I played a game yesterday in a random mini royale trios. All of us were using game chat
It made me realise how bad me and my friends play as a team.
We dropped into Mazra city and looted, immediately enemy were being tagged and someone called "we have two teams dropping in with us" then "you have one trailing you"
I turned around and killed the guy trailing me as got a couple shots in before he landed"
Then looted and I split money as had the most without being asked, other teammates shared AR.
Headed to the buy station and I called "team on buy", one teammate went to the far side and tagged two and we ended up killing them easily due to the tags.
On the buy we bought primary weapons and a UAV then headed into the cirlce.
The whole game went on like this - no waffle comms, automatically sharing ammo and money, tagging and helping each other, constantly staying close, calling out if we engage or not in some situations. At one point I ran off and was aked "where are you running off to?" I thought, 'no-one asks me this normally??!' and ran back to stay close to the other two. Most of the game we were all probably within a 50m radius of each other apart from flanking.
When I play with friends its a different game
We dont really play as a team as teammates run off to do a bit of their own thing and we re-group a lot. Often this leads to eat individually coming under attach whilst on our own
Constant chatter which doesnt help win games but guess that's the nature of playing with friends
Squabbling over sharing money and ammo
Getting into engagements where one or more of the team will run off if they get shot (this is probably the most annoying thing)
Stupid things like yesterday me saying "I have a self res, you cover as they are near us" So teammates revives me and he gets shot within 3 seconds
Or when I died and needed buying back quickly so I could get my stuff back, teammate raids my body loot for 10 seconds then buys me back after. I drop in my the weapons but gas has now covered by body so am left at a late stage in the game with a pistol whilst teammate has half my gear like lethals but already had his main weapons
...I might just play more with random people