Can a vegan diet make me strong. Let's find out.

The root cause of world hunger - meat eating societies. 65% of the worlds grains are set aside every year to feed 53 billion land animals that are killed every year on this planet. The number one cause is animal agriculture.

Er no. The main cause of hunger in the world is people living in areas where plants won't grow. Therefore, it's the plants fault!!! Damn plants, shaking up peoples shiz!

PS, awesome training log. Delivers on all levels :)
Syla5 - Vegans let animals live too, for a lot longer.

Captain Planet - We set aside most of our grains for animals (which we have produced to many of because of cheap meat) which could be used to feed hungry people. Billions of marine animals, we have fish farms. Instead of using those crops for six billion people.

Skillmister - Every year every cow on every dairy farm is raped.

tom_e - So, are you founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Sperm? I'm glad you might be concerned about this but let’s keep in mind the main form of cruelty on the planet, is what we do to the animals.

I was just thinking whilst I went for a walk, of lions and giant horents trying to eat Begbie. Just walking down the woods and a lion attacked him and jumped on him. I'd be like ah too bad I'm a vegan man.

I would beat the ****, or try to beat the **** out of that lion and get him off you as self defense. You were attacked. Same if some human jumped on my friends for no reason I'd protect them too. If hornets are attacking and killing people in Japan then they have the right to attack and kill them too. Keep in mind cows do not attack us. Chickens have never attacked a human being in history.

Something else I’m curious about. Why do we think we’re better than chickens when we kill over 50 million chickens every year on this planet? We’ve been doing this for thousands of years. How is the murderer more special than the murdered? How is the oppressor better than the oppressed? We got this backwards, we’re not better than them. We’re the ones attacking them, that makes us less important. That makes us worse, evil.
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Syla5 - Vegans let animals live too, for a lot longer.

Captain Planet - We set aside most of our grains for animals (which we have produced to many of because of cheap meat) which could be used to feed hungry people. Billions of marine animals, we have fish farms. Instead of using those crops for six billion people.

Skillmister - Every year every cow on every dairy farm is raped.

tom_e - So, are you founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Sperm? I'm glad you might be concerned about this but let’s keep in mind the main form of cruelty on the planet, is what we do to the animals.

I was just thinking whilst I went for a walk, of lions and giant horents trying to eat Begbie. Just walking down the woods and a lion attacked him and jumped on him. I'd be like ah too bad I'm a vegan man.

I would beat the ****, or try to beat the **** out of that lion and get him off you as self defense. You were attacked. Same if some human jumped on my friends for no reason I'd protect them too. If hornets are attacking and killing people in Japan then they have the right to attack and kill them too. Keep in mind cows do not attack us. Chickens have never attacked a human being in history.

Something else I’m curious about. Why do we think we’re better than chickens when we kill over 50 million chickens every year on this planet? We’ve been doing this for thousands of years. How is the murderer more special than the murdered? How is the oppressor better than the oppressed? We got this backwards, we’re not better than them. We’re the ones attacking them, that makes us less important. That makes us worse, evil.

I refer you to this -
Is it crueler to let something live, then to never let it exist in the first place?

Syla5 - Vegans let animals live too, for a lot longer.
Not answering the question

Captain Planet - We set aside most of our grains for animals (which we have produced to many of because of cheap meat) which could be used to feed hungry people. Billions of marine animals, we have fish farms. Instead of using those crops for six billion people.

We wouldn't be producing as much crops if we didn't have as many animals to feed. There would still be world hunger because the farmers aren't going to grow the crops and give it away for free. The problem with world hunger is money not lack of food.

And all this talk of murder, how many sharks or lions have ever been charged with murder for killing humans? ****ing non because its natural, just like humans eating animals is.
Syla5 - Vegans let animals live too, for a lot longer.

Captain Planet - We set aside most of our grains for animals (which we have produced to many of because of cheap meat) which could be used to feed hungry people. Billions of marine animals, we have fish farms. Instead of using those crops for six billion people.

Skillmister - Every year every cow on every dairy farm is raped.

tom_e - So, are you founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Sperm? I'm glad you might be concerned about this but let’s keep in mind the main form of cruelty on the planet, is what we do to the animals.

I was just thinking whilst I went for a walk, of lions and giant horents trying to eat Begbie. Just walking down the woods and a lion attacked him and jumped on him. I'd be like ah too bad I'm a vegan man.

I would beat the ****, or try to beat the **** out of that lion and get him off you as self defense. You were attacked. Same if some human jumped on my friends for no reason I'd protect them too. If hornets are attacking and killing people in Japan then they have the right to attack and kill them too. Keep in mind cows do not attack us. Chickens have never attacked a human being in history.

Something else I’m curious about. Why do we think we’re better than chickens when we kill over 50 million chickens every year on this planet? We’ve been doing this for thousands of years. How is the murderer more special than the murdered? How is the oppressor better than the oppressed? We got this backwards, we’re not better than them. We’re the ones attacking them, that makes us less important. That makes us worse, evil.

Sorry, but you are completely ridiculous and you have managed to turn your thread into a farce. No-one is going to take you seriously now, not that they really did in the first place.
I do want to state for the record, that altho i been trolling nate, i do have much respect for animals, so much so in fact that i have personally killed, cleaned and gutted (almost) every animal type i have ever eaten. No i dont mean i have personally killed everything i have eaten. But to me it is important to have the respect for what you are eating and the cost of that. There is something that annoys me more than even a vegan, and thats the person who eats meat but is put off their plate when you remind them it was once a living breathing creature. Vegans might be twonks, but at least they are honest twonks. People who wretch at the skinning, gutting and cleaning of a bunny rabbit have no business eating meat.
Syla5 - I believe it's crueler to kill a species than to not let it exist in the first place. What do you mean by letting it exist?

Ultra_Extreme - Respect. Well that's new to me, first time I'm glad someone trolled me. Yep if people choose to eat meat, cheese, milk and eggs, I think, at the very least, you are obligated to see the pain and suffering you are causing.

That said if people do feel the need to turn away and ignore what goes on, you might want to ask yourself a question: If it's not good enough for my eyes, then why is it good enough for my stomach?

UE do you have any pets?
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I'm sure a lot of pigs have asked themselves that very question. So you think I'm weak because of what I stand for? (nvm that question, I don't care, your comment was faceious anyways).
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I think it's probably time to lay this to rest.

Well done on the bench PR. Get some form videos up asap and eat a boat load of food - whatever food that may be. Best of luck with your goals and keep this thread updated.
Thanks skeptic, I'll report back Wednesday, my friend has a video of my squatting, I'll get it off him. One thing I hate about recording in the gym is people think you are intending to upload it to youtube, as if you think you are lifting a world record.
Thanks skeptic, I'll report back Wednesday, my friend has a video of my squatting, I'll get it off him. One thing I hate about recording in the gym is people think you are putting it on youtube like you think you are lifting a world record.

Don't give a rat's ass what other people think. :)
Don't give a rat's ass what other people think. :)


Just plod the phone next to your keys propped against a wall at the gym. That's my technique. Looks less obvious.

Trollin aside I think we're all waiting for these videos.
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