Bullying - Who's in the wrong here?

Yep, there'd have been more risk if he'd hit him due to the possibility of falling back and smacking your head. That kind of slam gives you a far greater chance of breaking your falll with your less important bodyparts.
excuse me? the kid snapped and flew at him. if you cant see an anger problem then you must have been watching a different video.

Now, elaborate. what EXACTLY do i have no clue about? being bullied? anger issues? what? or are you just talking **** ? read what i said and take it in before replying and i'll give you a clue - what do you think i did when i slammed that kids head in to a wall? i walked to class..

But sure, I dont have a clue lol. Stand and bang indeed.

Horrible response from you, such lefty rubbish, looking for faults in the kid getting bullied, surrounded by a mob all in support of the bully and recording it on their phones. Kid defends himself as best he could and you look to punish him. So sad really :/
The shame of it all is that this type of thing goes on every day in every school in the world.

Good on the big kid for defending himself, obviously he just had enough, snapped and didnt realise his own strength....i hope the poor kid doesnt ever get bullied again.

As for the little kid...he deserves a beating, such a big thing to be abusive to someone when you have all your friends backing you up, not such a big ego when your limping away eating more shame than you can possibly stomach....and having it recorded for all to see forever.

This could be made into one of those fake Mastercard images that used to do the rounds years ago...

Mobile phone - $100
amazing boxing skills - $250
Being powerslammed by a chubby kid and being recorded limping away - PRICELESS
I've been in the same situation and logic and reason go out of the window when you snap.

He's actually done the bully a huge favour. If the bully hadn't learnt that lesson until he was much older, he might have attacked the wrong person and ended up dead in a gutter somewhere.
Self defence. Good for him I say. Perhaps a little OTT but it's probably done the trick and that little scrote won't bother him again.

There's nothing wrong with forcefully defending yourself in situations like this.
Encyclopedia dramatica said:
The Aftermath

The Rat has a dislocated knee, therefore messing up his hourly breakdance routines.

The Rat has been suspended for twenty two days, during which time he will dig himself underground to avoid the Beast's wrath in future.[citation needed]

The Beast got suspended for four days, according to his sister. However, it seems more likely he is taking a voluntary four day holiday in order to feed and slumber, so he can continue punishing those who wrong him.

The Rat's parents are suing anyone and everyone, including the Beast and the school. However, The Beast trades not in currency, but in human souls, so this will prove pointless for the Rat's swarm.

I love the way they dress up the facts there :p
even without context the bully deserved it. he walks up, punches the kid twice in the face. The large kids response it totally justified, hope the skinny kid learns his lesson.

Same thing happened to me in year 7. I am a larger chap and when I joined a new school some of the locals tried to bully me. all culminated in a fight, I broke one of their jaws, got suspended (which was right) but was never bullied again. was actually quite good mates with the guy by end of school
Good on the kid for stickin up for himself. The idiot kid who thought he was tough got what he deserved.

Shouldn't have been suspended either but awarded and the idiot kid should have been suspended along with his stupid mates.

This, besides I saw nothing worthy of suspension there.

I've had countless fights at school and never actually got suspended
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