Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2022)

I've found the easiest way to level up the battle rifles is to use an Overkill class with a gun I like as primary and the battle rifle as secondary. Then every time I capture an objective or sit on a hardpoint or plant a bomb I just swap to the battle rifle!

Somehow managed to get the FTAC Recon to level 7 in 5 games without firing a single bullet with it!

Well that is inspired. I don’t actually play hardpoint or any other mode - I’m TDM only. But yeah - I like the sound of your way of doing things and will deffo be checking it out!!

Awesome bit of advice, thank you :)
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There was a 49.72GB patch waiting for me to download when I turned Xbox on this morning.
Very strange. I completely turn off my Xbox Series X, but it seems to download updates when I'm not using it. I can't tell if I'm just not getting the updates or if they happen when I am asleep.
Very strange. I completely turn off my Xbox Series X, but it seems to download updates when I'm not using it. I can't tell if I'm just not getting the updates or if they happen when I am asleep.
I have my Xbox in energy saver mode, I was playing COD last night, fancied a game this morning at 8:30 and when I launched it said it needed to update :(

Yet last week's update for the multiplayer launch downloaded overnight :confused:
Guess nobody else in the UK is playing in the morning at 11am, 100ms lobbies babyyyyy

Same earlier on in the mornings too. The 07:30 - 09:00 period in the week is well dodgy. Minimum of 100 ping every lobby. Got 60 ping on Friday or so I thought - but it was jumping 60-100 and huge lag spikes. Made it unplayable. Kept freezing then I would appear high in the air and fall to the floor somewhere completely different on the map and then freeze again then be right back where I was supposed to be just as someone kills me. Lol.

In the main though, late afternoon play is generally pretty solid for me. Few shonky lobbies here and there but overall pretty good. Sort of 4pm - 7pm time.
This has the worst footstep audio of any cod I’ve ever played. It’s so muffled and quiet and I’ve got no idea what direction it’s coming from. Awful compared to the original Modern Warfare. Don’t know if it’s just a PS4 issue
This has the worst footstep audio of any cod I’ve ever played. It’s so muffled and quiet and I’ve got no idea what direction it’s coming from. Awful compared to the original Modern Warfare. Don’t know if it’s just a PS4 issue

I tend to use TV speakers and play on relatively low volume. Might seem a bit strange but I find playing mainly on visual cues has helped my reactions and overall performance. I found when using headphones I was becoming too distracted and fixating on footsteps and checking if friend or foe and in those moments of indecision I very often got killed.
This has the worst footstep audio of any cod I’ve ever played. It’s so muffled and quiet and I’ve got no idea what direction it’s coming from. Awful compared to the original Modern Warfare. Don’t know if it’s just a PS4 issue
I thought the opposite, footsteps seem so obvious, I've really had to focus on slowing myself down. Using a decent gaming headset.

*edit, on xbox series x
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This has the worst footstep audio of any cod I’ve ever played. It’s so muffled and quiet and I’ve got no idea what direction it’s coming from. Awful compared to the original Modern Warfare. Don’t know if it’s just a PS4 issue

There are issues with the sound on ps4 I think.

On the ps5 the footsteps are almost too clear, a massive indicator of direction.
Completed the single player this morning, all in I thought it was really well put together (with the obvious lows being the driving and crafting missions).
I completed the campaign on veteran this afternoon, I missed a few achievements, so i'll play through some levels on easy to get them at some point,

I just logged in and have an extra 10x weapon xp & 10x xp tokens to use ontop of the campaign rewards :) those weren't there a few days ago.

Shouldn't take long to get to 55.
Tempted to come back to CoD for the first time since WWII (4 years ago?) And I keep on looking at Xbox All access is it? Where you get the Series X for £29 a month with Ultimate Game pass to replace the Xbox One X
In fact, as I type, I guess it would be a good time to sell the One X over the next few weeks
Anyone playing using satellite internet? I'm on Starlink and usually get around a 30ms ping on speedtests and 100-250MB connection, reckon it'd be at all playable?
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For those who play in parties, do you constantly have to restart the game should you invite an additional person to your party? It’s getting really annoying. (PS5)
Strange it’s just us.

I’ve spent a lot of time on this game and I’m nearly spent. We’re being matched against players waaay better than us and it’s exhausting, we win most games as the opposition barely plays the objective but SBMM is just rearing it’s ugly had as usual. Every game is a slog/sweat fest, never just a fun game
Aye, im finding the same, ive improved a lot to the point of even topping the scoreboard the odd game but it feels like I have to be on the top of my game every round otherwise I get melted, there's no sit back and relax going on here.
Hey guys, I just went to launch the game and there was a small update, shortly after the game tried to launch and now won't launch due to an error.

It says "no supported dxgi adapter were found" and will no longer launch.

I've been playing since released with no issues and I'm on an RTX 2080.

Any help would be much appreciated.

I've just tried updating my drivers and it still says the same error message.

EDIT: Managed to fix it by running a scan and repair.

Are you guys and gals finding lots of rubber banding? Some nights it's fine but tonight it's so bad.
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I've not played a call of duty game for years but tempted with this one, mainly after watching theseknives on YouTube - the rage chat he gets for wiping teams with knives and a riot shield is hilarious
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