to feed them to her is to crush it up and mix it with a spoonful of posh cat food. Usually the plate comes back licked clean of every microbe of food :p
Ah he sounds a bit better mate :)
Hard choice but the steroids should ensure he's not in any pain.
If you've had the cat a long time you'll know when it's time.

Go on spoil him rotten for while.
If it's his kidney that are causing issues have you thought about some of the "lighter" food choices? theres a few that advertise themselves as being easy on the kidneys for cats that have problems.

Have a look over on Zooplus, great site :)

As for pills, how big are they?
the last ones I had to chop in half and poke into them chew stick things for him to eat them
Good suggestions guys, especially re the kidney 'friendly' food.

He loves raw chicken, but not sure how good that is for him in his condition!

Well just got back from the vets. He'd deteriorated massively overnight, and couldn't stand up, kept falling over, couldn't eat, wouldn't drink.


Am amazed at how fast the injection worked, just glad he's not suffering.

RIP Jasper :(.
Sad news bud :-( They can bring so much joy :-) Agree with Divine Wind... right course of action. Sorry for your loss.

My cat it on a renal diet, but he just keeps going (he's 20 now)... I don't think it'll be long now though.
I can remember losing our cat when i was about 8,i was devastated,i know how you feel,animals are a massive part of my life.
RIP Jasper
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