Cat was put down today after being shot by an air rifle

30 Jun 2007
Yeah, people sometimes do apply double standards. But there's a big difference between shooting for food or protecting farm animals/humans from wild predators, and shooting a defenceless animal purely for sadistic pleasure.

people have been killing small fury thing for pleasure for centuries hell i'll bet you within the first month of .22/air rifles being first sold to the public a cat or dog was shot.

At least dog/bull/bear/**** fighting isn't common any more.
26 Jan 2007
Just makes me feel sick to think of what that poor cat must have gone through. I just wish there was some way it could be inflicted in the scum that shot him.

RIP Teddy :(

No I think I'd rather put my size 9 on their neck and beat them with the butt of it. Totally boils my **** how anyone can be so cruel. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

If that's true, then I don't think I would be able to be held responsible for my actions toward that person, if it were my cat. :mad:

I'm almost in tears reading this. I'm sorry for your family's loss. I don't know what else to say.

It took me about 20mins to write whilst wiping my eyes every 30 secs :(

I'm sorry mate, I cant post how this makes me feel.

Some people make me ill :(

That's disgusting, I can't believe how sick some people are.
Poor thing. I can deal with people being cruel to other people, but when it's to animals then I just want to go psycho.

I hate cats, but that is ****** disgraceful. Shoot them with an air rifle.

Im so sorry to hear about this :( We are cat owners ourselves and would be devestated if anything like this happened. As far as im concerned people who do this should share the same fate.

Thats pretty god damn low. Hopefully there is some karma about to hit whoever did this hard right around the corner (like falling out of a 2nd storey window maybe)

26 Jan 2007
And your point?

My point is the outburst of emotion is puzzling to me, even more so when it comes over the expense of human suffering (read the quotes).

Its sad for the individual, but why some people are bawling their eyes out over something they have never seen is just ludicrous.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I guess his point is that emotions often stop us from thinking rationally, or seeing the bigger picture.

That may be the case, but cat lovers would all want harm to come to the person who was responsible for this.

Much in the same way you might want the same to happen to someone who did this to a child, although I agree that would be more serious.
18 Aug 2005
The person or people who did this need torture. Shooting a cat with an air rifle is ****ing disgraceful.

If you're sick enough to do it atleast make sure you kill it.

Low life scum.

I'm sorry for your loss OP :(
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I'd happily shoot someone with an air rifle if they shot my cat.

I would aswell.

They would cease to deserve anything better in my eyes, it's absolutely disgraceful.

I can't understand people saying they would value the wellbeing of an disgusting human being over that of an animal.
30 Jun 2007
I can't understand people saying they would value the wellbeing of an disgusting human being over that of an animal.

But that's not what they're saying.

sure that would be the case if you all said you stop him doing it.

but you're talking about doing it after the fact.

SO they actually value both.
9 Jun 2005
The people who say that they feel that the suffering of an animal is worse than a human (yes even on this thread there are some) should honestly take a good long look at their priorities.

Yes its upsetting, cats are nice creatures, but c'mon :/

it IS worse. its like bullying at a top level ,like a 'strong' man beating his wife/kids

a cat is a defenseless animal and the person doing it knows for a fact that it cant harm them back. chances are theyd never dare shoot a human because theyd be too terrified of being shot back
11 Sep 2007
from the internet
I'd happily shoot someone with an air rifle if they shot my cat.

This. To anyone who is totally dispassionate about this and is unable to form emotional bonds with animals for whatever reason, they frankly are like members of the family; much more so than the scum-bags who would go out of their way to shoot something that they must (barring significant mental impairment) know somebody probably loves and cares for could ever be to anybody else.

It is, in my eyes, a case of the cat being of more worth to society than the scum-bag could ever hope to be.
6 Mar 2009
In training.
augh! sorry to hear about this dude. If this happened to my two I would be a jibbering wreak. My cats are part of the family and no doubt yours was too.

My two don't go out around this area for this very reason, maybe when I move and have scoped out the area i'll let them out.

I would rather keep them in then allow some nutter to shoot my cat!
Bad choice of words wizzkiddy.
Bad jokes aside.
Condolences to you and your family, HaMMuS and R.I.P. Teddy.
23 Jun 2005
How did I know this would turn into someone coming in going "LOL WTF GROW UP ITS ONLY A CAT!!!" Yes, it is only a cat, but there are a lot of animal lovers out there. Sure, saying that the perpetrator should be hung drawn and quartered is probably a tad archaic and I don't agree with such statements. But the OP has just had to deal with a very sad thing and people are merely expressing their emotions, turning this thread into a debate about how different people react to loss (or in this case, the story of a loss) is misplaced and disrespectful.
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