I tried this again last night and have now deleted it. It's one of the most annoying COD games I've ever played.
Do you need a beta code to play this weekend or is it unlocking for all later today? Heard a few mixed answers.
I agree, more camping, but it's always been a legitimate strategy and UAVs are up so often that typically everyone knows where everyone is. I quite enjoyed what I played last night, gun play felt fluid, animations are slick and sounds authentic. I can see me playing a lot of 2v2, really enjoyed the tension in that mode.
It's the most campiest of COD's I've played, literally everyone in some area where you can only see their forehead but they can see your whole body coming. I'm enjoying it but ultimately I am rubbish at it so far.
I agree, more camping, but it's always been a legitimate strategy and UAVs are up so often that typically everyone knows where everyone is. I quite enjoyed what I played last night, gun play felt fluid, animations are slick and sounds authentic. I can see me playing a lot of 2v2, really enjoyed the tension in that mode.
I've unlocked ghost now which has helped a lot!
I actually think not having Ghosts may have contributed to my frustration. As there is near enough a UAV up constantly then the other team always knows where you are. You walk around a corner and there's always somebody waiting for you.
I suspect this is going to be something easily circumvented by the PC crowd. Not to mention XIM users.
I think the days of pad vs pad servers are long gone. Not so bad if you have mad pad skills but for most of us mortals it just isnt any fun.
Anyone been able to add PS4 users as friends ?
I've not even seen a PS4 logo next to other players. Just seems Xbox and PC with a game pad.
Why aren't I rewarded for playing the objective? It's like this game is made for campers.
I bet you're loving it then