Caster Semenya could be forced to undertake hormone therapy for future Olympics

So the question was answered, you wanted to discuss in good faith supposedly and yet... [crickets]

What was it you were looking to discuss exactly if you're being sincere there?

I clearly asked you to answer it. After avoiding answering it with nonsense replies about "personal issues" etc, you let someone else answer it and then tagged on a snarky reply so I chose to no longer engage with your childish and disingenuous posting style, that's why you have received no reply.
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I clearly asked you to answer it. After avoiding answering it with nonsense replies about "personal issues" etc, you let someone else answer it and then tagged on a snarky reply so I chose to no longer engage with your childish and disingenuous posting style, that's why you have received no reply.

Someone else had already answered what the obvious was... because it was blinding obvious and I posted to agree with them.

You're just having your own little rant all over again and it's clear you had no substantive point to make nor were you attempting to discuss anything in good faith.
Actually it was a similar argument in this thread, which I believe predates the disagreements from the dog one.
Incidentally, it's not the dog being defended, but the people affecting it that I'm 'prosecuting'. But I'm sure you knew that, given how often I've pointed it out.

I try not to 'imply' anything with my posts, as people tend to read into that whatever they want to hear.
Right now it's a messy bulk-buy Costco-special multipack of canned worms, with the various disagreements over the scientific evidence for any of the different perspectives, with the way the CAS/IOC have handled the matter, with the levels of publicity and privacy violations, with the legal procedures and interpretations underpinning the different hearings and rulings, and all manner of holes being picked in everything.

From a scientific perspective, you show me absolute peer-agreed proof that an individual has a definite and unfair advantage, not commensurate with their designated* sex, as a result of their specific biology, then that is the line.
Again, show me the same level of proof that it is specifically natural excess testosterone that has resulted in this particular advantage, in their particular discipline/event, that's where the line begins.
But as of the last time I bothered reading up on the subject, these factors and those in the above paragraph are all still being highly and hotly debated by various experts, so until those are globally settled you can't reliably start filling up your line-painting machine.

From a moral perspective, we have a wealth of both Trans-people and athletes being caught doping, both of which I consider artificial advantages. Someone who has been designated all their lives as female, by both the doctors of their own 'uneducated, backward, under-resourced' nation and previously by those of the official ruling bodies, and is competing in their 'natural state' without any kind of elective enhancement - I see no problem with them competing, unless you have the above-specified proof that the advantage they have is unfair. The argument is that most elite level athletes have some sort of advantage, which is precisely what got them to elite level in the first place. Whether those are unfair is again still debatable, but it seems even there the rules are still chopping and changing...

Either way, the details and reasoning behind any such ruling should not be made public, given how badly these athletes' privacy and personal lives have been put through the ringer.

*Designated by social and physical standards, completely ignoring any legal or self-certifying assertions.
You are literally parotting the 2021 IOC Framework on Fairness, Inclusion and Non-discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sex variations.

Unfortunately it was well thought out as a chocolate fireguard.

The crux is exactly as you wish, you have to assume zero advantage is gained from any athlete competing in the Womens category and will only be ineligible if direct peer review scientific evidence can be put forward of a specific advantage. This framework was not for them to define tests but for the sporting bodies to use, i.e. passing this to each Sporting Federation (which in 2021 would have been the IBA).

The obviousness of it all is that the science around this specific subject is so incomplete as to be useless.. People can't even agree on testosterone, it depends on the individual, if they had elevated levels through puberty, if they are resilient to it etc, etc, etc, etc.. Never mind everything else..

(To repeat myself) So much so, in defending the IOCs decision ( their spokesperson made some great admissions
"I would just say that everyone competing in the women’s category is complying with the competition eligibility rules. They are women in their passports and it is stated that is the case."

Adams conceded that rules regarding who should compete in the female category were “complex”, especially when it came to those who had undergone male puberty, but said it should be up to each sport to make a decision rather than the IOC.

“As for the question about testosterone and going through male puberty, we issued a framework document to all the federations,” he said. “And everyone would love to have a single answer: yes, no, yes, no. But it’s incredibly complex.

“And actually it boils down to not just sport by sport, but discipline by discipline. So people may have an advantage in this discipline and not in this discipline if they have been through male puberty or not.”

Adams added the IOC’s position was for sports to try to balance fairness in female sport with inclusivity. “Federations need to make the rules to make sure that there is fairness, but at the same time with the ability for everyone to take part who wants to,” he said.

That’s a difficult balance. In the end it’s up to the experts for each discipline. They know very well where there is an advantage, and if that is a big advantage then that is clearly not acceptable. But that decision needs to be made at that level.

So as stated it was down to the federations to just 'know' when there was an advantage and to what extent and then determine some acceptability criteria.. The IBA did this and banned them (And the IBA press conference above should help answer any further questions on that situation). The fact the IOC parted ways with the IBA and the net result is zero testing, just a passport check..

The problem has been around much longer, if you read a few papers on the subject (so I'll summarise from them) you can see that hyperandrogenic athletes have been constantly a source of concern, notably women with polycystic ovary syndrome (who are overrepresented in elite athletics), this extends to DSD and Trans in that it was believed that testosterone was the key defining difference, that and increased Haemoglobin levels (ability to carry more o2/co2 throughout the body) that it was believed back in 2011 that all they had to do was put a limit on testosterone and all would be good, they did put in the caveat 'unless it could be proven the hyperandrogenic athlete was not reactive to the increased circulating testosterone').

However in 2015 that rule was suspended because the science was disputed (it being incomplete , and so the IAAF had to effectively run on the basis that circulating testosterone levels didn't matter in hyperandrogenic athletes and that opened the door to where we are today. I agree that the subject is too complex for science at the moment, I think testosterone is not the marker that conclusively proves everything simply as having elevated circulating testosterone through puberty has an irreversible effect on the body, one that can't be entirely undone from just lowering circulating testosterone levels later on.

On the science, it's well documented how 'circulating' testosterone levels improve performance as well as the increased haemoglobin and all the good effects that can have.. what is almost impossible to prove due to the nature of the studies required is how testosterone and any other 'Y' chromosome effects contribute precisely to a persons performance over time, through puberty and on any individuals hormonal make up.

But we can look back at a time that some very barbaric practices show the effects. Eastern Germany/European nations in the 70s and 80s had a mass doping program running that in Eastern Germany alone affected at least 10,000 athletes, most unknowingly, given a raft of drugs including testosterone through puberty to irreversible alter their bodies and clearly from the fact they dominated at times (over 90% of the womens medals going to eastern european women who had been doped) this showed the dramatic performance enhancement that can come from boosting testosterone levels artificially for long periods of time especially through puberty.

Now imagine instead of the Stasi doping program you have someone that has a natural ability to produce a subset of those drugs and potentially do this through puberty.. then have increased levels of circulating testosterone for very long periods of time..

So to have a stance that unless there is absolute peer reviewed evidence of a specific advantage in such a complex area that science can't help is so disingenuous to a point that you end up ignoring the federation when they declare someone ineligible and then admitting it's too complex so can only rely on their passport. This is why (for other sports) we have the absolute mess of Laurel Hubbard.. 100% eligible for the womens category, yet born male, went through puberty as male, competed as a male, would only place last place internationally, transitions, lowers their testosterone and despite a small drop in performance instantly lifts enough to qualify sixth in the world..
It's absurd that when the IOC wants to waffle about it being down to individual sports etc that boxing, of all things, is one of the sports that still lets males compete as women.

You'd think if they're going for an individual sport approach then some common sense would prevail and combat sports would be an obvious no-no for safety and fairness reasons, various athletics events for fairness and maybe the debate would be about things like the extent of male advantage in say pistol shooting etc..

Perhaps less shocking than boxing, but still farcical, is that the limits on DSD males with male advantages (who naturally produce male levels of testosterone) in athletics events basically just apply to middle distance - 400m, 800m and 1500m + hurdles & combined events over similar. The requirement is they lower their T levels.

And for trans they just need to have lowered T for 12 months for all events.

The requirement was dropped during the 2016 games unfortunately and we can see what happened!

In 2016 Lindsay Sharp, who is quite familiar with this issue, gave an honest response to reporters (see the comment section for how this was received):

Some people were confused about why the person in 6th place was complaining but it seems all three medal winners were biological males, she'd just been robbed of a gold medal:

What are the odds of that? A rare intersex condition and yet all three medal-winning "women" have it! Couldn't possibly be some advantage thanks to being male?

Interestingly too re: the Canadian runner who ended up in 4th place, this is what the coach of the Canadian team had to say:
“I was the first one to see Melissa after the race and what do you even say in that scenario? ‘You’re the best woman in the race?’ You don’t get a medal for that,” Eriksson says. “This was such an injustice I wanted to speak out, and then I got a call from the Canadian Olympic Committee’s lawyer saying that if I opened my mouth, I would be banned for life in sport.”

It's become very much a "woke"/culture war issue thus the common sense approach of just don't let biological males with male advantages compete in women's sports is suddenly controversial and it's taken huge efforts just to get a handful of running events restricted to only biological women or biological males who are willing to lower their testosterone levels.
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Simplest solution would be for their to be an extra qualifying round before all events, where if is a men's event they have to change the spark plugs on a 1979 MkII Ford Escort in under 20 minutes, i.e. man confirmed, or for women's events, something similar but for whatever women are good at. Something to do with sewing the hem on an old pair jeans blindfold, or something like that.
Here's an idea... how about we let women compete with men but they can modify their bodies with zero rules.

That'd be fun(ny).

Also they can partake in combat so long as the weapons are part of their body. I think I'd watch that.
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You are literally parotting the 2021 IOC Framework on Fairness, Inclusion and Non-discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sex variations.
Is this the same IOC that was told to go away because there wasn't enough scientific research to support their assertions, and then paid for a single study that came back saying exactly what they needed for the CAS to go, "Yeah, that'll do" despite being ripped apart by a number of peers?
I recall being very unimpressed by their approach.

The obviousness of it all is that the science around this specific subject is so incomplete as to be useless.. People can't even agree on testosterone, it depends on the individual, if they had elevated levels through puberty, if they are resilient to it etc, etc, etc, etc.. Never mind everything else..
And this has been the sticking point through all the mostly-unfounded assertions based on little more than headlines, Twitter rants and assumptions.
If there's incontrovertible proof, beyond the "Well it's obvious if you infer the meaning", then fine. But so far we still haven't actually had that.

So as stated it was down to the federations to just 'know' when there was an advantage and to what extent and then determine some acceptability criteria.
I'm willing to bet that anyone who has ever smashed a world record has been suspected of cheating by federations experts, though, and that the sorts of performances today from 'normal' athletes would be considered insane 100 or even 50 years ago. Times change, people develop differently and get better. This is why you need more science doing, to actually figure out the situation and answer the questions with something far more substantial than just someone's gut feeling.

But we can look back at a time that some very barbaric practices show the effects. Eastern Germany/European nations in the 70s and 80s had a mass doping program running that in Eastern Germany alone affected at least 10,000 athletes, most unknowingly, given a raft of drugs including testosterone through puberty to irreversible alter their bodies and clearly from the fact they dominated at times (over 90% of the womens medals going to eastern european women who had been doped) this showed the dramatic performance enhancement that can come from boosting testosterone levels artificially for long periods of time especially through puberty.
The arguments are that artificial testosterone does (temporarily) enhance performance, but in ways that naturally high testosterone does not. Bodybuilders were used as the most common example, where women with normal levels of testosterone still achieve up to 85% the muscle increase as men with many times more testosterone.

So to have a stance that unless there is absolute peer reviewed evidence of a specific advantage in such a complex area that science can't help is so disingenuous to a point that you end up ignoring the federation when they declare someone ineligible and then admitting it's too complex so can only rely on their passport.
It's an even worse approach, as it has no substantiation beyond "because some nation/state says so".
Far better to just exclude any questionable individuals, "for confidential reasons" and state that they remain in good standing, until something more scientific can be applied.

This is why (for other sports) we have the absolute mess of Laurel Hubbard.. 100% eligible for the womens category, yet born male, went through puberty as male, competed as a male, would only place last place internationally, transitions, lowers their testosterone and despite a small drop in performance instantly lifts enough to qualify sixth in the world..
He is not considered female in his natural-born state, though.
DSDers have done nothing to change themselves, either through doping or filling out legal paperwork.
If comes down to the solution being that you're going to use 'science' to suddenly flip someone's entire life-long given identity and force them to accept this, it should not be plastered all over the public realm.

Simplest solution would be for their to be an extra qualifying round before all events, where if is a men's event they have to change the spark plugs on a 1979 MkII Ford Escort in under 20 minutes, i.e. man confirmed, or for women's events, something similar but for whatever women are good at. Something to do with sewing the hem on an old pair jeans blindfold, or something like that.
Nice idea, but likely flawed because men have had the ability to undertake many such 'female' tasks ever since they started going to war without a bunch of lasses in the baggage train.
Most soldiers can cook, clean, sew stuff up, and all that.

Also they can partake in combat so long as the weapons are part of their body. I think I'd watch that.
Actually I think the use of most melee weapons would be far more of an equaliser, as the force-multiplying factor for women would make most of them sufficiently lethal to be considered on equal footing with their male counterparts. You'd only have to match opponents by their reach and it'd be pretty damn fair. Weight, lung capacity, bone density, stamina all mean nothing when a single hit in the right place is all it takes.
He is not considered female in his natural-born state, though.

Neither are males with DSD conditions considered female in their natural born state.

DSDers have done nothing to change themselves, either through doping or filling out legal paperwork.

The same could be said about non-DSD males, they shouldn't be allowed to compete as women though.

If comes down to the solution being that you're going to use 'science' to suddenly flip someone's entire life-long given identity and force them to accept this, it should not be plastered all over the public realm.

That's on the athletes who know they are biological males and decide to come and compete in the Olympics as women anyway, they're free to stay at home out of the spotlight or take their rightful place competing in local running club or boxing club events with other mediocre male amateurs at their level.

Of if they feel particularly strongly for DSD inclusion in Olympic sport then perhaps lobby for inclusion in the Paralympics.
Where do you draw the line though? Phelps for example was a perfect genetic hybrid of a man for swimming. He is only 3cm taller than me but his wing span is magnitudes bigger than mine and his shoe size is 4 sizes bigger than me!

I could train better than him but I am never going to beat him due to genetics.

30-40 years ago a genuine champion could win due to having the right work ethic and determination but those days are long gone now with Sports Science how it is now.

The whole sport needs a big shakeup really or nations have to get realistic with their expectations and only train youth for a sport they will actually be good at.
Where do you draw the line though? Phelps for example was a perfect genetic hybrid of a man for swimming. He is only 3cm taller than me but his wing span is magnitudes bigger than mine and his shoe size is 4 sizes bigger than me!

I could train better than him but I am never going to beat him due to genetics.

30-40 years ago a genuine champion could win due to having the right work ethic and determination but those days are long gone now with Sports Science how it is now.

The whole sport needs a big shakeup really or nations have to get realistic with their expectations and only train youth for a sport they will actually be good at.
Different sports favour different body types. You might not beat phelps in swimming but find the sport that suits your body type and (assuming equal training ) you would wipe the floor with him. The right mindset has never been enough, people generally lean to what they are good at and usually they are good at it due to some physical advantages.

Side note. I’m slightly shorter than Phelps but I have a large wing span (6 foot 10 from memory). Maybe I need to get into swimming. :D

Side note 2: are you really 6ft+ but you only have size 10 feet?
Different sports favour different body types. You might not beat phelps in swimming but find the sport that suits your body type and (assuming equal training ) you would wipe the floor with him. The right mindset has never been enough, people generally lean to what they are good at and usually they are good at it due to some physical advantages.

Side note. I’m slightly shorter than Phelps but I have a large wing span (6 foot 10 from memory). Maybe I need to get into swimming. :D

Side note 2: are you really 6ft+ but you only have size 10 feet?

Yeah I am 6ft3 with a shoe size 10.5 to be precise. I have never had my feet measured properly though. I will normally go a size higher for a boot. Apparently smaller feet on a taller person is good for running which I wasn't bad at during secondary.
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Where do you draw the line though? Phelps for example was a perfect genetic hybrid of a man for swimming. He is only 3cm taller than me but his wing span is magnitudes bigger than mine and his shoe size is 4 sizes bigger than me!

I could train better than him but I am never going to beat him due to genetics.

30-40 years ago a genuine champion could win due to having the right work ethic and determination but those days are long gone now with Sports Science how it is now.

The whole sport needs a big shakeup really or nations have to get realistic with their expectations and only train youth for a sport they will actually be good at.

Exactly an elite sport you need a genetic advantage. There is no was most people could win no matter how hard they rrained/pushed etc.

I think that goes a long way as to why I don't really watch sport now.
Exactly an elite sport you need a genetic advantage. There is no was most people could win no matter how hard they rrained/pushed etc.

I think that goes a long way as to why I don't really watch sport now.

That is why I just find it odd that people are going crazy about this. I understand the problem with a man pretending to be a women but these twin sexed people have a genetic advantage the same as my Michael Phelps post but because it is to do with sex everyone goes crazy when the sport has been a genetic superiority fest since the 80's.
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