Burnout Paradise Official Thread

The load of Burnout 2 and 3 songs were just annoying and the line-up of songs in Burnout Paradise is good, but not to the same standard as Revenges. It has a couple of very good songs, but not enough class. I can listen to whatever I want :p.
I'm not a big a fan of the soundtrack as previous Burnout's - Too much cheesy american teen rock or whatever you call it.

However I have the Mac hooked up to the same speakers as my PS3 so I just put some Emerson, Lake and Palmer on and bomb around Paradise City :D

Well, it's not the sort of thing I'd listen to on CDs or anything lol
But it seems to suit the game so well.
Blasting around at 200mph, with this teeny-whatever-poprock on, just fits.

I think the consoles features help, yes, as does a superior pad. If you're comparing the games without the hardware, then yes, the PS3 is the better version (something I always stated when the demo's were released).
Jesus RP. You're number one at showtime IN THE WORLD on most of these.....

Why do you find that hard to believe :D

I am convinced though that it is either counting it wrong, or no-one else is interested in Showtime mode (or no-one has bought the ps3 version :D). I fully exptct the score to plummet as more people get the game.

I think the consoles features help, yes, as does a superior pad. If you're comparing the games without the hardware, then yes, the PS3 is the better version (something I always stated when the demo's were released).

Honestly, I was just having a bit of a wind up, makes no difference to me.
I've never been fussed about changing games soundtracks. Could do it on the PC years ago, but I've never felt the need.

For me, I do prefer the DS3 to the 360 pad, so I guess the PS3 is the superior version to me.

Again, in all honesty, I'm not sure there's any real world difference between the two versions. I think they're probably pretty identical, and most important choice between them is indeed, whichever pad you prefer, and who's on your friendslist on each machine. Even the online, as I understand it, is dealt with pretty similarly.

I'm not sure how Live works, with this subscribing and stuff, but does this mean that silver members can enjoy the same level as online play, as the gold members?

I was number one on a few last night when I was trying Showtime for the first time, I don't think its the best score ever, I'm sure its the best score in the last 'so many' minutes or something. Either that or I got lucky lol.
Can anyone who does the showtime explain to me which street the final score registers to? The one you are in when the showtime starts orr the one where it finishes? I just did 5.5 mill on Nelson Way, but I guess it ended on another road, so the scores registered for that road instead.

Can anyone who does the showtime explain to me which street the final score registers to? The one you are in when the showtime starts orr the one where it finishes? I just did 5.5 mill on Nelson Way, but I guess it ended on another road, so the scores registered for that road instead.


Thats stupid if thats how it works.
Can anyone who does the showtime explain to me which street the final score registers to? The one you are in when the showtime starts orr the one where it finishes? I just did 5.5 mill on Nelson Way, but I guess it ended on another road, so the scores registered for that road instead.

My mate did one yesterday and it was the street it started on despite finishing on another street.
My mate did one yesterday and it was the street it started on despite finishing on another street.

In that case my score is not recoding for whatever reason. :( It is listed as best offline crash (I can see my 5.25 mill if I press up on dpad and scroll to best offline score). I just assumed all the offline scores just go online automatically. maybe it will update later?

My mate did one yesterday and it was the street it started on despite finishing on another street.

What about the silver members stuff?
I'm just interested how it works?

Can silver Live members play Burnout Paradise, the same as gold members? Or to the same level as PSN users?

Ach, speaking of which, I think it's time to disappear from here for a bit, and go for a drive around Paradise City :D

I don't know, I have gold. I would guess they don't get online play.


I dunno what to say.
Well, in that case, PS3 version was definitely better for myself at least.

OK, I'm off to Paradise City... cheers.

6 people on my PSN list riding round Paradise City, and I have to go out :(

Mates place has a PS3, but it is sacrilege (and anti-social) to play anything apart from Tekken 5. (If Burnout had a split screen mode I could convince him).

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