Cat abuse - Kenny Glenn

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None of them from credible sources backing up opinion with hard scientific evidence.

Heart disease is the number one health problem in the United States today (it's actually the number one problem is the western world) and, according to the American Heart Association, the single leading cause of death

Right ?, now lets see why all these people are getting heart disease,

Most heart disease is diet-related—caused by animal products. Research shows a highly significant correlation between the consumption of even small amounts of animal-based foods and the increasing prevalence of heart disease.
A major study published in February 2005 reconfirmed the link between meat consumption and heart problems. The study, which was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, concluded that among the 29,000 participants, those who ate the most meat were also at the greatest risk for heart disease.
Mortality rates for heart disease are higher than those of all forms of cancer combined
(wow that even surprised me)

Foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol, such as meat and dairy products, are the major contributors to high cholesterol levels. In fact, animal products are the only sources of dietary cholesterol.

Here’s the good news: Now that we know what causes heart attacks, we can prevent them. Studies have shown that a vegan (pure vegetarian) diet—rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables—can stop and even reverse heart disease. People following a plant-based diet have 2.5 times fewer cardiac events, including heart attack, stroke, bypass surgery, and angioplasty. By switching to a vegetarian diet, you can significantly reduce and even eliminate your chances of dying from heart disease.

There are many many more sources that make similar claims, now all these studies can't be wrong.

The fact is, and pretty much the only advice a real nutritionist/dietician (I'm talking real people with real degrees not trying to sell their latest fad diet/diet pill) will give you is to have a healthy balanced diet, whether it is vegetarian or not.

Lets say for for example you are correct, a balanced diet of either meat or veg is equally healthy for you, well that still doesn't change my primary argument, and that is you don't need to eat meat, you can live just as healthily without it, and this would mean no killing of animals and at the same time you take away the single worst environmentally unfriendly industry.
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The problem here is that I believe that animals are needlessly killed becuase we don't need to eat them to survive, in fact meat is the number one cause of heart disease in the western world, peoples health (in general) would be better off without it as they would live longer and healthier lives, and so in turn putting less strain on hospitals, less destruction on the environment, less global warming, and no killing of fluffy innocent animals, win win all round tbh.

Lets pretend the human race has decided to stop eating meat, what do we do with all the livestock that is now causing a massive imbalance on the eco system and how do we grow the % increase in veg now needed to support the human race?
One of the largest reasons for the destruction of the worlds rainforests is plantation farms.
How is eating meat contributing to the destruction of the environment any more than what growing more fruit/veg would cause?

And how is animal cruilty being related to a vegetarianism / carnivore /environmental debate?
How is eating meat contributing to the destruction of the environment any more than what growing more fruit/veg would cause?

You have to grow food for the animals as well as use land to keep them, so many more rescources are used than would otherwise be if everyone was vegetarian.
... well that still doesn't change my primary argument, and that is you don't need to eat meat, you can live just as healthily without it,...

There are many things in this world I do not need to do, however I do them because I like doing them. I have yet to find a vegetarian meal quite as tasty as an excellent steak, cooked rare to perfection.
so about the cat then... man i bet that kids parents have gone mental at him, with all their contact details and work contacts plastered all over the internet.
Lets pretend the human race has decided to stop eating meat, what do we do with all the livestock that is now causing a massive imbalance on the eco system and how do we grow the % increase in veg now needed to support the human race?
One of the largest reasons for the destruction of the worlds rainforests is plantation farms.
How is eating meat contributing to the destruction of the environment any more than what growing more fruit/veg would cause?

It's not something that would happen overnight, something like this will take years if not decades to change, slowly the meat industry would wind down, your not suddenly going to be left with millions of animals roaming around.

And those plantation farms that are being carved into the rain forest your talking about, the bulk of them are growing soya beans,
"Soya beans as cattle feed, is now the main driver of rainforest destruction."

How demand for soya drives the destruction

The production of soya beans is now a vital industry for Brazil. Agribusiness is the country's number one export earner, and soya is the principal commodity. The current government under President Lula actively promotes soya export as a means to earn foreign exchange for debt payments.

From the 1960s, the Brazilian government promoted soya cultivation so Brazil could become self sufficient in vegetable oils. Soya was increasingly planted on large-scale, fully mechanized farms in the south and the states on the Atlantic coast.

In the past, some agro-engineers believed soya would never threaten the rainforest, because of climatic limitations and soil conditions. Soya was thought to be "as adaptable to conditions of the tropical climate as a panda bear to the African savannah".

However, the development of new varieties has enabled the rapid expansion of soya plantations north, into the tropical states where the rainforest is situated.

Between 1995 and 2004, the area cultivated with soya increased by 77 per cent in the center-west, with Mato Grosso becoming the single biggest producer. Now soya is rapidly advancing from all sides toward the heartland of the Amazon, fueling massive deforestation.
Arable crops require high quality land to grow on. There is not enough high quality land for the whole world to be vegetarian. This is why you have crop rotations, you would need a higher area of land to produce the amount of calories needed for a pure vegetarian crop, rather than using a crop rotation with the poorer/resting land being used for grazing/hay/cattle - meat production (of course this kind of optimal land use would not be able to meet current demands for meat).

The question was how mass livestock farming caused more damage than vegetation not about the feasability of the whole world turning vegetarian. It is interesting to note however that all of the grain used to feed animals in the USA could feed 800 million people rather than the paltry number of people the animals feed now. That at least could be stopped.
Lowrider, I'm sure your convinced your correct, and thats very nice for you but posting cuttings from vegetarian websites, abstractly quoting papers and cherry picking results (more the sources your posting at fault there) does not back up your arguement.

It's not about being convinced I'm right, I know I'm right, and the following is what I'm right about.

1) The number one killer in western society today is Heart disease.

2) The number one reason why so many people are getting heart disease is becuase of meat in their diets.

3) The meat industry as a whole causes the most destruction upon the environment above any other industry in the world.

4) The meat industry causes the highest amount of global warming above any other industry in the world.

5) The meat industry slaughters millions upon millions of animals every year.

6) There are still many cases where these animals are not kept in healthy conditions.


You can tell me whatever you like, but nothing you can say can make me believe that meat in this day and age is needed and that the negatives it has on our environment and health are worthwhile trade off's just so people can enjoy the taste of meat when you can survive without it perfectly fine.
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