fantastic little game all-round
Multi is fun, have managed to rank up to level 13 or 14 in 4 hours or so - mainly play that domination game for fun, but have found S&D to be a points hog!!
As for single, good stuff so far - going for it on Hard, found the TV station crippling, though am now stuck on the retro sniper mission, the final bit with the choppers - cant get past it no matter what i do - i just get raped - there must be a 'money' spot to camp out in??
if you are on the part where you have to hold out for the chopper, yes there is a spot where yo ucan hide out, though it is much more fun if you stick it out.
As you look from the hill (wheel on your right), lay some claymores right at the far end (keep at least two back though) where they start coming around the corner, that will sort the first wave off. Also put down some C4 for the second wave. Take out the dogs as that's important. As you're looking at where they come from (between the two buildings (swimming pool on left and tower block on right). Make you're way to the right hand side of the right building (either kill the first two waves, or just go straight there) you will see a kink in the tower block, put down claymores at the front of the building parallell to where you are standing, and also put some behind you, so basically that side of the building is now covered with claymores on both sides, so any enemies will get impacted upon tripping the claymores. Also, before the first wave comes, lay C4 on the white picket fence, and inebtween the cars that are around. This is very important as you'll need this to see off the rest of the enemies who are shooting at your injured partner.
You can then wait it out there, when the chopper lands, come out of your hiding spot, see all of the enemies who are gathered around the fence and cars. Detonate the c4 and finish the rest of these off. Grab your partner and get to the helicopter.
job done.
This is what I did for Vet, but managed to get through Hard with just taking them out (with C4, and Claymores between the two buildings for the first two waves).
Good luck, let us know how you get on.