Camoe the scammer is pwnd?

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Well, well, well. I come to view GD in the hope of passing some time at work today and pass it did! I have experienced a multitude of emotions since starting and finishing this thread in pretty much one sitting.

Superbly played Rainmaker, Dons and people who were involved in outing this slimy ****s scamming. It angers me that a 17/18 year old punk kid (who needs to lose a few pounds) thinks he can come on the internet and scam some decent folk, using the medium of our sacred OcUK forums.

Camoe, I have laughed at how pathetic you are and how quickly your balls shriveled up when you realised you were on the receiving end of an internet pwning. Refunding those people and the rest you scammed might be your only saving grace and a good way of stopping this situation before it becomes any worse for you.

Perhaps you might want to ascertain some internet skills before scamming people only to have left yourself WIDE open. What a douche bag. Scamming is bad enough, but leaving that much evidence about yourself wide open to a group of people who are clearly more intelligent than you is just asking for trouble.

Epic thread, thanks for the read and lulz. Another reason why I love these forums.

Oh and Camoe, you might want to watch yourself about in Peterborough now, because I'm sure if any OcUK'er spots you:

Huge thread, tl:dr if anybody could be so kind?

Don't be so lazy, it's worth a read. :p Basically Camoe sold me and synixx hdds through MM. Posted them in a plain Jiffy with no packaging at all, having waited a week and a half after receiving money from buyer to do so. Only used 2x 1st class stamps as postage, leaving an invoice from RM attached to the package for the buyers to pay. HDDs obviously arrived broken given their means of dispatch. Camoe proclaims he's not a shop, no refunds. After last thread declares he'll pay us refunds at the end of July 2010. Disappears from the forum the week before that, while his other dupe accounts (four in all) keep posting. Refuses to answer emails from buyers and MM Dons. He thinks we're all too dumb to realise how his (retarded) plan worked. GD threads ensue, refunds follow much to GD's amusement. Scamoe is branded in front of his friends and family as a shyster.

That's about as brief as it can go without you losing out on major details.
If it wasn't for the dupe accounts, I would believe that he didn't start off trying to scam but then, when things turned pear shaped, took the opportunity to hide behind RM and the fact that he had the money.

The reason I think this is I refuse to believe that there is a human being alive that is SO stupid that they scam some people AND add them to Facebook. Otherwise, there is no hope for our species.
GMAN - I love your Donald account on Facebook, are all the people that are your 'friends' random people you've added to abuse?
If it wasn't for the dupe accounts, I would believe that he didn't start off trying to scam but then, when things turned pear shaped, took the opportunity to hide behind RM and the fact that he had the money.

The reason I think this is I refuse to believe that there is a human being alive that is SO stupid that they scam some people AND add them to Facebook. Otherwise, there is no hope for our species.

LOL yes. Reading this thread is like watching Idiocracy happen before my eyes. If you haven't seen that film I suggest you should.

I don't think the kid is a scammer, I think he's just a bit of a plank, and wanted to make the most amount of money possible from these sales, so skimped out on packaging and paid the price. Stupid, for sure, scammer? A little harsh, especially to try and tarnish his RL reputation.

Don't get me wrong, packaging delicate electronic products in the security of a thin sheet of plastic/paper is worthy of a smack on the back of the head. But you can see the corner he backed himself into, he's a young lad and probably spent the money as soon as it cleared on booze and pokemon cards. We've all done it. He's not some evil mastermind that a lot of people on here are making him out to be.
I don't think the kid is a scammer

so why the mutiple accounts ?
why wouldn't he refund /

Rainmaker is there any chance you could get that hard drive working and check the dates on the last files created......see if it really was in use just before he sent it to you.
personally im guessing he is a lying piece of censored and sent out faulty hard drives in bad packaging intentionally, just to make it look like the bad packaging caused them to break.
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