Buying WOW Gold.....and buying power levelling

Personally I dont think theres anything wrong with it.

1. Money wont buy you the best items, the best items are all bop.
2. As for it spoiling the game well in a way yes, but maybe if Blizzard actually came up with some new ideas maybe people wouldnt need to do this.

I bought gold the last 300g to get the epic mount. Just couldnt see the point of grinding anymore was soul destroying. Bought 400g to get a Kroll blade at level 51, again wanted a decent weapon and at 51 there was no way to grind in Winterspring, and the drop rate is abysmal. Did I do the right thing to enjoy the game more? Definitely.

Yes and No tbh.
Before 60 its very exciting finding new things you can do in the game etc....
But at 60 its all about epics, so you either pvp or spend half your life in MC/AQ/ZG etc.

Basicaly one insane grind, and watch people around you turn into epic hounds...and you gotta love all the leet speak that gets spammed everywhere and anywhere.....

Spent well over a year in WoW and so glad i left, D/E over 15 epics felt good :)

And he's spot on. ;)
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When I started my alts, I was happy to spend a bargain £9 for 1000g, meant I could always get the best green stuff for my level at the AH and whatnot, I wasn't planning on taking any of the to 60, just wanted to faff about with some other classes/races :)
Gold buying destroys the in game economy.

I don't know what WOW's economy is like at the moment ????

But on FFXI some items are priced so high that it could take you up to 6 months 10 hours a day farming just to buy the item.

Only problem is how do they stop it :/
Its cheating, It's against the T&Cs and ruins the game.

Its one of the reasons i quit WoW.

Lets be honest here is he was asking about downloading a bot for BF2 or something here he'd have been flamed to death.

IMO theres no diffence.
House said:
Its cheating, It's against the T&Cs and ruins the game.

Its one of the reasons i quit WoW.

Lets be honest here is he was asking about downloading a bot for BF2 or something here he'd have been flamed to death.

IMO theres no diffence.

Yes there is. In an FPS, in general, you are all on a level playing field, the only thing separating you and the other player is skill, using bots, wallhacks is nothing but cheating.

Like i said before you want the best items in wow you cant buy them anyway so there is a limit to what you can buy. Being in a guild where you get gold loaned, given gold would be this be classed as cheating? The two genres are different you cant compare the two imo.

I would class twinks as cheating if your going down that route.
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i noticed the other day when the gms were temporarily unavailable a ton of the people who stand in the cities saying they are selling gold pop up suddenly

in gw, which i used to play a lot you can quite easily see the bots, they all follow exact routes, same classes etc etc

i cant see what makes it so ard for them to stop it
The game is brilliant fun until you get to L60.

I have Leveled two characters to L60 and started a third but unless you can put in the time then there it is not worth playing. Which I wont be when my subscription ends this month.

You just wont be able to compete with others and will always have worse off equipment.

I do belong to a great guild and have great fun with them but its a lot of money to just chat with friends.

Imagine one day they will make a game that casual gamers can play :)

Have fun
kicks66 said:
i cant see what makes it so ard for them to stop it

I'm guessing just one mistake would cause a sudden outcry. 'My high level character, that I poured my life and soul into, was just deleted and my account closed. X is the worst game in the world!'.
Funny how I hear more people quitting wow these days than starting to play it. It never has been geared to casual play no matter what Blizzard/people say.
was just thinking that, the tides do seem to have turned. good, maybe they will try doing something about the bugs and **** servers that have been around forever, people will only take so much before quitting.
Edinho said:
Did I do the right thing to enjoy the game more? Definitely.

See, it's selfish people like you who ruin the game for everyone else. Why do you think Krol Blade was so expensive? It's because chumps have bought gold and have inflated prices to ridiculous levels.

Congratulations on improving your enjoyment whilst contributing to ruining the game for everyone else :rolleyes:
Trojan said:
See, it's selfish people like you who ruin the game for everyone else. Why do you think Krol Blade was so expensive? It's because chumps have bought gold and have inflated prices to ridiculous levels.

Congratulations on improving your enjoyment whilst contributing to ruining the game for everyone else :rolleyes:


I play on Argent Dawn and until recently the prices were sensible as the gold farmers hadn't made it there yet. Over the last few months I'm coming across more and more farming bots (which means people are obviously buying their gold) and the prices for some items in the AH has gone through the roof.

Buying gold may be good for one person but it ruins it for the rest of us who want to play the game properly and by the rules.
dbmzk1 said:
Sure they are....

This kind of thing is what destroys the economy's in MMO's and ***NO*** game company currently takes policing it seriously enough.

Anyone who has ever bought or sold game money, items or accounts are scum and are ruining the game for the rest of the players.

As I said above...

CCP to take it V serisly, but no-one has the man power to report EVERY SINGLE offence on Ebay, they would have to employ 1000 people 24/7!
I think that eBay should be responsable for these illegal (as they ARE) sales and
a) taken to court for it
b) held responsable for any loss of earnings from the games owners.
c) have to disclose information on the seller so that they can also be taken to court.
Confusion you complete sad case.

Why don't you just pay someone to play the game for you?

The idea is to have fun 'along the way' developing a char, and overcoming the challenges in the game.

I'd happily see you banned from gaming altogether. For life.
If you can't handle a little grinding then WoW isn't for you, it's as simple as that.

Bugger off, quit whining, and DO NOT turn to these bloody gold/levelling services which are beginning to ruin the game.
The day I consider buying MMORPG currency/power leveling service is the day I step away from the computer. Your get so much more satisfaction by doing it yourself, and by sharing your account with your power leveler, you run the risk of your account being shut down as account sharing is easily detected and a banable offence. Theres a lot of speculation around the point of whether buying gold is illegal, Blizzard make it clear that selling is illegal but seem to keep quiet when asked about buying. However there was one post on the official forums a long time ago that I remember, asking that very question and it was comfirmed by Thundgot that it was illegal and people who do buy run the risk of being banned. Thats the only official comment on the subject that ive seen.

The main problem with Blizzard and their seemingly relaxed approached to bots/sellers is that its estamated that around 10% of the WoW community is actually employed by these currency selling companies. It doesnt take a mastermind to figure how much in subscription fees Blizzard makes from them, and when they do actually ban the most notorious botters/sellers, they will only buy a new copy of the game and start over providing more money to Blizzard. If they were to ban the buyers as well, then a massive percentage of the community would be lost. Another article I read estamated that at least 30% of players had bought gold at some point. The only way gold selling will truely dissapear is when buyers stop buying it.

As for people saying its hard to level etc, WoW is probably the easiest MMORPG to get to the top level by quite a stretch in my experience. My advice would be just to do your leveling/money making on your own. Its so much more satisfying and you can have piece of mind that your account wont be banned at some point.
quick solution, every gold seller advertizes a website ingame (lvl1 alt that's deleted shortly after prolly) make their website name a banned word regardless of the profanity filter being on or off, can't be that hard can it.
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