I'm sure it's very possible to train on a vegan diet.... but all those banana's is just plain dumb.
I'm sure it's very possible to train on a vegan diet.... but all those banana's is just plain dumb.
That feel when someone is 5kg behind your working sets bench weight (granted I do 3x8), then he posts a picture looking like a malnourished homo. What make be leaf!
LOL was thinking the same thing about as believable as him ingesting 60 bananas up his back side. Is this real life?
Care to post a video of you benching 80kg x5?
Yeah, you'll never see it for the following 10 reasons/excuses:
1. Apparently he doesnt have a smart phone - how will he record it?
2. His mate could record it? Probably but he rages and hates us guys so why would he?
3. He will say ' i was banned so said video was deleted because i couldnt post it'
4. Instead of buying a cheap smart phone for fellow rats to help out my form i would rather buy donkey kong size trolley load of bananaramas.
5. I am a phaggot
6. He is the guy remember that posted videos before and lifted wayy too much weight so his 5 reps probably classed as 1 - 2 whole reps at the most.
7. He no longer has his GF to un/rack the bench for him.
8. 7 was rude, apologies.
9. Not srs.
10. Rince and Repeat #5.
What a ****tard, aimed at no one in particular you all make me sick.
Quiet shorty!
You mean Banana Backloading?
I am lmao here. Epic thread. Except, I struggle to believe that that physique can bench 80kg.
Must be all those bananas.
Also bulking up on almond butter and bananas, two bags of cherries, celery. I'm sooo weak and hungry right now gotta get some KF Seeeee baby.