Its my mate, jfjnpxmy. Making an ass of himself again then.
Sorry, forgot it was him.
Yeah top bloke, had me in stitches the other night, must join in again over the weekend.
Its my mate, jfjnpxmy. Making an ass of himself again then.
~J~ I see you have the Millionaires Club achievement, may I ask where you did that? And do you have any tips for nailing it myself.
I tend to get over a million in most of the Stunts to be honest
Couple of tips though, they work almost constantly for me, but of course everyone's different.
I can't remember the name of the car I use, but it's a stunt car, quite small and has quite flatish features. It's the only car I've found which nearly always gets a barrel roll rather than landing on it's roof.
As for getting the points themselves, multipliers are obviously the key, but you need to find them.
There are a couple of areas which are rich in multipliers: The quary, Airport, the straight road between the naval base and the lodge (the bridge with the jumps).
If you're nowhere near these areas, then take your time to get there, a quick stab on the boost will reset the counter at the top and give you about 5-6 seconds of driving time while still topping up your boost and thus retaining any score you have.
The bridge between the lodge and the naval base as an example, hit that first jump on the bridge on full speed and do a flat spin and you'll generally get a 4x multiplier (super jump, long air, flat spin, billboard), and there's 2 of these jumps on the bridge so that's 8x multiplier within 10-15 seconds.
Another good place is the long north to south road on the far west of the map near the stadium. There's plenty of jumps and billboards there to get a 3x multiplier (air, billboard and flat spin) and halfway up there's a long wide road with a super jump onto the railway track with again about 2 billboards to get, so if you hit them in a flat-spin you'll double the score.
But the key is probably the cruising around and just stabbing the boost to reset the timer and look for an area you're 100% confident in doing. Remember, you can still have "final run" for literally minutes on end providing the final timer (the red disc in the top centre of the hud) doesn't count down thus racking up a massive score.
The stunts around the lake - ALWAYS head towards the airport as you can generally guarantee some enourmous multipliers - think I had a score of 26,000 with a 19x multiplier just by doing about 6 barrel rolls, 4 super jumps, 6 or 7 flat spins, long airs, etc, etc.
Does anyone know if the Sponsor codes on the 360 can be re-used. If so, does anyone know where I might find some?
Does anyone know if the Sponsor codes on the 360 can be re-used. If so, does anyone know where I might find some?
Steel Wheels: Z891 4K88 IN25 79AA
Gamestop: B179 8M20 XA09 80FF (Does work)
Thanks mate, both worked a treat
EDIT: hmm, I unlocked both but can only see the Gamestop one. I have an A license.
Thanks mate, both worked a treat
EDIT: hmm, I unlocked both but can only see the Gamestop one. I have an A license.
Handbrake into a gap between 2 cars, do it at the dam where the cars are parked against the wall.
Your tips worked a treat ~J~ I got 819,000 on my first run of the day. Now to hit that 1 mill![]()