Ok, the AMD now has only 1GB just like the Conroe.
Its still doing the same thing. The lag on the AMD has increased, but only slightly, and certainly a lot less than I had expected it to, and its still managing to run multiple apps and jump between them better than the conroe is doing.
This whole thread has gone totally away from my original post.
I really dotn give a freaky fat flying f??? about any benchmark results. They have stopped impressing me years ago because 9/10 times, a game does not actually play any better whether it gives out 100FPS or 101, it seems to me, that just because something gives out that extra 1 FPS, all of a sudden, the system that does it in 100FPS has all of a sudden become a pile of No Swearing!? sod that. I really dont care one tiny bit about that. I do care that running a whoel host of apps on both my conroe and my AMDs are showing that the AMDs can handle them all better than the conroe... Much better.
Ok, so going back to basics, they are both now running only 1GB ( 2x512MB )
With Folding on both cores, here is what I ran
StarOffice8 ( And opened up a Spreadsheet and a 32MB DOC )
PaintShop Pro 8 ( And loaded up a whole Directory of Pictures )
DVDSANTA ( And started to convert 7 AVI Files that are 120MB Each )
Ran 4 instances of DVD-to-ONE on copies of the same DVD and converted the DVD down to as small as poss )
Imported 3 DVD Files into TMPGENC and built them up into one DVD
The files I used are copies of each other - Just to do the tests by the way.
I then ran Need For Speed Underground 2, Most Wanted and Carbon at the same time ( This is for kicks more than usefullness ) as well as UTClassic and 2004 God knows why I do this, cos they can argue like hell to gain top stop it seems
But either way, I dont care, one game always ends up on top, and the others just get chucked into the background and this particular exercise is completely poinless really.
The AMD was playing CTF in UT2K4 and I was a good couple of minutes into the game by the time the conroe was showing me anything other than the desktop. I ESCaped *** game and ALT-TABbed through to each of the DVD2ONE programs and they came up in less than a quarter of a second.
The Conroe was still showing me a black screen from one of the games.
Anyway, I quit the games on the AMD and then canceled all the running apps and quit the program and then shut down.
NFSU2 came up first, I quit it and then the others were minimised and I opened these up and quit them, but they took a fair few secodns each to come up, this never happened on the AMD and then I quit them all and then quit the DVD/AVI Programs too.
Ishut it down and even shutting down took 30 odd seconds!
The Conroe was quicker at a few apps, but dire when loaded up with loads of them.
I still have not seen anyone actually prove me wrong on this, only some stupid benches of graphic card / game performance, and this is somethign I am not disputing.
So, Im thinking that maybe a few people have indeed doen this and seen that I am in fact correct.