Camoe the scammer is pwnd?

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This thread has been awesome but sounds to me like hes just a kid who made a bad call sending hard disks in jiffy bags, spent the money and could not pay people back.

He has clearly been shown the error of his ways however and found himself permabanned

The only thing that would make me think otherwise would be the multiple accounts but did he have those before all this kicked off or only after his main account was banned ?

From what I've gathered, he made at least one or two of those accounts at the time myself and synixx complained about receiving bad drives and asked for refunds. The other, I think pre-dated the whole affair, so who knows?

I'm sorry, but anyone who goes to Turkey for a fortnight with an expensive camera and has the means to place wanted ads for a MacBook Pro should find it easy to reimburse people with THEIR OWN MONEY. We didn't ask him to pay out of his own pocket. If he hadn't taken over a week and a half to dispatch the goods after payment, he'd have known they were DOA before he spent it all.

No sympathy either way, tbh.
Huge thread, tl:dr if anybody could be so kind?

Don't be so lazy, it's worth a read. :p Basically Camoe sold me and synixx hdds through MM. Posted them in a plain Jiffy with no packaging at all, having waited a week and a half after receiving money from buyer to do so. Only used 2x 1st class stamps as postage, leaving an invoice from RM attached to the package for the buyers to pay. HDDs obviously arrived broken given their means of dispatch. Camoe proclaims he's not a shop, no refunds. After last thread declares he'll pay us refunds at the end of July 2010. Disappears from the forum the week before that, while his other dupe accounts (four in all) keep posting. Refuses to answer emails from buyers and MM Dons. He thinks we're all too dumb to realise how his (retarded) plan worked. GD threads ensue, refunds follow much to GD's amusement. Scamoe is branded in front of his friends and family as a shyster.

That's about as brief as it can go without you losing out on major details.
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