To be honest potentially a partial refund weakens your personal position if you attempt to take this further via police/small claims as it appears they are attempting to recompense and may just let them decide an agreeable payment plan.
Im not saying it will be dealt any quicker via the proper channels - just might end up being more of a pain in the end if they think their is some honest attempt to deal with the matter.
Definitely as youve said before attempt to get all affected parties to contact Cameos local police station to file this issue - hopefully the police on the door will spur him into immediate action and if not, a group claim via small courts is far more preferable than individual claims.
If Cameo is reading this, then sorry bud - I truly hope you are ashamed and embarrassed by this in real life - I for one would never want the Police on my doorstep for any reason, petty or not - especially combined with the knowledge that a lot of people you know on facebook know exactly what type of person you are - this could be both friends, family and co-workers. You are SCUM to be honest...
What I can't understand is how someone can fail to have the money to refund someone. You just got paid some money, give the same money back!
18 amazing pages.
So what was his excuse for coming up with £6.40 of the £15 odd owed? All he had in his PP account at the time? Personally, I'd reject the payment and proceed with the serving. He's tied his own rope on this one.
Threads like this you have to roll with 80 posts per page! So many pages on your sig!
Awesome sig though.
I posted my arse in his holiday thread and he probably loved it
lol Rainmaker think you should get some sleep.
Nope, the file size is to big.
Its still 20+kb, did you link wrong one
edit, nvm its fix0red now.
Aye. that's sorted it.
EDIT: Not going to Turkey are you
You must have been planning a very cheap holiday.
In truth one was his alleged mate but that was also a dupe of a banned account
Surely a 'Scammers Archive' would be better.. reserved for those that have scammed.
Although I think it would have to show the resolution of the problem if they resolve it in full.
Excellent result
Now double check the emails and your paypal account to make sure they are genuine
Was it just the two of you who got hit or were there others who haven't come forward?
How much money did/does he owe in total?
Are we talking a lot here or just a few quid?