Camoe the scammer is pwnd?

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MilkyBK if you're going to make crap image macros every five seconds, do yourself a favour and make sure you can spell the intended victim's username right, use a font people can read, and learn how to work "your" and "you're".

Had to vent before I exploded with rage. Ta.

But he's on our side so leave him alone. :)

Gibbo - Camoe
:eek: I see what you're talking about

What has been seen!... :eek:
Thread delivers!! Love it.

Read through so fast I didn't catch if you established of was his or not...... look at the "self portrait" in the About section.

I'd spot that face a mile off.

Sorry, I missed that earlier in the thread. Yes, it's definitely him. (1) the photo (wearing the multi-coloured hat while using the camera) is a pic on Scamoe's Facebook. (2) The email address on the site above is the same one Scamoe used to communicate with me before going AFK.

LOL @ the "pro" website with a hotmail contact address btw.
Are there any pictures of the actual damaged hard drives in question? Thought it would be interesting to see the damage.

Oh and...


Not from me I'm afraid. It just makes a strange noise when you move it, and crashes any PC you hook it up to, at the "Detecting IDE drives" POST stage.
So I was thinking everyone on OcUK each sends him a jiffy bag full of broken PC parts.

Obviously after this dispute is resolved and I am in no way advocating we inundate his home with crap. :o

Yeah; just don't make it metals. Knowing SCAMoe the **** would end up making his next million on weighing it all in! :D

Haha yep! and I just love how I have the original thread archived because I'm awesome :p ;)

Me too. ;)

Better nate than lever? ;) That's what OcUK + the reality of being about-to-be-arrested does for you I guess:


Partial refund for now, the email he just sent promises he'll try to get the rest from somewhere... Hopefully he's had the good grace to do the same for the other(s). I await the next installment; as I'm sure do all of you.

Again a BIG thanks to all the Dons and anyone else who's helped. OcUK rulez. :D
Even if you get a refund he should still be pushed in some way for being a complete ****.

Google cache + internet + his home details being pretty much plastered all over teh interwebz probably = long-term punishment tbh. This is the kind of stuff you really don't want your future potential employer turning up on Google... :o;)
Someone really needs to do an "All hail teh Overclockers UK GDers" or a detective scene/GD overlay type photoshop to round off the thread so far. I lack the skillz. :)

As above: Anyone else got refunds/partial refunds tonight?
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