Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Official Thread

27 Aug 2004
Did you like any of the previous games single player? Because in my opinion this is way better.

Played the original and loved it, didnt play the second and probably got half way through the third.

Im definately buying it as its brilliant online (current one I have is a rental), but im hoping the single player gets better, but im only just onto the bit after you jump off the boat so not far into it really.

Online its brilliant, very much the same as the beta was, just wish they would ditch the ranking system. I want my M4 dammit!
29 May 2005
Just completed on Veteran amazing game TV station level was doing my head in for abit. :(

Levels i enjoyed most were C130, Sniper, SAS awesome game. :D

Shame no more levels to do though :( wish there was an editor so could create your own would be sweet. :)
28 Apr 2003
Welsh Riviera - Swansea
Well after I got the kids to bed, appeased the wife I managed to have a quick 30 min blast on COD 4 MP last night. I was tempted to go for the single player but thought lets stuck in and see whats the games about ( as I never played the beta ). I found it very past paced, especially in the smaller maps. Graphically i was not blown away at first but in the heat of battle it all looks good and the explosions are v good. The death cam is good to see yourself blundering around the map like a noob ! It needs a lot of flicking about from your own view to the overhead map whilst always listening out for the UAV drones and enemey helicopter to keep on top of the tatcialt situation .I thought this was a run and gun but for my style of play its steady jog and gun ! I got caught out many times by the chopper as there is so much audio information to process when you are learning the maps.
I found the MP set up a lot easier to fathom out than Halo3's version . worst was the annoying high pitched voices of those gaming idiots who just prattle on throught out a game - I am sure its the same 8 yr old I had the joy to listen to when i first fired up COD3!
So i am left most certainly with a great taste of COD4 pie in my mouth and will be starting the single player this weeken. All ain all more of thesame FPS with a nice gloss to it. Thank god for the handy X to reload button tips, in the heat of battle its soo easy to empty a clip into a wall and not reload.
Also when starting you can feel your self tense up, anticiapting the first target- great stuff.

16 Jun 2005
Back in the UK
After a quick go lastnight (turned out to be all night) I tore throught the early ranks and got up to rank 22.

This game is really really fun. One of my freinds on live said it was the first time he has ever heard me getting excited over live playing a game.

Its deffo the first game ive played in a longwhile thats put a huge smile on my face.
I just dont understand why playing this feels so much better than playing halo3. Halo 3 gets me mad, this even when im getting slaughtered im still having fun. Halo3 lobbys are a more polished article but ill forgive the odd thing for gameplay like this.

Single player on vet is hard with quite a few instadeath moments forcing you to replay when you know that doors gonna come down sort of moments (also think of that as cheap game design) but its a very well put toghter package so ill forgive it.

Only thing is when am i going to finish the SP when the MP is sooooo much fun.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Liverpool, UK
I just dont understand why playing this feels so much better than playing halo3. Halo 3 gets me mad, this even when im getting slaughtered im still having fun.

I felt exactly the same when playing the Beta. I generally suck at online shooters but I was enjoying the COD4 Beta so much I carried on playing and by the end of the Beta actually became fairly good at the game. It's easily the most fun MP game I've ever played, and I can't wait till I get home today so I can have a nice blast on it before going out.
19 Sep 2005
Problem with the tv station level is if you just hide in one spot the enemy will just keep respawning. As some others have said, Get the shotgun and head straight across and into the first room then keep low and move fast always keeping to the left and taking cover in rooms along the way. Finally you'll hear some radio messages and things will calm down.

I've been finding it pretty tough so far on Hardened Difficulty. I'm tempted to start again on regular/normal however I don't want to make it too easy for myself. Maybe it's just because I havn't played a fps on my PS3 for a while and am just used to the pc's controls :)
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25 Nov 2006
I have to say this is the best game I have played on the 360 in a long time. The single player campaign on veteran is very hard, I am stuck on the gunship level. The multi player is great best multi player I have played on the 360, I can see my self not getting bored of this game at all.

This is better than Halo 3 :).
19 Apr 2006
I have to say this is the best game I have played on the 360 in a long time. The single player campaign on veteran is very hard, I am stuck on the gunship level. The multi player is great best multi player I have played on the 360, I can see my self not getting bored of this game at all.

This is better than Halo 3 :).

I cant hold off gettin this. I told myself i shouldnt but i cant help myself!!!

Will get it at 1pm when i finish college!

Really looking forward to this game now.
21 Oct 2002
On this you die cause of your own fault and you know why.

Halo you die cause of lag/silly meelee issues or kill stealers who wait for their mates to take out your shield. I do love the 3 seconds of the view of the guy who kills you though.

Night vision with the laser sights just looks cool too
28 Feb 2004
North East, UK
Been breezing through the game on vet so far (apart from that bloody TV station! :p) and I'm really enjoying it! Does anyone else think COD2 was harder on Veteran? Either that or I'm getting better at FPS games!

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

My parents went out this morning and took the mail with them (Our mailbox is on the end of our drive).. I just KNOW my CoD4 was in with the mail :(
26 Mar 2007
I'm so impatient. I have one arriving from mail order on Monday. I couldn't wait and bought it from a German shop. It has "Komplett in Deutsch" on the front, so Ill have some crazy sounding Terrorists and SAS guys by the looks of things :D
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