Can a vegan diet make me strong. Let's find out.

The joke is you, not the steak. The steak will be a bitter love story, a love triangle between a cow, a steak, and their eater.

Ohh, I'm gonna season it well too, fry it so its leaning on the side of rare, and let that joocey blood run in to the cottage cheese too :)
Okay I appreciate that you eat meat, your choice. But please have some respect for the cow that died so you could eat that steak by not making it into a joke.

Please have some respect for the people that don't buy into your ridiculous life choices by not preaching to us, and we will show some respect in return.
Today's workout

Squat - 75kg (Good lifts, still enjoying the low weight) Need to work on my butt winking.
Bench - 70kg (Personal record for me, had room for more too, pushing with power lifting elbow position really helps.)
Penlay Rows - 65kg (Seemed alright)
Is this the part where i explain how meat tastes better the more the animal has suffered? Ever eaten some cow while the rest of it was still alive? Best youll ever taste no joke. Them battery farmed chickens too? Soft like butter i sweat to god. Blood like salty tears, amazing.
What is wrong with this thread.

Nates you say you don't want to talk about your diet, stop ****ing talking about it then and no one will say anything about it! Then you batter on in every post, there is no video of any of your lifts.

Your merly entertainment to us and may it continue :)
MoNkeE - I'm just reporting what I see around me. More like a heart broken story, it's easy to talk like that when you're not the victim, you didn't have to go through anything that cow has.

Skillmister - Ridiculous? What's ridiculous about not eating blood, flesh, veins, muscles and tendons. The cut up corpse of a dismembered body. I'm not preaching, I'm giving awareness on a topic you might not think about otherwise. How often do you talk about these things to your meat eating friends?

Ultra_Extreme - Now that is obvious trolling on your part but I'll bite. Yeah big man aren't you. Go get a job working the slaughter houses so you can beat up the cows, kick and punch them so they can suffer for you taste. How can you even joke about it? Do you feel nothing? Stay radically cruel then make sure they never experience one drop of human kindness from you. They have never harmed you, violated you or taken advantage of you in any shape of form, the least you can do is return the favor.
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I'm not preaching, I'm giving awareness on a topic you might not think about otherwise. How often do you talk about these things to your meat eating friends?

Meat is delicious, why would i think about stopping eating it? I know what goes on to make it appear on my plate and i couldn't give 2 ****s.
Ultra_Extreme - Now that is obvious trolling on your part but I'll bite. Yeah big man aren't you. Go get a job working the slaughter houses so you can beat up the cows, kick and punch them so they can suffer for you taste. How can you even joke about it? Do you feel nothing? Stay radically cruel then make sure they never experience one drop of human kindness from you. They have never harmed you, violated you or taken advantage of you in any shape of form, the least you can do is return the favor.

Dude, do you get free meat in this job? If so I'll do it part time, possibly even for free (well for free meat and eggs).

Count me in.

Fair enough, I wish you at least gave a little **** but never mind that's a shock to me as I've never heard someone say that to me.

I also don't give a ****. Had this discussion with friends before too and most of them also don't give a **** we all know what happens.
Okay I understand, but do you care about animal cruelty, speciesism, discrimination (which is evil on it's foundation is it not?)

Well you know what it's easy for you and your friend to say you don't give a ****. You're not the victim. Then it's pretty easy to rationalize and excuse cruelty, inequality, injustice, slavery, and even murder. But when you are the victim, things look a lot differently.
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So you're saying that meat gives us diabetes!??

I think this thread is doomed, as much as I'd like it to continue.

Unfortunately, all that's happening is that you're furthering the stereotype of vegans being completely mad. In your thread title you ask "Can a vegan diet make me strong," which really does suggest some health or performance BENEFIT to being vegan. This is just complete nonsense.

As for not needing scientific studies, I think that says all we need to know about your attitude. Before you get all rustled and post terrible studies, the reason why you can find all kinds of studies supporting all kinds of theories is because of poor experimental method and overly imaginative conclusions. The problem is, someone who doesn't know science isn't going to have an eye for these things, hence the seemingly confusing tapestry of conflicting studies.

As for respecting the animal that died for my meal, yes, I respect it a normal amount. I don't shed a tear for it's anthropomorphised feelings, but I don't want it to have suffered more than necessary.
You have the mind of a 5 year old.

This is nature, it's what happens, you're acting like the meat eaters are against what nature intended when the simple fact is it's the other way around. Does it bother you that every single second of the day, somewhere in the world there will be an animal being killed and eaten by another animal that's further up the food chain, often in a slow and painful death? Or does that 'suffering' not bother you?
Okay I understand, you don't care about animal cruelty, speciesism, discrimination (which is evil on it's foundation is it not?)

Well you know what it's easy for you and your friend to say you don't give a ****. You're not the victim. Then it's pretty easy to rationalize and excuse cruelty, inequality, injustice, slavery, and even murder. But when you are the victim, things look a lot differently.
WTF is this?


Genuine question: What are your views on other omnivores and predators eating other animals? Should we arrest them and put them to trial? (last part may not be entirely serious)
I hope you say a prayer for the poor defenceless cabbage you so cruelly tear from the ground! :mad:

In & Out, bears eat meat that's good enough for me, bears are awesome. Fact.
I've seen the matrix, I know human kind is doomed to be farmed.

So until that terrible day, when vegans can rise up and say "retribution is upon us, meat eaters have doomed us all", I will enjoy my meat, eggs and milk.
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