Burnout Paradise Official Thread

I've been trying to 'take' as many streets as I can from Roser, I've not done too badly :p

I can't remember the name of the road, but it is just to the left of where you start.

I spent about an hour trying to take that off you yesterday (Perm Boy right?)

I was going bloody nuts everytime I crashed. I think I made it to the end in 1 piece once, and I still didn't beat you so I gave up.

I took Watt Street off you though, time and showtime... BOOYA!!! (I expect it will be gone now though)

Does it update you if people take them off you when you come online?
I've been trying to 'take' as many streets as I can from Roser, I've not done too badly :p

I *will* be reclaiming them back, so make the most of it :p

Concentrating on getting Elite at the mo (only 8 races left) so not done many showtimes.
Yeah, tells you how many roads you've lost. Quite a kick in the nuts actually seeing it!

I bet :D

I am off ill today, so will be on BP most of the day (with some FIFA 08 and a little bit of work catchup) so if anyone is around feel free to send me an invite please :)
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I have not noticed any rubber band crap in Paradise, I did a race in a GT2400 once and boosted the whole race without crashing and the AI cars weren't even in the minimap anymore.
I *will* be reclaiming them back, so make the most of it :p

Concentrating on getting Elite at the mo (only 8 races left) so not done many showtimes.

I was getting really peeved at Hamilton Av, took me like an hour to get that one off you.
I can now comment on the whole PS3 vs 360 with regards to Burnout Paradise as I now have BP on both formats.

I spent all last night playing the 360 version, compared to playing PS3 since launch but I was on for a good 4 hours or so last night for the 360.

Connections wise, I'm using the official Component cable on the 360. Running at 720p on an LG32LX2R. On the PS3 I'm hooked up to the same telly @ 720p via HDMI.


Colours: PS3 takes this one, but it could be down to the component cable. The picture is overall darker, even with TV settings tweaking. PS3 colours are brighter and vibrant. I will try hooking up the HDMI cable to my 360 tonight to see if it makes a difference.

Framerate: Again, PS3 takes this one. But it's a minor contest, very occasional framerate glitches on the 360 which don't occur on the PS3. Only happens at the start of races and when there's a lot of cars on the screen.

Textures: No noticeable difference in the 2 versions.

Models: No noticeable difference in the 2 versions.


Moose Verdict: PS3 version is slightly superior graphically, but it's so minor it's hardly worth getting worked up about. Will double check tonight by hooking up the 360 via HDMI but doubt it'll make too much difference.
Framerate: Again, PS3 takes this one. But it's a minor contest, very occasional framerate glitches on the 360 which don't occur on the PS3. Only happens at the start of races and when there's a lot of cars on the screen.
I did notice that on the PS3 version as well, it stutters sometimes when staring a race but other than that no framerate problems at all.
I honestly can't make out if the framerate is to do with loading times at the moment. I have noticed that it generally is when the song is changing or when a showcar appears, it's as if it quickly reads from the drive then carries on.
when i initially started playing this i really didnt like it, i stuck it out though and am now enjoying it more and more. getting new cars definately helps but i still think id like to see the next burnout have some more circuit events rather than just try and find the fastest way there.

is a good fun game though.
I read that the HD is mandatory for 360 Paradise online it's needed for caching, I wonder if this will become more prevalent in future game releases?

I must say I'm finding the game quite tedious now and there's no real sense of progress except for newer cars, I've found in race events it's easier to just take it steady and not crash than boost your balls off and have 1-2 collisions. The AI definitely slows down a lot when they are in front.
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You must be blind then, try following the AI, or wreck your car so they get in front they always slow down or crash to let you catch up, the rubber banding is very obvious as in most EA games. There is normally 1 or 2 fastest routes, the AI takes and splits up as needed it they do not go all over the map lost well I certainly have not seen them do that anyway. The AI is very weak in this game, way too forgiving due to very high levels of rubber banding.

The only rubber banding is on car shutdowns and in catching them at times. I've never had the AI catch me.
No, you said cars catching you, which is where I've said I've never seen it.
Car Shutdowns have to rubber band or you'd never see them, let alone catch them.
Rubber banding, staples, tomatoes, tomatoes, potatoes, potartos.

Jeez, just enjoy the bloody game!!
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