Can money buy happiness?

Don't think it buys happiness as such, but you can easily get rid of a lot of negative stresses in life by it not being something to worry about.

I'd certainly be happy with lots of money!
Money cant buy happiness, but it can buy "things" and things can make you happy as well as the knowledge of not having to worry about money for whatever comes up in your life.

If you are happy with material possessions then technically it does buy happiness. I know that if I had enough money that I never had to worry about what I bought etc I would be happy. But then again, I love loving alone and having time to myself.
A lot of its down to health. If you have severe depression, money won't magically pull you out of it, and if you have a physically debilitating and life limiting disease, then it doesn't really mean much and you would give every last penny away to have your health back.

Simon Cowell is rich beyond my wildest dreams, but a few weeks ago, his mother died. Even if I was a billionaire, losing my mother would devastate me beyond what any amount of money could help.
A lot of its down to health. If you have severe depression, money won't magically pull you out of it, and if you have a physically debilitating and life limiting disease, then it doesn't really mean much and you would give every last penny away to have your health back.

Simon Cowell is rich beyond my wildest dreams, but a few weeks ago, his mother died. Even if I was a billionaire, losing my mother would devastate me beyond what any amount of money could help.

I suppose it's pretty simple
Money can't fix my mind or the problems in my life.
Nor are my hopes/dreams dependant on money.

Distractions sure (cars) but not happiness.
It wouldn’t guarantee happiness but it would definitely remove a lot of stress at times, 20k and I’d be happy at the moment, but that’s currently being worked on.

100k and I’ll be very happy, 200k and id be sorted but I’m sure other issues in life would appear to cause unhappiness. No matter what money is available it can’t change emotions when real life happens.
LOL no... money cannot buy happiness.

Some people seem to be somewhat (nature/nurture unknown) pre-disposed to happiness or un-happiness.

Those who are pre-disposed to happiness, will continue to be happy, whatever their financial situation.

Those who are pre-disposed to un-happiness, could easily find their un-happiness amplified or more in-focus due to a lack of funds and subsequently things to do. With money, it is much much easier to distract yourself from that un-happiness and find pleasures that can be easily mistaken for true joy.
Money removes large barriers that might otherwise stand in the way of happiness. I think if you can't find some happiness with money then you're in a bad, bad way.
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