Ok, try the most simple test to get an example of what I am talking about...
Whatever is in your system right now, it should not make too much of a difference and you will probably get the idea on how I mean...
1 - Run Folding At Home on both cores. I think Folding at Home is about the best example, because the idea of how that works, is that it uses up CPU time thats NOT being used.
No apps and FAH uses up 100% btu as soon as the CPU gets used, it drops off to 0%
2 - Now run a program that converts something to another thing... MP3 to WAV or AVI to DVD or such like... Anything will do but oviously if its MP3 then the job will be done before you can grasp the idea. One that uses up both cores is preferable, if it uses only one, run another instance of it
3 - Have a look at TASKMAN, and what FAH cores are up to and the program you are using to encode the stuff...
You will notice that even FAH is eating up a lot of CPU time, giving less to the encoding.
4 - Cycle through the Start menu... Tell me honestly if everything comes up instantly ( Sub-Menus ) or if there is a small gap for it to bring them up ( I know you can change the time of the menus to apprear, so it depends on that as well )
5 - DeFrag all your partitions ( I have currently 6 partitions on 4 Drives ) - C: and T: are sharing I use T: for ISO Images, and D: and F: are sharing, my Apps & Games are on D: and F: is junk, E: is my media, and M: is my downlaods - utorrent is on permanently, currently downloading 12 files
6 - burn as many disks as you can, I have 4 DVDRW Drives, and so I burn 4 DVDs at a time, this should take nothign out of the CPU, but will take the time from the HDs
7 - Now, open up Notepad and tell me its still instant?
On the AMDs it is.
On the P4 I gave up waiting long ago and the conroe takes 3 or 4 seconds.
Now play a game. and tell me its still perfectly playable?
On the AMD it is... Slight pause when its loading up but thats to be expected.
Games like Doom3 and Quake 4 have a slightly larger pause between levels but thats because Im also defragging all my partitions, and burning disks
The conroe is bubbly ( Jerky ) all the way through, takes 5 times longer to start up ( Not that I have timed it, youcan see its slower ) and I can go out and fill the kettle in between times of it loading levels.
I accept the Conroe is quicker. Id be a total liar to say any other way, and this, I will never argue about.
The fact is, that with any system, you push it, each task gets less and less time to do its job right... This is obvious.
The thing is, that the AMD canstill flick between each job with complete ease and speed while the conroe gets worse and worse at it.
I mean, use CTRL-TAB and cycle through each app, to bring it up to the front and on the AMD... BANG! - there it is in about half a second, but on the conroe, Im waiting for it to shuffle the top app to the bottom, and then bring up the new app and let it finish displaying the page... Much like as if I have not installed the video drivers yet.
At this time, the AMD has an X800GTO2 and the conroe has the X1600, but previously the GFX Cards were the other way round and even though the x1600 is slower than the 800 it makes no difference here.
If I open up Notepad here, on the conroe I can wait 5 seconds easily... The AMD... Instant again.
Its this kind of pressure I put my systems under all the time. Hell, even my barton 3200 in the NF7S was capable of doing all this, albeit a fair bit slower, but at least it also didnt give me the waiting times in between loading apps and messing about within windows and cycling through my jobs was quick and painless.
Yes, the conroe is way quicker than the AMD, howevr, once loaded up, the speed of the AMD starts to shine through and in the end, it makes it a much better workhorse than the conroe ( For me ) and so after a few weeks, I have decided that I am much better off in sticking to the AMD as my main PC.
Like I said, the conroe when its only doing the basics or one or two things at a time, as 99.9% of people will only ever do, is vastly superior to the AMD, its just that I need it to do more.
Ok, right now, I am burning 3 DVDs, I am using DVDSanta to convert 2 AVI files into one DVD, Im also using DVD-2-ONE to convert another file, when DVDSanta has finished on its 2 files, I will add it to the DVD2ONE file, and build up a DVD using TMPGEnc, but at this time, I am also converting the last lot to a finished DVD with TMPGDVDEnc. In all, I am currently working on 2 AVI files, and 7 DVDs if you consider both the INPUT and OUTPUT of the programs... Taking into account that I am also downloading 12 torrents and defragging all 6 partitions and while I am havign a browse through the forums, I have just paused NeedForSpeed.
Im doing this one the AMD because it takes too long on the conroe.
Hey, I have not checked this one out, but perhaps if I left the PCs alone, which would finish all the jobs first?
I will do some stuff later on for that... I just need to finish off some thigns first.