The VERY simple problem with that being, Capello continued to choose the same players game after game, that Capello or Sven would have chosen.
Capello did NOT HAVE TO CHOOSE THOSE PLAYERS, this is where yours and just about everyone elses theory that the players are completely to blame falls apart. Arsenal/Utd/Chelsea might spend, well theres a good example, 50million on a striker who can't score anymore. They have no choice but to try to get him to play well by playing him as he's getting around 10mil a year to not score either way. England have no such restriction........ player playing crap, bring in a different player.
But then you get excuses of, but who would you bring in instead of Rooney, or Terry, or Gerrard, or whoever, well, if they aren't playing well for England, and infact are playing utter crap, then there are lots of players who could play better FOR THAT SPECIFIC TEAM, even if technically you wouldn't rate them as highly as another player you might drop.
Seriously, look at who Capello did/didn't play with. Johnson and Barry were caught against Germany incredibly badly and easily each time, Barry's reading of the game is poor and his utter lack of pace compounds that. Terry's lack of pace is OFFSET by his reading of the game, not made worse by it. Barry shouldn't have been in the team in the past 5 years, let alone starting, same with Johnson.
Again I'll point out, Capello brought on HESKEY, in the only important game to somehow win it for us. That isn't the players fault, that is 100% Capello's fault. There were probably at least 10 players in the squad who shouldn't be there, and another 5 who simply do not work in that particularly team and set up, that is entirely the managers fault.
As for the question of discipline, what a laughable over reaction by everyone, Fergie has a very different style to other managers, yet, do you see him taking his whole team into isolation for the season, allowing the players zero downtime? There is a far cry between letting them party all night long with all the girlfriends around all the time, and the press, and everyone else, and living in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do and unable to speak to anyone. We went from one extreme to the other, while every other team was sensibly in the middle the whole time.